Xamarin.Forms.Core System.Attribute System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Assembly) Attribute that identifies a group name, typically a company name or reversed company URL, that provides a scope for effect names. Developers must supply a name to that is unique over the scope of the that they supply to . The method takes a string that is the concatenation of (the resolution group name), '.', and the unique name that was supplied to , and returns the specified effect. For example, with the declarations: Then the code below will add the effect to a button: Constructor A name, such as a company name or reversed company URL, that helps to uniquely identify effects. Creates a new resolution group name attribute. Developers must supply a name to that is unique over the scope of the that they supply to . The method takes a string that is the concatenation of (the resolution group name), '.', and the unique name that was supplied to , and returns the specified effect. For example, with the declarations: Then the code below will add the effect to a button: