XML Security Library




dl -- Dynamic crypto-engine library loading support.


                                                        (xmlSecCryptoDLFunctionsPtr functions);
xmlSecCryptoDLFunctionsPtrxmlSecCryptoDLGetFunctions   (void);
                                                        (const xmlChar *crypto);
intxmlSecCryptoDLInit                  (void);
intxmlSecCryptoDLLoadLibrary           (const xmlChar *crypto);
intxmlSecCryptoDLSetFunctions          (xmlSecCryptoDLFunctionsPtr functions);
intxmlSecCryptoDLShutdown              (void);
intxmlSecCryptoDLUnloadLibrary         (const xmlChar *crypto);


Dynamic crypto-engine library loading support.


xmlSecCryptoDLFunctionsRegisterKeyDataAndTransforms ()

int                 xmlSecCryptoDLFunctionsRegisterKeyDataAndTransforms
                                                        (xmlSecCryptoDLFunctionsPtr functions);

Registers the key data and transforms klasses from functions table in xmlsec.

functions :

the functions table.

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs.

xmlSecCryptoDLGetFunctions ()

xmlSecCryptoDLFunctionsPtr xmlSecCryptoDLGetFunctions   (void);

Gets global crypto functions/transforms/keys data/keys store table.

Returns :

the table.

xmlSecCryptoDLGetLibraryFunctions ()

xmlSecCryptoDLFunctionsPtr xmlSecCryptoDLGetLibraryFunctions
                                                        (const xmlChar *crypto);

Loads the xmlsec-<crypto> library and gets global crypto functions/transforms/keys data/keys store table. This function is NOT thread safe, application MUST NOT call xmlSecCryptoDLLoadLibrary, xmlSecCryptoDLGetLibraryFunctions, and xmlSecCryptoDLUnloadLibrary functions from multiple threads.

crypto :

the desired crypto library name ("openssl", "nss", ...).

Returns :

the table or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecCryptoDLInit ()

int                 xmlSecCryptoDLInit                  (void);

Initializes dynamic loading engine. This is an internal function and should not be called by application directly.

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs.

xmlSecCryptoDLLoadLibrary ()

int                 xmlSecCryptoDLLoadLibrary           (const xmlChar *crypto);

Loads the xmlsec-<crypto> library. This function is NOT thread safe, application MUST NOT call xmlSecCryptoDLLoadLibrary, xmlSecCryptoDLGetLibraryFunctions, and xmlSecCryptoDLUnloadLibrary functions from multiple threads.

crypto :

the desired crypto library name ("openssl", "nss", ...).

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs.

xmlSecCryptoDLSetFunctions ()

int                 xmlSecCryptoDLSetFunctions          (xmlSecCryptoDLFunctionsPtr functions);

Sets global crypto functions/transforms/keys data/keys store table.

functions :

the new table

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs.

xmlSecCryptoDLShutdown ()

int                 xmlSecCryptoDLShutdown              (void);

Shutdowns dynamic loading engine. This is an internal function and should not be called by application directly.

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs.

xmlSecCryptoDLUnloadLibrary ()

int                 xmlSecCryptoDLUnloadLibrary         (const xmlChar *crypto);

Unloads the xmlsec-<crypto> library. All pointers to this library functions tables became invalid. This function is NOT thread safe, application MUST NOT call xmlSecCryptoDLLoadLibrary, xmlSecCryptoDLGetLibraryFunctions, and xmlSecCryptoDLUnloadLibrary functions from multiple threads.

crypto :

the desired crypto library name ("openssl", "nss", ...).

Returns :

0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs.