Xamarin.Forms.Core Xamarin.Forms.IConfigPlatform Xamarin.Forms.Element System.Object Xamarin.Forms.IConfigElement<TElement> Xamarin.Forms.IPlatformElementConfiguration<TPlatform,TElement> The target platform for the configuration. The element type for which to retrieve platform-specific versions. Utility class for retrieving platform-specific versions of elements. To be added. Constructor The element for which to retrieve a platform-specific version. Constructs a new configuration for the specified . To be added. Method Xamarin.Forms.Configuration<TPlatform,TElement> To be added. Creates and returns a new configuration for the specifed . To be added. To be added. Property TElement Gets the platform-independent element for which platform-specific versions can be retrieved. The platform-independent element for which platform-specific versions can be retrieved. To be added.