using System; namespace Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Tizen { public class DatePickerRenderer : ViewRenderer { //TODO need to add internationalization support const string DialogTitle = "Choose Date"; public DatePickerRenderer() { RegisterPropertyHandler(DatePicker.DateProperty, UpdateDate); RegisterPropertyHandler(DatePicker.FormatProperty, UpdateDate); RegisterPropertyHandler(DatePicker.TextColorProperty, UpdateTextColor); } protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs e) { if (Control == null) { var entry = new Native.EditfieldEntry(Forms.Context.MainWindow) { IsSingleLine = true, HorizontalTextAlignment = Native.TextAlignment.Center, }; entry.SetVerticalTextAlignment("elm.text", 0.5); entry.AllowFocus(false); entry.Clicked += OnEntryClicked; SetNativeControl(entry); } base.OnElementChanged(e); } protected override Size MinimumSize() { return Control.Measure(Control.MinimumWidth, Control.MinimumHeight).ToDP(); } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { if (Control != null) { Control.Clicked -= OnEntryClicked; } } base.Dispose(disposing); } void OnEntryClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { // For EFL Entry, the event will occur even if it is currently disabled. // If the problem is resolved, no conditional statement is required. if (Element.IsEnabled) { Native.DateTimePickerDialog dialog = new Native.DateTimePickerDialog(Forms.Context.MainWindow) { Title = DialogTitle }; dialog.InitializeDatePicker(Element.Date, Element.MinimumDate, Element.MaximumDate); dialog.DateTimeChanged += OnDateTimeChanged; dialog.Dismissed += OnDialogDismissed; dialog.Show(); } } void OnDateTimeChanged(object sender, Native.DateChangedEventArgs dcea) { Element.Date = dcea.NewDate; Control.Text = dcea.NewDate.ToString(Element.Format); } void OnDialogDismissed(object sender, EventArgs e) { var dialog = sender as Native.DateTimePickerDialog; dialog.DateTimeChanged -= OnDateTimeChanged; dialog.Dismissed -= OnDialogDismissed; } void UpdateDate() { Control.Text = Element.Date.ToString(Element.Format); } void UpdateTextColor() { Control.TextColor = Element.TextColor.ToNative(); } } }