path: root/tests/merlin-c14n-three/c14n-27.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/merlin-c14n-three/c14n-27.txt')
1 files changed, 430 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/merlin-c14n-three/c14n-27.txt b/tests/merlin-c14n-three/c14n-27.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..117f21a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/merlin-c14n-three/c14n-27.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+<SignedInfo xmlns="" xmlns:bar="" xmlns:baz="" xmlns:foo="" xml:lang="en-ie">
+ <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""></CanonicalizationMethod>
+ <SignatureMethod Algorithm=""></SignatureMethod>
+ <Reference URI="">
+ <Transforms>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <XPath>
+ ancestor-or-self::bar:Something
+ </XPath>
+ </Transform>
+ </Transforms>
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""></DigestMethod>
+ <DigestValue>zDcKZDPIDity6ezoUjjYh5l5HD8=</DigestValue>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference URI="">
+ <Transforms>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <XPath>
+ ancestor-or-self::bar:Something and
+ ((name() != "bar") or parent::bar:Something) and
+ ((name() != "foo") or parent::foo:Something) and
+ ((name() != "baz") or parent::baz:Something) and
+ ((name() != "") or self::text())
+ </XPath>
+ </Transform>
+ </Transforms>
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""></DigestMethod>
+ <DigestValue>c6/BJXIi3MjZG8+1xfVv0U0OF/s=</DigestValue>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference URI="">
+ <Transforms>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <XPath>
+ ancestor-or-self::bar:Something and
+ (self::text() or
+ (namespace-uri() != "") or
+ (string(self::node()) = namespace-uri(parent::node())))
+ </XPath>
+ </Transform>
+ </Transforms>
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""></DigestMethod>
+ <DigestValue>jT1amifr+CPI+9DdvhzLAJhMggs=</DigestValue>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference URI="">
+ <Transforms>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <XPath>
+ ancestor-or-self::bar:Something and
+ not (self::foo:Something) and
+ (self::text() or
+ (namespace-uri() != "") or
+ (string(self::node()) = namespace-uri(parent::node())))
+ </XPath>
+ </Transform>
+ </Transforms>
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""></DigestMethod>
+ <DigestValue>rwkxkAxYpYzu6x85sa2RgCWmn2Q=</DigestValue>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference URI="">
+ <Transforms>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <XPath>
+ ancestor-or-self::bar:Something and
+ (count(parent::node()/namespace::*) !=
+ count(parent::node()/namespace::* | self::node()))
+ </XPath>
+ </Transform>
+ </Transforms>
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""></DigestMethod>
+ <DigestValue>wH13J/+xZdks1qYv5s8oQD1u4PE=</DigestValue>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference URI="">
+ <Transforms>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <XPath>
+ ancestor-or-self::bar:Something and
+ (self::text() or
+ (namespace-uri() != ""))
+ </XPath>
+ </Transform>
+ </Transforms>
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""></DigestMethod>
+ <DigestValue>wH13J/+xZdks1qYv5s8oQD1u4PE=</DigestValue>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference URI="">
+ <Transforms>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <XPath>
+ ancestor-or-self::bar:Something and
+ (count(parent::node()/namespace::*) =
+ count(parent::node()/namespace::* | self::node()))
+ </XPath>
+ </Transform>
+ </Transforms>
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""></DigestMethod>
+ <DigestValue>TYZShIzLB4+/2u+yVB7OocXtWyI=</DigestValue>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference URI="">
+ <Transforms>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <XPath>
+ ancestor-or-self::bar:Something and
+ (string(self::node()) = namespace-uri(parent::node()))
+ </XPath>
+ </Transform>
+ </Transforms>
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""></DigestMethod>
+ <DigestValue>EhCKd+AMiKcL/i41otNu2FnO+/s=</DigestValue>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference URI="">
+ <Transforms>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <XPath>
+ ancestor-or-self::bar:Something and
+ (self::text() or
+ (namespace-uri() != "") or
+ ((name() = "") and
+ ((count(ancestor-or-self::node()) mod 2) = 1)))
+ </XPath>
+ </Transform>
+ </Transforms>
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""></DigestMethod>
+ <DigestValue>5oWfKR+g5kK86E3FRTBck+R/BQ0=</DigestValue>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference URI="">
+ <Transforms>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <XPath>
+ ancestor-or-self::bar:Something
+ </XPath>
+ </Transform>
+ <Transform Algorithm=""></Transform>
+ </Transforms>
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""></DigestMethod>
+ <DigestValue>uKgNnJZ4MvqphhpPjor3iChHsQQ=</DigestValue>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference URI="">
+ <Transforms>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <XPath>
+ ancestor-or-self::bar:Something and
+ ((name() != "bar") or parent::bar:Something) and
+ ((name() != "foo") or parent::foo:Something) and
+ ((name() != "baz") or parent::baz:Something) and
+ ((name() != "") or self::text())
+ </XPath>
+ </Transform>
+ <Transform Algorithm=""></Transform>
+ </Transforms>
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""></DigestMethod>
+ <DigestValue>PMxe5U6Yzpybj86NXLeXND6J7z8=</DigestValue>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference URI="">
+ <Transforms>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <XPath>
+ ancestor-or-self::bar:Something and
+ (self::text() or
+ (namespace-uri() != "") or
+ (string(self::node()) = namespace-uri(parent::node())))
+ </XPath>
+ </Transform>
+ <Transform Algorithm=""></Transform>
+ </Transforms>
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""></DigestMethod>
+ <DigestValue>uKgNnJZ4MvqphhpPjor3iChHsQQ=</DigestValue>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference URI="">
+ <Transforms>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <XPath>
+ ancestor-or-self::bar:Something and
+ not (self::foo:Something) and
+ (self::text() or
+ (namespace-uri() != "") or
+ (string(self::node()) = namespace-uri(parent::node())))
+ </XPath>
+ </Transform>
+ <Transform Algorithm=""></Transform>
+ </Transforms>
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""></DigestMethod>
+ <DigestValue>8yo+TMHoDprtw3V8HBuaX7I2eYA=</DigestValue>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference URI="">
+ <Transforms>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <XPath>
+ ancestor-or-self::bar:Something and
+ (count(parent::node()/namespace::*) !=
+ count(parent::node()/namespace::* | self::node()))
+ </XPath>
+ </Transform>
+ <Transform Algorithm=""></Transform>
+ </Transforms>
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""></DigestMethod>
+ <DigestValue>yFhy1S9CS8j2bPAgM43KZcSX8Us=</DigestValue>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference URI="">
+ <Transforms>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <XPath>
+ ancestor-or-self::bar:Something and
+ (self::text() or
+ (namespace-uri() != ""))
+ </XPath>
+ </Transform>
+ <Transform Algorithm=""></Transform>
+ </Transforms>
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""></DigestMethod>
+ <DigestValue>yFhy1S9CS8j2bPAgM43KZcSX8Us=</DigestValue>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference URI="">
+ <Transforms>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <XPath>
+ ancestor-or-self::bar:Something and
+ (count(parent::node()/namespace::*) =
+ count(parent::node()/namespace::* | self::node()))
+ </XPath>
+ </Transform>
+ <Transform Algorithm=""></Transform>
+ </Transforms>
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""></DigestMethod>
+ <DigestValue>2jmj7l5rSw0yVb/vlWAYkK/YBwk=</DigestValue>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference URI="">
+ <Transforms>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <XPath>
+ ancestor-or-self::bar:Something and
+ (string(self::node()) = namespace-uri(parent::node()))
+ </XPath>
+ </Transform>
+ <Transform Algorithm=""></Transform>
+ </Transforms>
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""></DigestMethod>
+ <DigestValue>2jmj7l5rSw0yVb/vlWAYkK/YBwk=</DigestValue>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference URI="">
+ <Transforms>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <XPath>
+ ancestor-or-self::bar:Something and
+ (self::text() or
+ (namespace-uri() != "") or
+ ((name() = "") and
+ ((count(ancestor-or-self::node()) mod 2) = 1)))
+ </XPath>
+ </Transform>
+ <Transform Algorithm=""></Transform>
+ </Transforms>
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""></DigestMethod>
+ <DigestValue>yFhy1S9CS8j2bPAgM43KZcSX8Us=</DigestValue>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference URI="">
+ <Transforms>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <XPath>
+ ancestor-or-self::bar:Something
+ </XPath>
+ </Transform>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <InclusiveNamespaces xmlns="" PrefixList="#default"></InclusiveNamespaces>
+ </Transform>
+ </Transforms>
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""></DigestMethod>
+ <DigestValue>K5OrULSkVjkuQd85gxbrkcowg60=</DigestValue>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference URI="">
+ <Transforms>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <XPath>
+ ancestor-or-self::bar:Something and
+ ((name() != "bar") or parent::bar:Something) and
+ ((name() != "foo") or parent::foo:Something) and
+ ((name() != "baz") or parent::baz:Something) and
+ ((name() != "") or self::text())
+ </XPath>
+ </Transform>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <InclusiveNamespaces xmlns="" PrefixList="#default"></InclusiveNamespaces>
+ </Transform>
+ </Transforms>
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""></DigestMethod>
+ <DigestValue>PMxe5U6Yzpybj86NXLeXND6J7z8=</DigestValue>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference URI="">
+ <Transforms>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <XPath>
+ ancestor-or-self::bar:Something and
+ (self::text() or
+ (namespace-uri() != "") or
+ (string(self::node()) = namespace-uri(parent::node())))
+ </XPath>
+ </Transform>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <InclusiveNamespaces xmlns="" PrefixList="#default"></InclusiveNamespaces>
+ </Transform>
+ </Transforms>
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""></DigestMethod>
+ <DigestValue>uKgNnJZ4MvqphhpPjor3iChHsQQ=</DigestValue>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference URI="">
+ <Transforms>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <XPath>
+ ancestor-or-self::bar:Something and
+ not (self::foo:Something) and
+ (self::text() or
+ (namespace-uri() != "") or
+ (string(self::node()) = namespace-uri(parent::node())))
+ </XPath>
+ </Transform>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <InclusiveNamespaces xmlns="" PrefixList="#default"></InclusiveNamespaces>
+ </Transform>
+ </Transforms>
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""></DigestMethod>
+ <DigestValue>8yo+TMHoDprtw3V8HBuaX7I2eYA=</DigestValue>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference URI="">
+ <Transforms>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <XPath>
+ ancestor-or-self::bar:Something and
+ (count(parent::node()/namespace::*) !=
+ count(parent::node()/namespace::* | self::node()))
+ </XPath>
+ </Transform>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <InclusiveNamespaces xmlns="" PrefixList="#default"></InclusiveNamespaces>
+ </Transform>
+ </Transforms>
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""></DigestMethod>
+ <DigestValue>yFhy1S9CS8j2bPAgM43KZcSX8Us=</DigestValue>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference URI="">
+ <Transforms>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <XPath>
+ ancestor-or-self::bar:Something and
+ (self::text() or
+ (namespace-uri() != ""))
+ </XPath>
+ </Transform>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <InclusiveNamespaces xmlns="" PrefixList="#default"></InclusiveNamespaces>
+ </Transform>
+ </Transforms>
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""></DigestMethod>
+ <DigestValue>yFhy1S9CS8j2bPAgM43KZcSX8Us=</DigestValue>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference URI="">
+ <Transforms>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <XPath>
+ ancestor-or-self::bar:Something and
+ (count(parent::node()/namespace::*) =
+ count(parent::node()/namespace::* | self::node()))
+ </XPath>
+ </Transform>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <InclusiveNamespaces xmlns="" PrefixList="#default"></InclusiveNamespaces>
+ </Transform>
+ </Transforms>
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""></DigestMethod>
+ <DigestValue>9nKcDwpjNsAMgP+d+YYSVix6DG0=</DigestValue>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference URI="">
+ <Transforms>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <XPath>
+ ancestor-or-self::bar:Something and
+ (string(self::node()) = namespace-uri(parent::node()))
+ </XPath>
+ </Transform>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <InclusiveNamespaces xmlns="" PrefixList="#default"></InclusiveNamespaces>
+ </Transform>
+ </Transforms>
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""></DigestMethod>
+ <DigestValue>2jmj7l5rSw0yVb/vlWAYkK/YBwk=</DigestValue>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference URI="">
+ <Transforms>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <XPath>
+ ancestor-or-self::bar:Something and
+ (self::text() or
+ (namespace-uri() != "") or
+ ((name() = "") and
+ ((count(ancestor-or-self::node()) mod 2) = 1)))
+ </XPath>
+ </Transform>
+ <Transform Algorithm="">
+ <InclusiveNamespaces xmlns="" PrefixList="#default"></InclusiveNamespaces>
+ </Transform>
+ </Transforms>
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""></DigestMethod>
+ <DigestValue>CwltHOmCf0tFSyrqRDYQNFT4eo8=</DigestValue>
+ </Reference>
+ </SignedInfo> \ No newline at end of file