Xamarin.Forms.Pages Xamarin.Forms.Pages.JsonSource A JSON source that sources its data from a URI. To be added. Constructor Creates an empty URI JSON source. To be added. Method System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncStateMachine(typeof(Xamarin.Forms.Pages.UriJsonSource/<GetJson>d__4)) System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.String> Returns a task that gets the string representation of the JSON in the URI JSON source. A task that gets the string representation of the JSON in the URI JSON source. To be added. Property Xamarin.Forms.TypeConverter(typeof(Xamarin.Forms.UriTypeConverter)) System.Uri Gets or sets the URI from which to source the JSON data. The URI from which to source the JSON data. To be added. Field Xamarin.Forms.BindableProperty Backing store for the property. To be added.