Xamarin.Forms.Core Interface that represents a deep application link in an app link search index. To be added. Application Indexing and Deep Linking Property System.Uri Gets or sets an application-specific URI that uniquely describes content within an app. An application-specific URI that uniquely describes content within an app. To be added. Application Indexing and Deep Linking Property System.String Gets or sets a description that appears with the item in search results. To be added. To be added. Application Indexing and Deep Linking Property System.Boolean Gets or sets a value that tells whether the item that is identified by the link entry is currently open. A value that tells whether the item that is identified by the link entry is currently open. Application developers can set this value in and methods to control whether the app link is shown for indexing or Handoff. Application Indexing and Deep Linking Property System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<System.String,System.String> Gets a dictionary of application-specific key-value pairs. A dictionary of standard and application-specific key-value pairs that is used for Handoff on the iOS platform. The standard keys are contentType, associatedWebPage, and shouldAddToPublicIndex. Application Indexing and Deep Linking Property Xamarin.Forms.ImageSource Gets or sets a small image that appears with the item in search results. A small image that appears with the item in search results To be added. Application Indexing and Deep Linking Property System.String Gets or sets the title of the item. The title of the item. To be added. Application Indexing and Deep Linking