using System; using System.ComponentModel; using UIKit; namespace Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS { public class CellTableViewCell : UITableViewCell, INativeElementView { Cell _cell; public Action PropertyChanged; bool _disposed; public CellTableViewCell(UITableViewCellStyle style, string key) : base(style, key) { } public Cell Cell { get { return _cell; } set { if (_cell == value) return; ICellController cellController = _cell; if (cellController != null) Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(cellController.SendDisappearing); _cell = value; cellController = value; if (cellController != null) Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(cellController.SendAppearing); } } public Element Element => Cell; public void HandlePropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (PropertyChanged != null) PropertyChanged(this, e); } internal static UITableViewCell GetNativeCell(UITableView tableView, Cell cell, bool recycleCells = false, string templateId = "") { var id = cell.GetType().FullName; var renderer = (CellRenderer)Registrar.Registered.GetHandler(cell.GetType()); ContextActionsCell contextCell = null; UITableViewCell reusableCell = null; if (cell.HasContextActions || recycleCells) { contextCell = (ContextActionsCell)tableView.DequeueReusableCell(ContextActionsCell.Key + templateId); if (contextCell == null) { contextCell = new ContextActionsCell(templateId); reusableCell = tableView.DequeueReusableCell(id); } else { contextCell.Close(); reusableCell = contextCell.ContentCell; if (reusableCell.ReuseIdentifier.ToString() != id) reusableCell = null; } } else reusableCell = tableView.DequeueReusableCell(id); var nativeCell = renderer.GetCell(cell, reusableCell, tableView); var cellWithContent = nativeCell; // Sometimes iOS for returns a dequeued cell whose Layer is hidden. // This prevents it from showing up, so lets turn it back on! if (cellWithContent.Layer.Hidden) cellWithContent.Layer.Hidden = false; if (contextCell != null) { contextCell.Update(tableView, cell, nativeCell); var viewTableCell = contextCell.ContentCell as ViewCellRenderer.ViewTableCell; if (viewTableCell != null) viewTableCell.SupressSeparator = tableView.SeparatorStyle == UITableViewCellSeparatorStyle.None; nativeCell = contextCell; } // Because the layer was hidden we need to layout the cell by hand if (cellWithContent != null) cellWithContent.LayoutSubviews(); return nativeCell; } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (_disposed) return; if (disposing) { PropertyChanged = null; _cell = null; } _disposed = true; base.Dispose(disposing); } } }