using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Linq; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Media; using Microsoft.Phone.Controls; using GestureEventArgs = System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs; using SLButton = System.Windows.Controls.Button; using SLBinding = System.Windows.Data.Binding; namespace Xamarin.Forms.Platform.WinPhone { // Fixes a weird crash, don't ask. internal class FixedLongListSelector : LongListSelector { bool _isInPullToRefresh; System.Windows.Point _lastPosition; double _pullToRefreshStatus; public FixedLongListSelector() { Loaded += OnLoaded; } public bool IsInPullToRefresh { get { return _isInPullToRefresh; } private set { if (_isInPullToRefresh == value) return; _isInPullToRefresh = value; if (_isInPullToRefresh) { EventHandler handler = PullToRefreshStarted; if (handler != null) handler(this, EventArgs.Empty); } else { EventHandler handler = PullToRefreshStatus >= 1 ? PullToRefreshCompleted : PullToRefreshCanceled; if (handler != null) handler(this, EventArgs.Empty); _pullToRefreshStatus = 0; } } } public double PullToRefreshStatus { get { return _pullToRefreshStatus; } set { if (_pullToRefreshStatus == value) return; _pullToRefreshStatus = value; EventHandler handler = PullToRefreshStatusUpdated; if (handler != null) handler(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } public ViewportControl ViewportControl { get; private set; } bool ViewportAtTop { get { return ViewportControl.Viewport.Top == 0; } } public override void OnApplyTemplate() { base.OnApplyTemplate(); if (ViewportControl != null) { ViewportControl.ViewportChanged -= OnViewportChanged; ViewportControl.ManipulationStateChanged -= OnManipulationStateChanged; } ViewportControl = (ViewportControl)VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(this, 0), 0), 0); ViewportControl.ViewportChanged += OnViewportChanged; ViewportControl.ManipulationStateChanged += OnManipulationStateChanged; } public event EventHandler PullToRefreshCanceled; public event EventHandler PullToRefreshCompleted; public event EventHandler PullToRefreshStarted; public event EventHandler PullToRefreshStatusUpdated; protected override System.Windows.Size MeasureOverride(System.Windows.Size availableSize) { try { return base.MeasureOverride(availableSize); } catch (ArgumentException) { return base.MeasureOverride(availableSize); } } void OnFrameReported(object sender, TouchFrameEventArgs e) { TouchPoint touchPoint; try { touchPoint = e.GetPrimaryTouchPoint(this); } catch (Exception) { return; } if (touchPoint == null || touchPoint.Action != TouchAction.Move) return; System.Windows.Point position = touchPoint.Position; if (IsInPullToRefresh) { double delta = position.Y - _lastPosition.Y; PullToRefreshStatus += delta / 150.0; } _lastPosition = position; } void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs) { Loaded -= OnLoaded; Unloaded += OnUnloaded; Touch.FrameReported += OnFrameReported; } void OnManipulationStateChanged(object o, ManipulationStateChangedEventArgs args) { switch (ViewportControl.ManipulationState) { case ManipulationState.Idle: // thing is rested IsInPullToRefresh = false; break; case ManipulationState.Manipulating: // user interaction IsInPullToRefresh = ViewportAtTop; break; case ManipulationState.Animating: // user let go IsInPullToRefresh = false; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } void OnUnloaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs) { Loaded += OnLoaded; Unloaded -= OnUnloaded; Touch.FrameReported -= OnFrameReported; } void OnViewportChanged(object o, ViewportChangedEventArgs args) { if (ViewportControl.ManipulationState == ManipulationState.Manipulating) IsInPullToRefresh = ViewportAtTop; } } public class ListViewRenderer : ViewRenderer { public static readonly DependencyProperty HighlightWhenSelectedProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("HighlightWhenSelected", typeof(bool), typeof(ListViewRenderer), new PropertyMetadata(false)); readonly List> _previousHighlights = new List>(); Animatable _animatable; object _fromNative; bool _itemNeedsSelecting; FixedLongListSelector _listBox; System.Windows.Controls.ProgressBar _progressBar; ViewportControl _viewport; public override SizeRequest GetDesiredSize(double widthConstraint, double heightConstraint) { SizeRequest result = base.GetDesiredSize(widthConstraint, heightConstraint); result.Minimum = new Size(40, 40); return result; } public static bool GetHighlightWhenSelected(DependencyObject dependencyObject) { return (bool)dependencyObject.GetValue(HighlightWhenSelectedProperty); } public static void SetHighlightWhenSelected(DependencyObject dependencyObject, bool value) { dependencyObject.SetValue(HighlightWhenSelectedProperty, value); } protected override System.Windows.Size ArrangeOverride(System.Windows.Size finalSize) { System.Windows.Size result = base.ArrangeOverride(finalSize); _progressBar.Measure(finalSize); _progressBar.Arrange(new Rect(0, 0, finalSize.Width, _progressBar.DesiredSize.Height)); return result; } protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs e) { base.OnElementChanged(e); Element.ScrollToRequested += OnScrollToRequested; if (Element.SelectedItem != null) _itemNeedsSelecting = true; _listBox = new FixedLongListSelector { DataContext = Element, ItemsSource = Element.TemplatedItems, ItemTemplate = (System.Windows.DataTemplate)System.Windows.Application.Current.Resources["CellTemplate"], GroupHeaderTemplate = (System.Windows.DataTemplate)System.Windows.Application.Current.Resources["ListViewHeader"], ListHeaderTemplate = (System.Windows.DataTemplate)System.Windows.Application.Current.Resources["View"], ListFooterTemplate = (System.Windows.DataTemplate)System.Windows.Application.Current.Resources["View"] }; _listBox.SetBinding(LongListSelector.IsGroupingEnabledProperty, new SLBinding("IsGroupingEnabled")); _listBox.SelectionChanged += OnNativeSelectionChanged; _listBox.Tap += OnNativeItemTapped; _listBox.ItemRealized += OnItemRealized; _listBox.PullToRefreshStarted += OnPullToRefreshStarted; _listBox.PullToRefreshCompleted += OnPullToRefreshCompleted; _listBox.PullToRefreshCanceled += OnPullToRefreshCanceled; _listBox.PullToRefreshStatusUpdated += OnPullToRefreshStatusUpdated; SetNativeControl(_listBox); _progressBar = new System.Windows.Controls.ProgressBar { Maximum = 1, Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed }; Children.Add(_progressBar); UpdateHeader(); UpdateFooter(); UpdateJumpList(); } protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e); if (e.PropertyName == ListView.SelectedItemProperty.PropertyName) OnItemSelected(Element.SelectedItem); else if (e.PropertyName == "HeaderElement") UpdateHeader(); else if (e.PropertyName == "FooterElement") UpdateFooter(); else if ((e.PropertyName == ListView.IsRefreshingProperty.PropertyName) || (e.PropertyName == ListView.IsPullToRefreshEnabledProperty.PropertyName) || (e.PropertyName == "CanRefresh")) UpdateIsRefreshing(); else if (e.PropertyName == "GroupShortNameBinding") UpdateJumpList(); } protected override void UpdateNativeWidget() { base.UpdateNativeWidget(); if (_progressBar != null) _progressBar.Width = Element.Width; } Cell FindCell(GestureEventArgs e, out FrameworkElement element) { Cell cell = null; element = e.OriginalSource as FrameworkElement; if (element != null) cell = element.DataContext as Cell; if (cell == null) { System.Windows.Point pos = e.GetPosition(_listBox); IEnumerable elements = VisualTreeHelper.FindElementsInHostCoordinates(pos, _listBox); foreach (FrameworkElement frameworkElement in elements.OfType()) { if ((cell = frameworkElement.DataContext as Cell) != null) { element = frameworkElement; break; } } } return cell; } static IEnumerable FindDescendants(DependencyObject dobj) where T : DependencyObject { int count = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(dobj); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { DependencyObject element = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(dobj, i); if (element is T) yield return (T)element; foreach (T descendant in FindDescendants(element)) yield return descendant; } } FrameworkElement FindElement(Cell cell) { foreach (CellControl selector in FindDescendants(_listBox)) { if (ReferenceEquals(cell, selector.DataContext)) return selector; } return null; } IEnumerable FindHighlight(FrameworkElement element) { FrameworkElement parent = element; while (true) { element = parent; if (element is CellControl) break; parent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(element) as FrameworkElement; if (parent == null) { parent = element; break; } } return FindHighlightCore(parent); } IEnumerable FindHighlightCore(DependencyObject element) { int children = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(element); for (var i = 0; i < children; i++) { DependencyObject child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(element, i); var label = child as LabelRenderer; var childElement = child as FrameworkElement; if (childElement != null && (GetHighlightWhenSelected(childElement) || label != null)) { if (label != null) yield return label.Control; else yield return childElement; } foreach (FrameworkElement recursedElement in FindHighlightCore(childElement)) yield return recursedElement; } } double GetHeight(Dictionary reusables, System.Windows.DataTemplate template, object bindingContext) { double width = Control.ActualWidth; FrameworkElement content; if (!reusables.TryGetValue(template, out content)) { content = (FrameworkElement)template.LoadContent(); // Windows Phone refuses to properly bind things on a first pass or even a second pass unless it has different content // so we'll force it to cycle here the first time for each template. content.DataContext = bindingContext; content.Measure(new System.Windows.Size(width, double.PositiveInfinity)); content.DataContext = null; content.Measure(new System.Windows.Size(width, double.PositiveInfinity)); var control = content as Control; if (control != null) { // Since we're not adding to the visual tree, we need to inherit the font to measure correctly. control.FontFamily = Control.FontFamily; } reusables[template] = content; } content.DataContext = bindingContext; content.Measure(new System.Windows.Size(width, double.PositiveInfinity)); return content.DesiredSize.Height; } void OnItemRealized(object sender, ItemRealizationEventArgs e) { if (!_itemNeedsSelecting) return; var cell = e.Container.DataContext as Cell; if (cell == null || !Equals(cell.BindingContext, Element.SelectedItem)) return; _itemNeedsSelecting = false; OnItemSelected(Element.SelectedItem); } void OnItemSelected(object selectedItem) { if (_fromNative != null && Equals(selectedItem, _fromNative)) { _fromNative = null; return; } RestorePreviousSelectedVisual(); if (selectedItem == null) { _listBox.SelectedItem = selectedItem; return; } IEnumerable items = FindDescendants(_listBox); CellControl item = items.FirstOrDefault(i => { var cell = (Cell)i.DataContext; return Equals(cell.BindingContext, selectedItem); }); if (item == null) { _itemNeedsSelecting = true; return; } SetSelectedVisual(item); } void OnNativeItemTapped(object sender, GestureEventArgs e) { var cell = (Cell)Control.SelectedItem; if (cell == null) return; Cell parentCell = null; if (Element.IsGroupingEnabled) { TemplatedItemsList, Cell> til = TemplatedItemsList, Cell>.GetGroup(cell); parentCell = til.HeaderContent; } _fromNative = cell.BindingContext; if (Element.IsGroupingEnabled) { Element.NotifyRowTapped(TemplatedItemsList, Cell>.GetIndex(parentCell), TemplatedItemsList, Cell>.GetIndex(cell)); } else Element.NotifyRowTapped(TemplatedItemsList, Cell>.GetIndex(cell)); } void OnNativeSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.AddedItems.Count == 0) return; var cell = (Cell)e.AddedItems[0]; Cell parentCell = null; if (cell == null) { RestorePreviousSelectedVisual(); return; } RestorePreviousSelectedVisual(); FrameworkElement element = FindElement(cell); if (element != null) SetSelectedVisual(element); } void OnPullToRefreshCanceled(object sender, EventArgs args) { if (Element.IsPullToRefreshEnabled && ((IListViewController)Element).RefreshAllowed) _progressBar.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } void OnPullToRefreshCompleted(object sender, EventArgs args) { if (Element.IsPullToRefreshEnabled && ((IListViewController)Element).RefreshAllowed) { _progressBar.IsIndeterminate = true; ((IListViewController)Element).SendRefreshing(); } } void OnPullToRefreshStarted(object sender, EventArgs args) { if (Element.IsPullToRefreshEnabled && ((IListViewController)Element).RefreshAllowed) { _progressBar.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; _progressBar.IsIndeterminate = false; _progressBar.Value = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(1, _listBox.PullToRefreshStatus)); } } void OnPullToRefreshStatusUpdated(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs) { if (Element.IsPullToRefreshEnabled && ((IListViewController)Element).RefreshAllowed) _progressBar.Value = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(1, _listBox.PullToRefreshStatus)); } void OnScrollToRequested(object sender, ScrollToRequestedEventArgs e) { if (_animatable == null && e.ShouldAnimate) _animatable = new Animatable(); if (_viewport == null) { // Making sure we're actually loaded if (VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(_listBox) == 0) { RoutedEventHandler handler = null; handler = (o, args) => { Control.Loaded -= handler; OnScrollToRequested(sender, e); }; Control.Loaded += handler; return; } _viewport = (ViewportControl)VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(_listBox, 0), 0), 0); if (_viewport.Viewport.Bottom == 0) { EventHandler viewportChanged = null; viewportChanged = (o, args) => { if (_viewport.Viewport.Bottom == 0) return; _viewport.ViewportChanged -= viewportChanged; OnScrollToRequested(sender, e); }; _viewport.ViewportChanged += viewportChanged; return; } } double y = 0; double targetHeight = 0; double targetHeaderHeight = 0; var templateReusables = new Dictionary(); var found = false; if (Element.IsGroupingEnabled) { for (var g = 0; g < Element.TemplatedItems.Count; g++) { if (found) break; TemplatedItemsList, Cell> til = Element.TemplatedItems.GetGroup(g); double headerHeight = GetHeight(templateReusables, Control.GroupHeaderTemplate, til); y += headerHeight; for (var i = 0; i < til.Count; i++) { Cell cell = til[i]; double contentHeight = GetHeight(templateReusables, Control.ItemTemplate, cell); if ((ReferenceEquals(til.BindingContext, e.Group) || e.Group == null) && ReferenceEquals(cell.BindingContext, e.Item)) { targetHeaderHeight = headerHeight; targetHeight = contentHeight; found = true; break; } y += contentHeight; } } } else { for (var i = 0; i < Element.TemplatedItems.Count; i++) { Cell cell = Element.TemplatedItems[i]; double height = GetHeight(templateReusables, Control.ItemTemplate, cell); if (ReferenceEquals(cell.BindingContext, e.Item)) { found = true; targetHeight = height; break; } y += height; } } if (!found) return; ScrollToPosition position = e.Position; if (position == ScrollToPosition.MakeVisible) { if (y >= _viewport.Viewport.Top && y <= _viewport.Viewport.Bottom) return; if (y > _viewport.Viewport.Bottom) position = ScrollToPosition.End; else position = ScrollToPosition.Start; } if (position == ScrollToPosition.Start && Element.IsGroupingEnabled) y = y - targetHeaderHeight; else if (position == ScrollToPosition.Center) y = y - (_viewport.ActualHeight / 2 + targetHeight / 2); else if (position == ScrollToPosition.End) y = y - _viewport.ActualHeight + targetHeight; double startY = _viewport.Viewport.Y; double distance = y - startY; if (e.ShouldAnimate) { var animation = new Animation(v => { _viewport.SetViewportOrigin(new System.Windows.Point(0, startY + distance * v)); }); animation.Commit(_animatable, "ScrollTo", length: 500, easing: Easing.CubicInOut); } else _viewport.SetViewportOrigin(new System.Windows.Point(0, y)); } void RestorePreviousSelectedVisual() { foreach (Tuple highlight in _previousHighlights) { if (highlight.Item2 != null) highlight.Item1.SetForeground(highlight.Item2); else highlight.Item1.SetForeground(highlight.Item3); } _previousHighlights.Clear(); } void SetSelectedVisual(FrameworkElement element) { IEnumerable highlightMes = FindHighlight(element); foreach (FrameworkElement toHighlight in highlightMes) { Brush brush = null; SLBinding binding = toHighlight.GetForegroundBinding(); if (binding == null) brush = toHighlight.GetForeground(); _previousHighlights.Add(new Tuple(toHighlight, binding, brush)); toHighlight.SetForeground((Brush)System.Windows.Application.Current.Resources["PhoneAccentBrush"]); } } void UpdateFooter() { Control.ListFooter = ((IListViewController)Element).FooterElement; } void UpdateHeader() { Control.ListHeader = ((IListViewController)Element).HeaderElement; } void UpdateIsRefreshing() { if (Element.IsRefreshing) { _progressBar.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; _progressBar.IsIndeterminate = true; } else { _progressBar.IsIndeterminate = false; _progressBar.Visibility = _listBox.IsInPullToRefresh && Element.IsPullToRefreshEnabled && ((IListViewController)Element).RefreshAllowed ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed; } } void UpdateJumpList() { if (_listBox.IsGroupingEnabled && Element.GroupShortNameBinding == null) _listBox.JumpListStyle = null; else _listBox.JumpListStyle = (System.Windows.Style)System.Windows.Application.Current.Resources["HeaderJumpStyle"]; } } }