using System; using Xamarin.UITest; using Xamarin.UITest.iOS; using Xamarin.UITest.Queries; using NUnit.Framework; using System.Threading; namespace Xamarin.Forms.UITests { public class BaseTestFixture { string idiomEnvVar; string IPEnvVar; public static iOSApp App { get; private set; } public Device Device { get; set; } public BaseTestFixture () { idiomEnvVar = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("DEVICE_IDIOM"); IPEnvVar = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("DEVICE_IP"); Console.WriteLine (string.Format ("****** Connecting to {0} with IP: {1} ********", idiomEnvVar, IPEnvVar)); Device = SetupDevice (idiomEnvVar, IPEnvVar); } [SetUp] public void Setup () { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (idiomEnvVar) && string.IsNullOrEmpty (IPEnvVar)) { // IDE Configuration // Use your own device information App = ConfigureApp .iOS .Debug () // .DeviceIp ("") // iPod iOS 7 // .DeviceIp ("") // iPhone iOS 7 // .DeviceIp ("") // iPod iOS 6 .InstalledApp ("com.xamarin.quickui.controlgallery") .StartApp(); } else { // CI Configuration App = ConfigureApp .iOS .DeviceIp (Device.IP) .InstalledApp ("com.xamarin.quickui.controlgallery") .StartApp(); } FixtureSetup (); } protected virtual void FixtureSetup () { App.SetOrientationPortrait (); App.Screenshot ("Begin test"); } Device SetupDevice (string idiomEnvVar, string IPEnvVar) { Device device; if (idiomEnvVar == "PHONE") { // default phone device = new Device (DeviceType.Phone, ""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (IPEnvVar)) device.IP = IPEnvVar; } else if (idiomEnvVar == "TABLET") { // default tablet device = new Device (DeviceType.Tablet, ""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (IPEnvVar)) device.IP = IPEnvVar; } else { // default phone device = new Device (DeviceType.Phone, ""); } return device; } } public static class PlatformStrings { public static string Button = "Button"; public static string Cell = "TableViewCell"; public static string Entry = "TextField"; public static string HomePageTitle = "iOS Controls"; public static string Label = "Label"; public static string MapPin = "view:'MKPinAnnotationView'"; public static string Placeholder = "placeholder"; public static string Text = "text"; } public static class PlatformValues { public static int BoxViewScreenNumber = 3; public static int KeyboardDismissY = 200; public static int OffsetForScrollView = 5; } }