using System; using System.ComponentModel; using Android.App; using Android.OS; using Android.Views; using AView = Android.Views.View; namespace Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android { public abstract class ViewRenderer : ViewRenderer { } public abstract class ViewRenderer : VisualElementRenderer, AView.IOnFocusChangeListener where TView : View where TNativeView : AView { protected virtual TNativeView CreateNativeControl() { return default(TNativeView); } ViewGroup _container; string _defaultContentDescription; bool? _defaultFocusable; string _defaultHint; bool _disposed; EventHandler _focusChangeHandler; SoftInput _startingInputMode; internal bool HandleKeyboardOnFocus; public TNativeView Control { get; private set; } void AView.IOnFocusChangeListener.OnFocusChange(AView v, bool hasFocus) { if (Element is Entry || Element is SearchBar || Element is Editor) { var isInViewCell = false; Element parent = Element.RealParent; while (!(parent is Page) && parent != null) { if (parent is Cell) { isInViewCell = true; break; } parent = parent.RealParent; } if (isInViewCell) { Window window = ((Activity)Context).Window; if (hasFocus) { _startingInputMode = window.Attributes.SoftInputMode; window.SetSoftInputMode(SoftInput.AdjustPan); } else window.SetSoftInputMode(_startingInputMode); } } OnNativeFocusChanged(hasFocus); ((IElementController)Element).SetValueFromRenderer(VisualElement.IsFocusedPropertyKey, hasFocus); } public override SizeRequest GetDesiredSize(int widthConstraint, int heightConstraint) { if (Control == null) return (base.GetDesiredSize(widthConstraint, heightConstraint)); AView view = _container == this ? (AView)Control : _container; view.Measure(widthConstraint, heightConstraint); return new SizeRequest(new Size(Control.MeasuredWidth, Control.MeasuredHeight), MinimumSize()); } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing && !_disposed) { if (Control != null && ManageNativeControlLifetime) { Control.OnFocusChangeListener = null; RemoveView(Control); Control.Dispose(); Control = null; } if (_container != null && _container != this) { _container.RemoveFromParent(); _container.Dispose(); _container = null; } if (Element != null && _focusChangeHandler != null) { Element.FocusChangeRequested -= _focusChangeHandler; _focusChangeHandler = null; } _disposed = true; } base.Dispose(disposing); } protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs e) { base.OnElementChanged(e); if (_focusChangeHandler == null) _focusChangeHandler = OnFocusChangeRequested; if (e.OldElement != null) e.OldElement.FocusChangeRequested -= _focusChangeHandler; if (e.NewElement != null) e.NewElement.FocusChangeRequested += _focusChangeHandler; } protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e); if (e.PropertyName == VisualElement.IsEnabledProperty.PropertyName) UpdateIsEnabled(); else if (e.PropertyName == Accessibility.LabeledByProperty.PropertyName) SetLabeledBy(); } protected override void OnLayout(bool changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) { base.OnLayout(changed, l, t, r, b); if (Control == null) return; AView view = _container == this ? (AView)Control : _container; view.Measure(MeasureSpecFactory.MakeMeasureSpec(r - l, MeasureSpecMode.Exactly), MeasureSpecFactory.MakeMeasureSpec(b - t, MeasureSpecMode.Exactly)); view.Layout(0, 0, r - l, b - t); } protected override void OnRegisterEffect(PlatformEffect effect) { base.OnRegisterEffect(effect); effect.SetControl(Control); } protected override void SetAutomationId(string id) { if (Control == null) base.SetAutomationId(id); else { ContentDescription = id + "_Container"; Control.ContentDescription = id; } } protected override void SetContentDescription() { if (Control == null) { base.SetContentDescription(); return; } if (Element == null) return; if (SetHint()) return; if (_defaultContentDescription == null) _defaultContentDescription = Control.ContentDescription; var elemValue = string.Join(" ", (string)Element.GetValue(Accessibility.NameProperty), (string)Element.GetValue(Accessibility.HintProperty)); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(elemValue)) Control.ContentDescription = elemValue; else Control.ContentDescription = _defaultContentDescription; } protected override void SetFocusable() { if (Control == null) { base.SetFocusable(); return; } if (Element == null) return; if (!_defaultFocusable.HasValue) _defaultFocusable = Control.Focusable; Control.Focusable = (bool)((bool?)Element.GetValue(Accessibility.IsInAccessibleTreeProperty) ?? _defaultFocusable); } protected override bool SetHint() { if (Control == null) { return base.SetHint(); } if (Element == null) return false; var textView = Control as global::Android.Widget.TextView; if (textView == null) return false; // Let the specified Title/Placeholder take precedence, but don't set the ContentDescription (won't work anyway) if (((Element as Picker)?.Title ?? (Element as Entry)?.Placeholder ?? (Element as EntryCell)?.Placeholder) != null) return true; if (_defaultHint == null) _defaultHint = textView.Hint; var elemValue = string.Join((String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)(Element.GetValue(Accessibility.NameProperty))) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)(Element.GetValue(Accessibility.HintProperty)))) ? "" : ". ", (string)Element.GetValue(Accessibility.NameProperty), (string)Element.GetValue(Accessibility.HintProperty)); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(elemValue)) textView.Hint = elemValue; else textView.Hint = _defaultHint; return true; } protected void SetNativeControl(TNativeView control) { SetNativeControl(control, this); } internal virtual void OnFocusChangeRequested(object sender, VisualElement.FocusRequestArgs e) { if (Control == null) return; e.Result = true; if (e.Focus) { // use post being BeginInvokeOnMainThread will not delay on android Looper looper = Context.MainLooper; var handler = new Handler(looper); handler.Post(() => { Control?.RequestFocus(); }); } else { Control.ClearFocus(); } //handles keyboard on focus for Editor, Entry and SearchBar if (HandleKeyboardOnFocus) { if (e.Focus) Control.ShowKeyboard(); else Control.HideKeyboard(); } } internal virtual void OnNativeFocusChanged(bool hasFocus) { } internal override void SendVisualElementInitialized(VisualElement element, AView nativeView) { base.SendVisualElementInitialized(element, Control); } internal void SetNativeControl(TNativeView control, ViewGroup container) { if (Control != null) { Control.OnFocusChangeListener = null; RemoveView(Control); } _container = container; Control = control; AView toAdd = container == this ? control : (AView)container; AddView(toAdd, LayoutParams.MatchParent); Control.OnFocusChangeListener = this; UpdateIsEnabled(); SetLabeledBy(); } void SetLabeledBy() { if (Element == null || Control == null) return; var elemValue = (VisualElement)Element.GetValue(Accessibility.LabeledByProperty); if (elemValue != null) { var id = Control.Id; if (id == -1) id = Control.Id = FormsAppCompatActivity.GetUniqueId(); var renderer = elemValue?.GetRenderer(); renderer?.SetLabelFor(id); } } void UpdateIsEnabled() { if (Control != null) Control.Enabled = Element.IsEnabled; } } }