using System; namespace Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Tizen { /// /// Renderer of a Layout. /// public class LayoutRenderer : ViewRenderer { /// /// Default constructor. /// public LayoutRenderer() { } protected override void UpdateLayout() { // in case of layouts we need to make sure that the minimum size of the native control is updated // this is important in case of ScrollView, when it's content is likely to be wider/higher than the window // EFL does not allow control to be larger than the window if it's minimum size is smaller than window dimensions ScrollView scrollView = Element.Parent as ScrollView; if (scrollView != null) { Size size = scrollView.ContentSize; Control.MinimumWidth = Forms.ConvertToScaledPixel(Math.Max(size.Width, scrollView.Content.Width)); Control.MinimumHeight = Forms.ConvertToScaledPixel(Math.Max(size.Height, scrollView.Content.Height)); } base.UpdateLayout(); } protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs e) { if (null == Control) { var canvas = new Native.Canvas(Forms.Context.MainWindow); canvas.LayoutUpdated += OnLayoutUpdated; SetNativeControl(canvas); } base.OnElementChanged(e); } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { Control.LayoutUpdated -= OnLayoutUpdated; base.Dispose(disposing); } void OnLayoutUpdated(object sender, Native.LayoutEventArgs e) { DoLayout(e); } } }