using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; #if __UNIFIED__ using Foundation; using CoreSpotlight; using UIKit; #else using MonoTouch.Foundation; using MonoTouch.UIKit; using MonoTouch.CoreSpotlight; #endif namespace Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS { internal class IOSAppLinks : IAppLinks { public async void DeregisterLink(IAppLinkEntry appLink) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(appLink.AppLinkUri?.ToString())) throw new ArgumentNullException("AppLinkUri"); await RemoveLinkAsync(appLink.AppLinkUri?.ToString()); } public async void DeregisterLink(Uri uri) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uri?.ToString())) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(uri)); await RemoveLinkAsync(uri.ToString()); } public async void RegisterLink(IAppLinkEntry appLink) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(appLink.AppLinkUri?.ToString())) throw new ArgumentNullException("AppLinkUri"); await AddLinkAsync(appLink); } public async void DeregisterAll() { await ClearIndexedDataAsync(); } static async Task AddLinkAsync(IAppLinkEntry deepLinkUri) { var appDomain = NSBundle.MainBundle.BundleIdentifier; string contentType, associatedWebPage; bool shouldAddToPublicIndex; //user can provide associatedWebPage, contentType, and shouldAddToPublicIndex TryGetValues(deepLinkUri, out contentType, out associatedWebPage, out shouldAddToPublicIndex); //our unique identifier will be the only content that is common to spotlight search result and a activity //this id allows us to avoid duplicate search results from CoreSpotlight api and NSUserActivity // var id = deepLinkUri.AppLinkUri.ToString(); var searchableAttributeSet = await GetAttributeSet(deepLinkUri, contentType, id); var searchItem = new CSSearchableItem(id, appDomain, searchableAttributeSet); //we need to make sure we index the item in spotlight first or the RelatedUniqueIdentifier will not work await IndexItemAsync(searchItem); #if __UNIFIED__ var activity = new NSUserActivity($"{appDomain}.{contentType}"); #else var activity = new NSUserActivity (new NSString($"{appDomain}.{contentType}")); #endif activity.Title = deepLinkUri.Title; activity.EligibleForSearch = true; //help increase your website url index rating if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(associatedWebPage)) activity.WebPageUrl = new NSUrl(associatedWebPage); //make this search result available to Apple and to other users thatdon't have your app activity.EligibleForPublicIndexing = shouldAddToPublicIndex; activity.UserInfo = GetUserInfoForActivity(deepLinkUri); activity.ContentAttributeSet = searchableAttributeSet; //we don't need to track if the link is active iOS will call ResignCurrent if (deepLinkUri.IsLinkActive) activity.BecomeCurrent(); var aL = deepLinkUri as AppLinkEntry; if (aL != null) { aL.PropertyChanged += (sender, e) => { if (e.PropertyName == AppLinkEntry.IsLinkActiveProperty.PropertyName) { if (aL.IsLinkActive) activity.BecomeCurrent(); else activity.ResignCurrent(); } }; } } static Task ClearIndexedDataAsync() { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource(); if (CSSearchableIndex.IsIndexingAvailable) CSSearchableIndex.DefaultSearchableIndex.DeleteAll(error => tcs.TrySetResult(error == null)); else tcs.TrySetResult(false); return tcs.Task; } static async Task GetAttributeSet(IAppLinkEntry deepLinkUri, string contentType, string id) { var searchableAttributeSet = new CSSearchableItemAttributeSet(contentType) { RelatedUniqueIdentifier = id, Title = deepLinkUri.Title, ContentDescription = deepLinkUri.Description, Url = new NSUrl(deepLinkUri.AppLinkUri.ToString()) }; var source = deepLinkUri.Thumbnail; IImageSourceHandler handler; if (source != null && (handler = Registrar.Registered.GetHandler(source.GetType())) != null) { UIImage uiimage; try { uiimage = await handler.LoadImageAsync(source); if (uiimage == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("AppLinkEntry Thumbnail must be set to a valid source"); searchableAttributeSet.ThumbnailData = uiimage.AsPNG(); uiimage.Dispose(); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { uiimage = null; } } return searchableAttributeSet; } static NSMutableDictionary GetUserInfoForActivity(IAppLinkEntry deepLinkUri) { //this info will only appear if not from a spotlight search var info = new NSMutableDictionary(); info.Add(new NSString("link"), new NSString(deepLinkUri.AppLinkUri.ToString())); foreach (var item in deepLinkUri.KeyValues) info.Add(new NSString(item.Key), new NSString(item.Value)); return info; } static Task IndexItemAsync(CSSearchableItem searchItem) { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource(); if (CSSearchableIndex.IsIndexingAvailable) { CSSearchableIndex.DefaultSearchableIndex.Index(new[] { searchItem }, error => tcs.TrySetResult(error == null)); } else tcs.SetResult(false); return tcs.Task; } static Task RemoveLinkAsync(string identifier) { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource(); if (CSSearchableIndex.IsIndexingAvailable) CSSearchableIndex.DefaultSearchableIndex.Delete(new[] { identifier }, error => tcs.TrySetResult(error == null)); else tcs.SetResult(false); return tcs.Task; } //Parse the KeyValues because user can provide associatedWebPage, contentType, and shouldAddToPublicIndex options static void TryGetValues(IAppLinkEntry deepLinkUri, out string contentType, out string associatedWebPage, out bool shouldAddToPublicIndex) { contentType = string.Empty; associatedWebPage = string.Empty; shouldAddToPublicIndex = false; var publicIndex = string.Empty; if (!deepLinkUri.KeyValues.TryGetValue(nameof(contentType), out contentType)) contentType = "View"; if (deepLinkUri.KeyValues.TryGetValue(nameof(publicIndex), out publicIndex)) bool.TryParse(publicIndex, out shouldAddToPublicIndex); deepLinkUri.KeyValues.TryGetValue(nameof(associatedWebPage), out associatedWebPage); } } }