using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Windows.ApplicationModel.Core; using Windows.UI; using Windows.UI.Popups; using Windows.UI.Xaml; using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls; using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives; using Windows.UI.Xaml.Media; using Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation; #if WINDOWS_UWP using Windows.Foundation.Metadata; using Windows.UI.ViewManagement; #endif #if WINDOWS_UWP namespace Xamarin.Forms.Platform.UWP #else namespace Xamarin.Forms.Platform.WinRT #endif { public abstract class Platform : IPlatform, INavigation, IToolbarProvider { internal static readonly BindableProperty RendererProperty = BindableProperty.CreateAttached("Renderer", typeof(IVisualElementRenderer), typeof(Platform), default(IVisualElementRenderer)); public static IVisualElementRenderer GetRenderer(VisualElement element) { return (IVisualElementRenderer)element.GetValue(RendererProperty); } public static void SetRenderer(VisualElement element, IVisualElementRenderer value) { element.SetValue(RendererProperty, value); element.IsPlatformEnabled = value != null; } public static IVisualElementRenderer CreateRenderer(VisualElement element) { if (element == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("element"); IVisualElementRenderer renderer = Registrar.Registered.GetHandler(element.GetType()) ?? new DefaultRenderer(); renderer.SetElement(element); return renderer; } internal Platform(Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Page page) { if (page == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("page"); _page = page; _container = new Canvas { Style = (Windows.UI.Xaml.Style)Windows.UI.Xaml.Application.Current.Resources["RootContainerStyle"] }; _page.Content = _container; _container.SizeChanged += OnRendererSizeChanged; MessagingCenter.Subscribe(this, Page.BusySetSignalName, (Page sender, bool enabled) => { Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.ProgressBar indicator = GetBusyIndicator(); indicator.Visibility = enabled ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed; }); _toolbarTracker.CollectionChanged += OnToolbarItemsChanged; MessagingCenter.Subscribe(this, Page.AlertSignalName, OnPageAlert); MessagingCenter.Subscribe(this, Page.ActionSheetSignalName, OnPageActionSheet); UpdateBounds(); #if WINDOWS_UWP if (ApiInformation.IsTypePresent("Windows.UI.ViewManagement.StatusBar")) { StatusBar statusBar = StatusBar.GetForCurrentView(); statusBar.Showing += (sender, args) => UpdateBounds(); statusBar.Hiding += (sender, args) => UpdateBounds(); } #endif } internal void SetPage(Page newRoot) { if (newRoot == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("newRoot"); _navModel.Clear(); _navModel.Push(newRoot, null); newRoot.NavigationProxy.Inner = this; SetCurrent(newRoot, false, true); } public IReadOnlyList NavigationStack { get { return _navModel.Tree.Last(); } } public IReadOnlyList ModalStack { get { return _navModel.Modals.ToList(); } } Task INavigation.PushAsync(Page root) { return ((INavigation)this).PushAsync(root, true); } Task INavigation.PopAsync() { return ((INavigation)this).PopAsync(true); } Task INavigation.PopToRootAsync() { return ((INavigation)this).PopToRootAsync(true); } Task INavigation.PushAsync(Page root, bool animated) { throw new InvalidOperationException("PushAsync is not supported globally on Windows, please use a NavigationPage."); } Task INavigation.PopAsync(bool animated) { throw new InvalidOperationException("PopAsync is not supported globally on Windows, please use a NavigationPage."); } Task INavigation.PopToRootAsync(bool animated) { throw new InvalidOperationException("PopToRootAsync is not supported globally on Windows, please use a NavigationPage."); } void INavigation.RemovePage(Page page) { throw new InvalidOperationException("RemovePage is not supported globally on Windows, please use a NavigationPage."); } void INavigation.InsertPageBefore(Page page, Page before) { throw new InvalidOperationException("InsertPageBefore is not supported globally on Windows, please use a NavigationPage."); } Task INavigation.PushModalAsync(Page page) { return ((INavigation)this).PushModalAsync(page, true); } Task INavigation.PopModalAsync() { return ((INavigation)this).PopModalAsync(true); } Task INavigation.PushModalAsync(Page page, bool animated) { if (page == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("page"); var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource(); _navModel.PushModal(page); SetCurrent(page, animated, completedCallback: () => tcs.SetResult(true)); page.NavigationProxy.Inner = this; return tcs.Task; } Task INavigation.PopModalAsync(bool animated) { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource(); Page result = _navModel.PopModal(); SetCurrent(_navModel.CurrentPage, animated, true, () => tcs.SetResult(result)); return tcs.Task; } SizeRequest IPlatform.GetNativeSize(VisualElement element, double widthConstraint, double heightConstraint) { // Hack around the fact that Canvas ignores the child constraints. // It is entirely possible using Canvas as our base class is not wise. // FIXME: This should not be an if statement. Probably need to define an interface here. if (widthConstraint > 0 && heightConstraint > 0) { IVisualElementRenderer elementRenderer = GetRenderer(element); if (elementRenderer != null) return elementRenderer.GetDesiredSize(widthConstraint, heightConstraint); } return new SizeRequest(); } internal virtual Rectangle WindowBounds { get { return _bounds; } } internal void UpdatePageSizes() { Rectangle bounds = WindowBounds; if (bounds.IsEmpty) return; foreach (Page root in _navModel.Roots) { root.Layout(bounds); IVisualElementRenderer renderer = GetRenderer(root); if (renderer != null) { renderer.ContainerElement.Width = _container.ActualWidth; renderer.ContainerElement.Height = _container.ActualHeight; } } } internal IToolbarProvider GetToolbarProvider() { IToolbarProvider provider = null; Page element = _currentPage; while (element != null) { provider = GetRenderer(element) as IToolbarProvider; if (provider != null) break; var pageContainer = element as IPageContainer; element = pageContainer?.CurrentPage; } if (provider != null && _toolbarProvider == null) ClearCommandBar(); return provider; } internal async Task UpdateToolbarItems() { CommandBar commandBar = await GetCommandBarAsync(); if (commandBar != null) { commandBar.PrimaryCommands.Clear(); commandBar.SecondaryCommands.Clear(); #if WINDOWS_UWP if (_page.BottomAppBar != null || _page.TopAppBar != null) { _page.BottomAppBar = null; _page.TopAppBar = null; _page.InvalidateMeasure(); } #endif } #if !WINDOWS_UWP commandBar = AddOpenMasterButton(commandBar); #endif #if WINDOWS_UWP var toolBarProvider = GetToolbarProvider() as IToolBarForegroundBinder; #endif foreach (ToolbarItem item in _toolbarTracker.ToolbarItems.OrderBy(ti => ti.Priority)) { if (commandBar == null) commandBar = CreateCommandBar(); #if WINDOWS_UWP toolBarProvider?.BindForegroundColor(commandBar); #endif var button = new AppBarButton(); button.SetBinding(AppBarButton.LabelProperty, "Text"); button.SetBinding(AppBarButton.IconProperty, "Icon", _fileImageSourcePathConverter); button.Command = new MenuItemCommand(item); button.DataContext = item; #if WINDOWS_UWP toolBarProvider?.BindForegroundColor(button); #endif ToolbarItemOrder order = item.Order == ToolbarItemOrder.Default ? ToolbarItemOrder.Primary : item.Order; if (order == ToolbarItemOrder.Primary) commandBar.PrimaryCommands.Add(button); else commandBar.SecondaryCommands.Add(button); } if (commandBar?.PrimaryCommands.Count + commandBar?.SecondaryCommands.Count == 0) ClearCommandBar(); } #if !WINDOWS_UWP CommandBar AddOpenMasterButton(CommandBar commandBar) { if (!_toolbarTracker.HaveMasterDetail) { return commandBar; } if (commandBar == null) { commandBar = CreateCommandBar(); } Page target = _toolbarTracker.Target; var mdp = target as MasterDetailPage; while (mdp == null) { var container = target as IPageContainer; if (container == null) { break; } target = container.CurrentPage; mdp = container.CurrentPage as MasterDetailPage; } if (mdp == null || !mdp.ShouldShowToolbarButton()) { return commandBar; } var openMaster = new AppBarButton { DataContext = mdp }; openMaster.SetBinding(AppBarButton.LabelProperty, "Master.Title"); openMaster.SetBinding(AppBarButton.IconProperty, "Master.Icon", _fileImageSourcePathConverter); openMaster.Click += (s, a) => { mdp.IsPresented = !mdp.IsPresented; }; commandBar.PrimaryCommands.Add(openMaster); return commandBar; } #endif Rectangle _bounds; readonly Canvas _container; readonly Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Page _page; Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.ProgressBar _busyIndicator; Page _currentPage; readonly NavigationModel _navModel = new NavigationModel(); readonly ToolbarTracker _toolbarTracker = new ToolbarTracker(); readonly FileImageSourcePathConverter _fileImageSourcePathConverter = new FileImageSourcePathConverter(); #pragma warning disable 649 IToolbarProvider _toolbarProvider; #pragma warning restore 649 class ToolbarProvider : IToolbarProvider { readonly Task _commandBar; public ToolbarProvider(CommandBar commandBar) { _commandBar = Task.FromResult(commandBar); } public CommandBar CommandBar => _commandBar.Result; public Task GetCommandBarAsync() { return _commandBar; } } Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.ProgressBar GetBusyIndicator() { if (_busyIndicator == null) { _busyIndicator = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.ProgressBar { IsIndeterminate = true, Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top }; Canvas.SetZIndex(_busyIndicator, 1); _container.Children.Add(_busyIndicator); } return _busyIndicator; } internal bool BackButtonPressed() { if (_currentActionSheet != null) { CancelActionSheet(); return true; } Page lastRoot = _navModel.Roots.Last(); bool handled = lastRoot.SendBackButtonPressed(); if (!handled && _navModel.Tree.Count > 1) { Page removed = _navModel.PopModal(); if (removed != null) { SetCurrent(_navModel.CurrentPage, true, true); handled = true; } } return handled; } void CancelActionSheet() { if (_currentActionSheet == null) return; _actionSheetOptions.SetResult(null); _actionSheetOptions = null; _currentActionSheet.IsOpen = false; _currentActionSheet = null; } void UpdateBounds() { _bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, _page.ActualWidth, _page.ActualHeight); #if WINDOWS_UWP if (ApiInformation.IsTypePresent("Windows.UI.ViewManagement.StatusBar")) { StatusBar statusBar = StatusBar.GetForCurrentView(); bool landscape = Device.Info.CurrentOrientation.IsLandscape(); bool titleBar = CoreApplication.GetCurrentView().TitleBar.IsVisible; double offset = landscape ? statusBar.OccludedRect.Width : statusBar.OccludedRect.Height; _bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, _page.ActualWidth - (landscape ? offset : 0), _page.ActualHeight - (landscape ? 0 : offset)); // Even if the MainPage is a ContentPage not inside of a NavigationPage, the calculated bounds // assume the TitleBar is there even if it isn't visible. When UpdatePageSizes is called, // _container.ActualWidth is correct because it's aware that the TitleBar isn't there, but the // bounds aren't, and things can subsequently run under the StatusBar. if (!titleBar) { _bounds.Width -= (_bounds.Width - _container.ActualWidth); } } #endif } void OnRendererSizeChanged(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs sizeChangedEventArgs) { UpdateBounds(); UpdatePageSizes(); } async void SetCurrent(Page newPage, bool animated, bool popping = false, Action completedCallback = null) { if (newPage == _currentPage) return; newPage.Platform = this; if (_currentPage != null) { Page previousPage = _currentPage; IVisualElementRenderer previousRenderer = GetRenderer(previousPage); _container.Children.Remove(previousRenderer.ContainerElement); if (popping) previousPage.Cleanup(); } newPage.Layout(new Rectangle(0, 0, _page.ActualWidth, _page.ActualHeight)); IVisualElementRenderer pageRenderer = newPage.GetOrCreateRenderer(); _container.Children.Add(pageRenderer.ContainerElement); pageRenderer.ContainerElement.Width = _container.ActualWidth; pageRenderer.ContainerElement.Height = _container.ActualHeight; if (completedCallback != null) completedCallback(); _currentPage = newPage; UpdateToolbarTracker(); UpdateToolbarTitle(newPage); await UpdateToolbarItems(); } void UpdateToolbarTitle(Page page) { if (_toolbarProvider == null) return; ((ToolbarProvider)_toolbarProvider).CommandBar.Content = page.Title; } Task IToolbarProvider.GetCommandBarAsync() { return GetCommandBarAsync(); } #pragma warning disable 1998 // considered for removal async Task GetCommandBarAsync() #pragma warning restore 1998 { #if !WINDOWS_UWP return _page.BottomAppBar as CommandBar; #else IToolbarProvider provider = GetToolbarProvider(); var titleProvider = provider as ITitleProvider; if (provider == null || (titleProvider != null && !titleProvider.ShowTitle)) return null; return await provider.GetCommandBarAsync(); #endif } CommandBar CreateCommandBar() { #if !WINDOWS_UWP var commandBar = new CommandBar(); _page.BottomAppBar = commandBar; return commandBar; #else var bar = new FormsCommandBar(); if (Device.Idiom != TargetIdiom.Phone) bar.Style = (Windows.UI.Xaml.Style)Windows.UI.Xaml.Application.Current.Resources["TitleToolbar"]; _toolbarProvider = new ToolbarProvider(bar); if (Device.Idiom == TargetIdiom.Phone) _page.BottomAppBar = bar; else _page.TopAppBar = bar; return bar; #endif } void ClearCommandBar() { #if !WINDOWS_UWP _page.BottomAppBar = null; #else if (_toolbarProvider != null) { _toolbarProvider = null; if (Device.Idiom == TargetIdiom.Phone) _page.BottomAppBar = null; else _page.TopAppBar = null; } #endif } async void OnToolbarItemsChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { await UpdateToolbarItems(); } void UpdateToolbarTracker() { Page last = _navModel.Roots.Last(); if (last != null) _toolbarTracker.Target = last; } ActionSheetArguments _actionSheetOptions; Popup _currentActionSheet; #if WINDOWS_UWP async void OnPageActionSheet(Page sender, ActionSheetArguments options) { List buttons = options.Buttons.ToList(); var list = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.ListView { Style = (Windows.UI.Xaml.Style)Windows.UI.Xaml.Application.Current.Resources["ActionSheetList"], ItemsSource = buttons, IsItemClickEnabled = true }; var dialog = new ContentDialog { Template = (Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.ControlTemplate)Windows.UI.Xaml.Application.Current.Resources["MyContentDialogControlTemplate"], Content = list, Style = (Windows.UI.Xaml.Style)Windows.UI.Xaml.Application.Current.Resources["ActionSheetStyle"] }; if (options.Title != null) dialog.Title = options.Title; list.ItemClick += (s, e) => { dialog.Hide(); options.SetResult((string)e.ClickedItem); }; _actionSheetOptions = options; if (options.Cancel != null) dialog.SecondaryButtonText = options.Cancel; if (options.Destruction != null) dialog.PrimaryButtonText = options.Destruction; ContentDialogResult result = await dialog.ShowAsync(); if (result == ContentDialogResult.Secondary) options.SetResult(options.Cancel); else if (result == ContentDialogResult.Primary) options.SetResult(options.Destruction); } #else void OnPageActionSheet(Page sender, ActionSheetArguments options) { var finalArguments = new List(); if (options.Destruction != null) finalArguments.Add(options.Destruction); if (options.Buttons != null) finalArguments.AddRange(options.Buttons); if (options.Cancel != null) finalArguments.Add(options.Cancel); var list = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.ListView { Style = (Windows.UI.Xaml.Style)Windows.UI.Xaml.Application.Current.Resources["ActionSheetList"], ItemsSource = finalArguments, IsItemClickEnabled = true }; list.ItemClick += (s, e) => { _currentActionSheet.IsOpen = false; _currentActionSheet = null; options.SetResult((string)e.ClickedItem); }; _actionSheetOptions = options; Size size = Device.Info.ScaledScreenSize; var stack = new StackPanel { MinWidth = 100, Children = { new TextBlock { Text = options.Title ?? string.Empty, Style = (Windows.UI.Xaml.Style)Windows.UI.Xaml.Application.Current.Resources["TitleTextBlockStyle"], Margin = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Thickness(0, 0, 0, 10), Visibility = options.Title != null ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed }, list } }; var border = new Border { Child = stack, BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White), BorderThickness = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Thickness(1), Padding = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Thickness(15), Background = (Brush)Windows.UI.Xaml.Application.Current.Resources["AppBarBackgroundThemeBrush"] }; Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Grid.SetRow(border, 1); Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Grid.SetColumn(border, 1); var container = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Grid { RowDefinitions = { new Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.RowDefinition { Height = new Windows.UI.Xaml.GridLength(1, Windows.UI.Xaml.GridUnitType.Star) }, new Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.RowDefinition { Height = new Windows.UI.Xaml.GridLength(0, Windows.UI.Xaml.GridUnitType.Auto) }, new Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.RowDefinition { Height = new Windows.UI.Xaml.GridLength(1, Windows.UI.Xaml.GridUnitType.Star) } }, ColumnDefinitions = { new Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.ColumnDefinition { Width = new Windows.UI.Xaml.GridLength(1, Windows.UI.Xaml.GridUnitType.Star) }, new Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.ColumnDefinition { Width = new Windows.UI.Xaml.GridLength(0, Windows.UI.Xaml.GridUnitType.Auto) }, new Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.ColumnDefinition { Width = new Windows.UI.Xaml.GridLength(1, Windows.UI.Xaml.GridUnitType.Star) } }, Height = size.Height, Width = size.Width, Children = { border } }; var bgPopup = new Popup { Child = new Canvas { Width = size.Width, Height = size.Height, Background = new SolidColorBrush(new Windows.UI.Color { A = 128, R = 0, G = 0, B = 0 }) } }; bgPopup.IsOpen = true; _currentActionSheet = new Popup { ChildTransitions = new TransitionCollection { new PopupThemeTransition() }, IsLightDismissEnabled = true, Child = container }; _currentActionSheet.Closed += (s, e) => { bgPopup.IsOpen = false; CancelActionSheet(); }; if (Device.Idiom == TargetIdiom.Phone) { double height = WindowBounds.Height; stack.Height = height; stack.Width = size.Width; border.BorderThickness = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Thickness(0); _currentActionSheet.Height = height; _currentActionSheet.VerticalOffset = size.Height - height; } _currentActionSheet.IsOpen = true; } #endif async void OnPageAlert(Page sender, AlertArguments options) { string content = options.Message ?? options.Title ?? string.Empty; MessageDialog dialog; if (options.Message == null || options.Title == null) dialog = new MessageDialog(content); else dialog = new MessageDialog(options.Message, options.Title); if (options.Accept != null) { dialog.Commands.Add(new UICommand(options.Accept)); dialog.DefaultCommandIndex = (uint)dialog.Commands.Count - 1; } if (options.Cancel != null) { dialog.Commands.Add(new UICommand(options.Cancel)); dialog.CancelCommandIndex = 0; } IUICommand command = await dialog.ShowAsync(); options.SetResult(command.Label == options.Accept); } } }