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+<br clear="all"><div class="SECT1">
+<h1 class="SECT1"><a name="XMLSEC-NOTES-NEW-CRYPTO-KLASSES">Klasses and objects.</a></h1>
+<p>The XML Security Library is written in C but it uses some OOP techniques:
+ the objects in the library have "klasses" and there is "klasses" inheritance.
+ (see <a href="xmlsec-signature-klasses.html">signature</a> and
+ <a href="xmlsec-encryption-klasses.html">encryption</a> klasses
+ diagrams). The "klass" is different from C++ "class" (btw, this is
+ one of the reasons why it is spelled differently). The idea of "klasses"
+ used in XML Security Library are close to one in the GLIB/GTK/GNOME
+ and many other C projects. If you ever seen an OOP code written in C
+ you should find everything familiar.
+ </p>
+<p>XML Security Library "klass" includes three main parts:
+ </p>
+<p>"Klass" declaration structure that defines "klass" interfaces
+ and global constant data (for example, the human-readable name of
+ the "klass").
+ </p>
+<div class="EXAMPLE">
+<a name="AEN562"></a><p><b>Example 6. Base transform "klass" and its child XPath transform "klass" structure.</b></p>
+<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">struct _xmlSecTransformKlass {
+ /* data */
+ size_t klassSize;
+ size_t objSize;
+ const xmlChar* name;
+ const xmlChar* href;
+ xmlSecTransformUsage usage;
+ /* methods */
+ xmlSecTransformInitializeMethod initialize;
+ xmlSecTransformFinalizeMethod finalize;
+ xmlSecTransformNodeReadMethod readNode;
+ xmlSecTransformNodeWriteMethod writeNode;
+ ...
+static xmlSecTransformKlass xmlSecTransformXPathKlass = {
+ /* klass/object sizes */
+ sizeof(xmlSecTransformKlass), /* size_t klassSize */
+ xmlSecXPathTransformSize, /* size_t objSize */
+ xmlSecNameXPath, /* const xmlChar* name; */
+ xmlSecXPathNs, /* const xmlChar* href; */
+ xmlSecTransformUsageDSigTransform, /* xmlSecTransformUsage usage; */
+ xmlSecTransformXPathInitialize, /* xmlSecTransformInitializeMethod initialize; */
+ xmlSecTransformXPathFinalize, /* xmlSecTransformFinalizeMethod finalize; */
+ xmlSecTransformXPathNodeRead, /* xmlSecTransformNodeReadMethod readNode; */
+ NULL, /* xmlSecTransformNodeWriteMethod writeNode; */
+ ...
+ </pre>
+ </li>
+<p>"Klass" id which is simply a pointer to the "klass"
+ declaration strucutre. "Klass" id is used to bind "klass" objects
+ to the "klass" declaration and to pass "klass" strucutre to functions.
+ </p>
+<div class="EXAMPLE">
+<a name="AEN567"></a><p><b>Example 7. Base transform "klass" id declaration and its child XPath transform "klass" id implementation.</b></p>
+<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">typedef const struct _xmlSecTransformKlass xmlSecTransformKlass, *xmlSecTransformId;
+#define xmlSecTransformXPathId xmlSecTransformXPathGetKlass()
+xmlSecTransformXPathGetKlass(void) {
+ return(&amp;xmlSecTransformXPathKlass);
+ </pre>
+ </li>
+<p>"Klass" object structure that contains object specific
+ data. The child object specific data are placed after the parent "klass"
+ object data.
+ </p>
+<div class="EXAMPLE">
+<a name="AEN572"></a><p><b>Example 8. Base transform object strucutre and its child XPath transform object.</b></p>
+<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">struct _xmlSecTransform {
+ xmlSecTransformId id;
+ xmlSecTransformOperation operation;
+ xmlSecTransformStatus status;
+ xmlNodePtr hereNode;
+ /* transforms chain */
+ xmlSecTransformPtr next;
+ xmlSecTransformPtr prev;
+ ...
+ *
+ * XPath/XPointer transforms
+ *
+ * xmlSecPtrList with XPath expressions is located after xmlSecTransform structure
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#define xmlSecXPathTransformSize \
+ (sizeof(xmlSecTransform) + sizeof(xmlSecPtrList))
+#define xmlSecXPathTransformGetDataList(transform) \
+ ((xmlSecTransformCheckSize((transform), xmlSecXPathTransformSize)) ? \
+ (xmlSecPtrListPtr)(((unsigned char*)(transform)) + sizeof(xmlSecTransform)) : \
+ (xmlSecPtrListPtr)NULL)
+ </pre>
+ </li>
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+<td align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="xmlsec-notes-new-crypto-functions.html"><b>&lt;&lt;&lt; xmlSecCryptoApp* functions.</b></a></td>
+<td align="right"><a accesskey="n" href="xmlsec-notes-new-crypto-transforms.html"><b>Cryptographic transforms. &gt;&gt;&gt;</b></a></td>