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+<title>Cryptographic transforms.</title>
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+<br clear="all"><div class="SECT1">
+<h1 class="SECT1"><a name="XMLSEC-NOTES-NEW-CRYPTO-TRANSFORMS">Cryptographic transforms.</a></h1>
+<p>The cryptographic transforms (digests, signatures and encryption)
+ implementation is the main goal of "xmlsec-&lt;crypto&gt;" library.
+ Most of the cryptographic <a href="xmlsec-notes-transforms.html">transforms</a>
+ use default <code class="STRUCTFIELD">pushBin</code> and <code class="STRUCTFIELD">popBin</code>
+ methods and provide custom <a href="xmlsec-transforms.html#XMLSECTRANSFORMEXECUTEMETHOD">execute</a> method.
+ The binary transform <a href="xmlsec-transforms.html#XMLSECTRANSFORMEXECUTEMETHOD">execute</a> method
+ processes data from the input buffer
+ <code class="STRUCTFIELD">inBuf</code> and pushes results to
+ <code class="STRUCTFIELD">outBuf</code>. The transform should try to
+ consume and remove data from <code class="STRUCTFIELD">inBuf</code> buffer
+ as soon as the data became available. However, it might happen
+ that current data size in the input buffer is not enough (for example,
+ RSA-PKCS1 algorithm requires that all the data are available in
+ one buffer). In this case, transform might keep the data in the
+ input buffer till the next call to
+ <a href="xmlsec-transforms.html#XMLSECTRANSFORMEXECUTEMETHOD">execute</a>
+ method. The "last" parameter of the
+ <a href="xmlsec-transforms.html#XMLSECTRANSFORMEXECUTEMETHOD">execute</a>
+ indicates that transform MUST process all the data in the input buffer
+ and return as much as possible in the output buffer. The
+ <a href="xmlsec-transforms.html#XMLSECTRANSFORMEXECUTEMETHOD">execute</a> method
+ might be called multiple times with non-zero "last" parameter until
+ the transforms returns nothing
+ in the output buffer. In addition, the transform implementation is
+ responsible for managing the transform <code class="STRUCTFIELD">status</code>
+ variable.
+ </p>
+<div class="TABLE">
+<a name="AEN590"></a><p><b>Table 2. Typical transform status managing.</b></p>
+<table border="1" class="CALSTABLE">
+<td>Transform initializes itself (for example, cipher transform
+ generates or reads IV) and sets <code class="STRUCTFIELD">status</code>
+ variable to xmlSecTransformStatusWorking.</td>
+<td>Transform process the next (if "last" parameter is zero) or
+ last block of data (if "last" parameter is non-zero).
+ When transform returns all the data, it sets the
+ <code class="STRUCTFIELD">status</code> variable to
+ xmlSecTransformStatusFinished.</td>
+<td>Transform returns no data to indicate that it finished
+ processing.</td>
+ <p>In adition to <a href="xmlsec-transforms.html#XMLSECTRANSFORMEXECUTEMETHOD">execute</a>
+ methods, signature, hmac or digest transforms
+ MUST implement <a href="xmlsec-transforms.html#XMLSECTRANSFORMVERIFYMETHOD">verify</a> method.
+ The <a href="xmlsec-transforms.html#XMLSECTRANSFORMVERIFYMETHOD">verify</a> method is called
+ after transform execution is finished. The
+ <a href="xmlsec-transforms.html#XMLSECTRANSFORMVERIFYMETHOD">verify</a> method implementation
+ must set the "status" member to <a href="xmlsec-transforms.html#XMLSECTRANSFORMSTATUSOK">xmlSecTransformStatusOk</a>
+ if signature, hmac or digest is successfuly verified or to
+ <a href="xmlsec-transforms.html#XMLSECTRANSFORMSTATUSFAIL">xmlSecTransformStatusFail</a>
+ otherwise.
+ </p>
+<p>The transforms that require a key (signature or encryption
+ transforms, for example) MUST imlpement
+ <a href="xmlsec-transforms.html#XMLSECTRANSFORMSETKEYREQUIREMENTSMETHOD">setKeyReq</a>
+ (prepares the <a href="xmlsec-keys.html#XMLSECKEYREQ">key requirements</a>
+ for key search) and
+ <a href="xmlsec-transforms.html#XMLSECTRANSFORMSETKEYMETHOD">setKey</a>
+ (sets the key in the transform) methods.
+ </p>
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+<td align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="xmlsec-notes-new-crypto-klasses.html"><b>&lt;&lt;&lt; Klasses and objects.</b></a></td>
+<td align="right"><a accesskey="n" href="xmlsec-notes-new-crypto-keys.html"><b>Keys data and keys data stores. &gt;&gt;&gt;</b></a></td>