using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using RectangleF = CoreGraphics.CGRect; using SizeF = CoreGraphics.CGSize; #if __MOBILE__ using Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration.iOSSpecific; using UIKit; using NativeView = UIKit.UIView; using NativeViewController = UIKit.UIViewController; using NativeColor = UIKit.UIColor; namespace Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS #else using AppKit; using NativeView = AppKit.NSView; using NativeViewController = AppKit.NSViewController; using NativeColor = AppKit.NSColor; namespace Xamarin.Forms.Platform.MacOS #endif { [Flags] public enum VisualElementRendererFlags { Disposed = 1 << 0, AutoTrack = 1 << 1, AutoPackage = 1 << 2 } public class VisualElementRenderer : NativeView, IVisualElementRenderer, IEffectControlProvider where TElement : VisualElement { readonly NativeColor _defaultColor = NativeColor.Clear; readonly List> _elementChangedHandlers = new List>(); readonly PropertyChangedEventHandler _propertyChangedHandler; #if __MOBILE__ string _defaultAccessibilityLabel; string _defaultAccessibilityHint; bool? _defaultIsAccessibilityElement; #endif EventTracker _events; VisualElementRendererFlags _flags = VisualElementRendererFlags.AutoPackage | VisualElementRendererFlags.AutoTrack; VisualElementPackager _packager; VisualElementTracker _tracker; #if __MOBILE__ UIVisualEffectView _blur; BlurEffectStyle _previousBlur; #endif protected VisualElementRenderer() : base(RectangleF.Empty) { _propertyChangedHandler = OnElementPropertyChanged; #if __MOBILE__ BackgroundColor = _defaultColor; #else WantsLayer = true; Layer.BackgroundColor = _defaultColor.CGColor; #endif } #if __MOBILE__ // prevent possible crashes in overrides public sealed override NativeColor BackgroundColor { get { return base.BackgroundColor; } set { base.BackgroundColor = value; } } #endif public TElement Element { get; private set; } protected bool AutoPackage { get { return (_flags & VisualElementRendererFlags.AutoPackage) != 0; } set { if (value) _flags |= VisualElementRendererFlags.AutoPackage; else _flags &= ~VisualElementRendererFlags.AutoPackage; } } protected bool AutoTrack { get { return (_flags & VisualElementRendererFlags.AutoTrack) != 0; } set { if (value) _flags |= VisualElementRendererFlags.AutoTrack; else _flags &= ~VisualElementRendererFlags.AutoTrack; } } public static void RegisterEffect(Effect effect, NativeView container, NativeView control = null) { var platformEffect = effect as PlatformEffect; if (platformEffect == null) return; platformEffect.SetContainer(container); platformEffect.SetControl(control); } void IEffectControlProvider.RegisterEffect(Effect effect) { var platformEffect = effect as PlatformEffect; if (platformEffect != null) OnRegisterEffect(platformEffect); } VisualElement IVisualElementRenderer.Element { get { return Element; } } event EventHandler IVisualElementRenderer.ElementChanged { add { _elementChangedHandlers.Add(value); } remove { _elementChangedHandlers.Remove(value); } } public virtual SizeRequest GetDesiredSize(double widthConstraint, double heightConstraint) { return NativeView.GetSizeRequest(widthConstraint, heightConstraint); } public NativeView NativeView => this; void IVisualElementRenderer.SetElement(VisualElement element) { SetElement((TElement)element); } public void SetElementSize(Size size) { Xamarin.Forms.Layout.LayoutChildIntoBoundingRegion(Element, new Rectangle(Element.X, Element.Y, size.Width, size.Height)); } public virtual NativeViewController ViewController => null; public event EventHandler> ElementChanged; public void SetElement(TElement element) { var oldElement = Element; Element = element; if (oldElement != null) oldElement.PropertyChanged -= _propertyChangedHandler; if (element != null) { if (element.BackgroundColor != Color.Default || (oldElement != null && element.BackgroundColor != oldElement.BackgroundColor)) SetBackgroundColor(element.BackgroundColor); UpdateClipToBounds(); if (_tracker == null) { _tracker = new VisualElementTracker(this); _tracker.NativeControlUpdated += (sender, e) => UpdateNativeWidget(); } if (AutoPackage && _packager == null) { _packager = new VisualElementPackager(this); _packager.Load(); } if (AutoTrack && _events == null) { _events = new EventTracker(this); _events.LoadEvents(this); } element.PropertyChanged += _propertyChangedHandler; } OnElementChanged(new ElementChangedEventArgs(oldElement, element)); if (element != null) SendVisualElementInitialized(element, this); EffectUtilities.RegisterEffectControlProvider(this, oldElement, element); if (Element != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Element.AutomationId)) SetAutomationId(Element.AutomationId); #if __MOBILE__ SetAccessibilityLabel(); SetAccessibilityHint(); SetIsAccessibilityElement(); #endif } #if __MOBILE__ public override SizeF SizeThatFits(SizeF size) { return new SizeF(0, 0); } public override void LayoutSubviews() { base.LayoutSubviews(); if (_blur != null && Superview != null) { _blur.Frame = Bounds; if (_blur.Superview == null) Superview.Add(_blur); } } #else public override void MouseDown(NSEvent theEvent) { bool inViewCell = IsOnViewCell(Element); if (Element.InputTransparent || inViewCell) base.MouseDown(theEvent); } #endif protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if ((_flags & VisualElementRendererFlags.Disposed) != 0) return; _flags |= VisualElementRendererFlags.Disposed; if (disposing) { if (_events != null) { _events.Dispose(); _events = null; } if (_tracker != null) { _tracker.Dispose(); _tracker = null; } if (_packager != null) { _packager.Dispose(); _packager = null; } // The ListView can create renderers and unhook them from the Element before Dispose is called. // Thus, it is possible that this work is already completed. if (Element != null) { Platform.SetRenderer(Element, null); SetElement(null); } } base.Dispose(disposing); } protected virtual void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs e) { var args = new VisualElementChangedEventArgs(e.OldElement, e.NewElement); for (var i = 0; i < _elementChangedHandlers.Count; i++) _elementChangedHandlers[i](this, args); ElementChanged?.Invoke(this, e); #if __MOBILE__ if (e.NewElement != null) SetBlur((BlurEffectStyle)e.NewElement.GetValue(PlatformConfiguration.iOSSpecific.VisualElement.BlurEffectProperty)); #endif } protected virtual void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.PropertyName == VisualElement.BackgroundColorProperty.PropertyName) SetBackgroundColor(Element.BackgroundColor); else if (e.PropertyName == Xamarin.Forms.Layout.IsClippedToBoundsProperty.PropertyName) UpdateClipToBounds(); #if __MOBILE__ else if (e.PropertyName == PlatformConfiguration.iOSSpecific.VisualElement.BlurEffectProperty.PropertyName) SetBlur((BlurEffectStyle)Element.GetValue(PlatformConfiguration.iOSSpecific.VisualElement.BlurEffectProperty)); else if (e.PropertyName == AutomationProperties.HelpTextProperty.PropertyName) SetAccessibilityHint(); else if (e.PropertyName == AutomationProperties.NameProperty.PropertyName) SetAccessibilityLabel(); else if (e.PropertyName == AutomationProperties.IsInAccessibleTreeProperty.PropertyName) SetIsAccessibilityElement(); #endif } protected virtual void OnRegisterEffect(PlatformEffect effect) { effect.SetContainer(this); } #if __MOBILE__ protected virtual void SetAccessibilityHint() { if (Element == null) return; if (_defaultAccessibilityHint == null) _defaultAccessibilityHint = AccessibilityHint; AccessibilityHint = (string)Element.GetValue(AutomationProperties.HelpTextProperty) ?? _defaultAccessibilityHint; } protected virtual void SetAccessibilityLabel() { if (Element == null) return; if (_defaultAccessibilityLabel == null) _defaultAccessibilityLabel = AccessibilityLabel; AccessibilityLabel = (string)Element.GetValue(AutomationProperties.NameProperty) ?? _defaultAccessibilityLabel; } protected virtual void SetIsAccessibilityElement() { if (Element == null) return; if (!_defaultIsAccessibilityElement.HasValue) _defaultIsAccessibilityElement = IsAccessibilityElement; IsAccessibilityElement = (bool)((bool?)Element.GetValue(AutomationProperties.IsInAccessibleTreeProperty) ?? _defaultIsAccessibilityElement); } #endif protected virtual void SetAutomationId(string id) { AccessibilityIdentifier = id; } protected virtual void SetBackgroundColor(Color color) { if (color == Color.Default) #if __MOBILE__ BackgroundColor = _defaultColor; else BackgroundColor = color.ToUIColor(); #else Layer.BackgroundColor = _defaultColor.CGColor; else Layer.BackgroundColor = color.ToCGColor(); #endif } #if __MOBILE__ protected virtual void SetBlur(BlurEffectStyle blur) { if (_previousBlur == blur) return; _previousBlur = blur; if (_blur != null) { _blur.RemoveFromSuperview(); _blur = null; } if (blur == BlurEffectStyle.None) { SetNeedsDisplay(); return; } UIBlurEffect blurEffect; switch (blur) { default: case BlurEffectStyle.ExtraLight: blurEffect = UIBlurEffect.FromStyle(UIBlurEffectStyle.ExtraLight); break; case BlurEffectStyle.Light: blurEffect = UIBlurEffect.FromStyle(UIBlurEffectStyle.Light); break; case BlurEffectStyle.Dark: blurEffect = UIBlurEffect.FromStyle(UIBlurEffectStyle.Dark); break; } _blur = new UIVisualEffectView(blurEffect); LayoutSubviews(); } #endif protected virtual void UpdateNativeWidget() { } internal virtual void SendVisualElementInitialized(VisualElement element, NativeView nativeView) { element.SendViewInitialized(nativeView); } void UpdateClipToBounds() { #if __MOBILE__ var clippableLayout = Element as Layout; if (clippableLayout != null) ClipsToBounds = clippableLayout.IsClippedToBounds; #endif } static bool IsOnViewCell(Element element) { if (element.Parent == null) return false; else if (element.Parent is ViewCell) return true; else return IsOnViewCell(element.Parent); } } }