using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Linq; using Android.Content; using Android.Util; using Android.Views; using Android.Widget; using AView = Android.Views.View; using AListView = Android.Widget.ListView; using Xamarin.Forms.Internals; namespace Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android { internal sealed class ListViewAdapter : CellAdapter { const int DefaultGroupHeaderTemplateId = 0; const int DefaultItemTemplateId = 1; static int s_dividerHorizontalDarkId = int.MinValue; internal static readonly BindableProperty IsSelectedProperty = BindableProperty.CreateAttached("IsSelected", typeof(bool), typeof(Cell), false); readonly Context _context; readonly ListView _listView; readonly AListView _realListView; readonly Dictionary _templateToId = new Dictionary(); int _dataTemplateIncrementer = 2; // lets start at not 0 because Cell _enabledCheckCell; bool _fromNative; AView _lastSelected; WeakReference _selectedCell; IListViewController Controller => _listView; ITemplatedItemsView TemplatedItemsView => _listView; public ListViewAdapter(Context context, AListView realListView, ListView listView) : base(context) { _context = context; _realListView = realListView; _listView = listView; if (listView.SelectedItem != null) SelectItem(listView.SelectedItem); var templatedItems = ((ITemplatedItemsView)listView).TemplatedItems; templatedItems.CollectionChanged += OnCollectionChanged; templatedItems.GroupedCollectionChanged += OnGroupedCollectionChanged; listView.ItemSelected += OnItemSelected; realListView.OnItemClickListener = this; realListView.OnItemLongClickListener = this; MessagingCenter.Subscribe(this, Platform.CloseContextActionsSignalName, p => CloseContextAction()); } public override int Count { get { var templatedItems = TemplatedItemsView.TemplatedItems; int count = templatedItems.Count; if (_listView.IsGroupingEnabled) { for (var i = 0; i < templatedItems.Count; i++) count += templatedItems.GetGroup(i).Count; } return count; } } public AView FooterView { get; set; } public override bool HasStableIds { get { return false; } } public AView HeaderView { get; set; } public bool IsAttachedToWindow { get; set; } public override object this[int index] { get { if (_listView.IsGroupingEnabled) { Cell cell = GetCellForPosition(index); return cell.BindingContext; } return TemplatedItemsView.ListProxy[index]; } } public override int ViewTypeCount { get { return 20; } } public override bool AreAllItemsEnabled() { return false; } public override long GetItemId(int position) { return position; } public override int GetItemViewType(int position) { var group = 0; var row = 0; DataTemplate itemTemplate; if (!_listView.IsGroupingEnabled) itemTemplate = _listView.ItemTemplate; else { group = TemplatedItemsView.TemplatedItems.GetGroupIndexFromGlobal(position, out row); if (row == 0) { itemTemplate = _listView.GroupHeaderTemplate; if (itemTemplate == null) return DefaultGroupHeaderTemplateId; } else { itemTemplate = _listView.ItemTemplate; row--; } } if (itemTemplate == null) return DefaultItemTemplateId; var selector = itemTemplate as DataTemplateSelector; if (selector != null) { object item = null; if (_listView.IsGroupingEnabled) item = ((ITemplatedItemsView)TemplatedItemsView.TemplatedItems.GetGroup(group)).ListProxy[row]; else item = ((ITemplatedItemsView)TemplatedItemsView.TemplatedItems).ListProxy[position]; itemTemplate = selector.SelectTemplate(item, _listView); } int key; if (!_templateToId.TryGetValue(itemTemplate, out key)) { _dataTemplateIncrementer++; key = _dataTemplateIncrementer; _templateToId[itemTemplate] = key; } return key; } public override AView GetView(int position, AView convertView, ViewGroup parent) { Cell cell = null; Performance.Start(); ListViewCachingStrategy cachingStrategy = Controller.CachingStrategy; var nextCellIsHeader = false; if (cachingStrategy == ListViewCachingStrategy.RetainElement || convertView == null) { if (_listView.IsGroupingEnabled) { List cells = GetCellsFromPosition(position, 2); if (cells.Count > 0) cell = cells[0]; if (cells.Count == 2) nextCellIsHeader = cells[1].GetIsGroupHeader, Cell>(); } if (cell == null) { cell = GetCellForPosition(position); if (cell == null) return new AView(_context); } } var cellIsBeingReused = false; var layout = convertView as ConditionalFocusLayout; if (layout != null) { cellIsBeingReused = true; convertView = layout.GetChildAt(0); } else layout = new ConditionalFocusLayout(_context) { Orientation = Orientation.Vertical }; if (cachingStrategy == ListViewCachingStrategy.RecycleElement && convertView != null) { var boxedCell = (INativeElementView)convertView; if (boxedCell == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"View for cell must implement {nameof(INativeElementView)} to enable recycling."); } cell = (Cell)boxedCell.Element; if (ActionModeContext == cell) { // This appears to never happen, the theory is android keeps all views alive that are currently selected for long-press (preventing them from being recycled). // This is convenient since we wont have to worry about the user scrolling the cell offscreen and us losing our context actions. ActionModeContext = null; ContextView = null; } // We are going to re-set the Platform here because in some cases (headers mostly) its possible this is unset and // when the binding context gets updated the measure passes will all fail. By applying this here the Update call // further down will result in correct layouts. cell.Platform = _listView.Platform; ICellController cellController = cell; cellController.SendDisappearing(); int row = position; var group = 0; var templatedItems = TemplatedItemsView.TemplatedItems; if (_listView.IsGroupingEnabled) group = templatedItems.GetGroupIndexFromGlobal(position, out row); var templatedList = templatedItems.GetGroup(group); if (_listView.IsGroupingEnabled) { if (row == 0) templatedList.UpdateHeader(cell, group); else templatedList.UpdateContent(cell, row - 1); } else templatedList.UpdateContent(cell, row); cellController.SendAppearing(); if (cell.BindingContext == ActionModeObject) { ActionModeContext = cell; ContextView = layout; } if (ReferenceEquals(_listView.SelectedItem, cell.BindingContext)) Select(_listView.IsGroupingEnabled ? row - 1 : row, layout); else if (cell.BindingContext == ActionModeObject) SetSelectedBackground(layout, true); else UnsetSelectedBackground(layout); Performance.Stop(); return layout; } AView view = CellFactory.GetCell(cell, convertView, parent, _context, _listView); Performance.Start("AddView"); if (cellIsBeingReused) { if (convertView != view) { layout.RemoveViewAt(0); layout.AddView(view, 0); } } else layout.AddView(view, 0); Performance.Stop("AddView"); bool isHeader = cell.GetIsGroupHeader, Cell>(); AView bline; UpdateSeparatorVisibility(cell, cellIsBeingReused, isHeader, nextCellIsHeader, layout, out bline); UpdateSeparatorColor(isHeader, bline); if ((bool)cell.GetValue(IsSelectedProperty)) Select(position, layout); else UnsetSelectedBackground(layout); layout.ApplyTouchListenersToSpecialCells(cell); Performance.Stop(); return layout; } public override bool IsEnabled(int position) { ListView list = _listView; ITemplatedItemsView templatedItemsView = list; if (list.IsGroupingEnabled) { int leftOver; templatedItemsView.TemplatedItems.GetGroupIndexFromGlobal(position, out leftOver); return leftOver > 0; } if (((IListViewController)list).CachingStrategy == ListViewCachingStrategy.RecycleElement) { if (_enabledCheckCell == null) _enabledCheckCell = GetCellForPosition(position); else templatedItemsView.TemplatedItems.UpdateContent(_enabledCheckCell, position); return _enabledCheckCell.IsEnabled; } Cell item = GetCellForPosition(position); return item.IsEnabled; } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { CloseContextAction(); MessagingCenter.Unsubscribe(this, Platform.CloseContextActionsSignalName); _realListView.OnItemClickListener = null; _realListView.OnItemLongClickListener = null; var templatedItems = TemplatedItemsView.TemplatedItems; templatedItems.CollectionChanged -= OnCollectionChanged; templatedItems.GroupedCollectionChanged -= OnGroupedCollectionChanged; _listView.ItemSelected -= OnItemSelected; if (_lastSelected != null) { _lastSelected.Dispose(); _lastSelected = null; } } base.Dispose(disposing); } protected override Cell GetCellForPosition(int position) { return GetCellsFromPosition(position, 1).FirstOrDefault(); } protected override void HandleItemClick(AdapterView parent, AView view, int position, long id) { Cell cell = null; if (Controller.CachingStrategy == ListViewCachingStrategy.RecycleElement) { AView cellOwner = view; var layout = cellOwner as ConditionalFocusLayout; if (layout != null) cellOwner = layout.GetChildAt(0); cell = (Cell)((INativeElementView)cellOwner).Element; } // All our ListView's have called AddHeaderView. This effectively becomes index 0, so our index 0 is index 1 to the listView. position--; if (position < 0 || position >= Count) return; Select(position, view); _fromNative = true; Controller.NotifyRowTapped(position, cell); } // TODO: We can optimize this by storing the last position, group index and global index // and increment/decrement from that starting place. List GetCellsFromPosition(int position, int take) { var cells = new List(take); if (position < 0) return cells; var templatedItems = TemplatedItemsView.TemplatedItems; if (!_listView.IsGroupingEnabled) { for (var x = 0; x < take; x++) { if (position + x >= templatedItems.Count) return cells; cells.Add(templatedItems[x + position]); } return cells; } var i = 0; var global = 0; for (; i < templatedItems.Count; i++) { var group = templatedItems.GetGroup(i); if (global == position || cells.Count > 0) { if (_listView.CachingStrategy == ListViewCachingStrategy.RecycleElement) { var groupContent = _listView.TemplatedItems.GroupHeaderTemplate.CreateContent(group.ItemsSource, _listView) as Cell; if (groupContent != null) { groupContent.Parent = _listView; groupContent.BindingContext = group.ItemsSource; cells.Add(groupContent); } } else { cells.Add(group.HeaderContent); } if (cells.Count == take) return cells; } global++; if (global + group.Count < position) { global += group.Count; continue; } for (var g = 0; g < group.Count; g++) { if (global == position || cells.Count > 0) { cells.Add(group[g]); if (cells.Count == take) return cells; } global++; } } return cells; } void OnCollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e) { OnDataChanged(); } void OnDataChanged() { if (IsAttachedToWindow) NotifyDataSetChanged(); else { // In a TabbedPage page with two pages, Page A and Page B with ListView, if A changes B's ListView, // we need to reset the ListView's adapter to reflect the changes on page B // If there header and footer are present at the reset time of the adapter // they will be DOUBLE added to the ViewGround (the ListView) causing indexes to be off by one. _realListView.RemoveHeaderView(HeaderView); _realListView.RemoveFooterView(FooterView); _realListView.Adapter = _realListView.Adapter; _realListView.AddHeaderView(HeaderView); _realListView.AddFooterView(FooterView); } } void OnGroupedCollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e) { OnDataChanged(); } void OnItemSelected(object sender, SelectedItemChangedEventArgs eventArg) { if (_fromNative) { _fromNative = false; return; } SelectItem(eventArg.SelectedItem); } void Select(int index, AView view) { if (_lastSelected != null) { UnsetSelectedBackground(_lastSelected); Cell previousCell; if (_selectedCell.TryGetTarget(out previousCell)) previousCell.SetValue(IsSelectedProperty, false); } _lastSelected = view; if (index == -1) return; Cell cell = GetCellForPosition(index); cell.SetValue(IsSelectedProperty, true); _selectedCell = new WeakReference(cell); if (view != null) SetSelectedBackground(view); } void SelectItem(object item) { int position = TemplatedItemsView.TemplatedItems.GetGlobalIndexOfItem(item); AView view = null; if (position != -1) view = _realListView.GetChildAt(position + 1 - _realListView.FirstVisiblePosition); Select(position, view); } void UpdateSeparatorVisibility(Cell cell, bool cellIsBeingReused, bool isHeader, bool nextCellIsHeader, ConditionalFocusLayout layout, out AView bline) { bline = null; if (cellIsBeingReused) return; var makeBline = _listView.SeparatorVisibility == SeparatorVisibility.Default || isHeader && !nextCellIsHeader; if (makeBline) { bline = new AView(_context) { LayoutParameters = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent, 1) }; layout.AddView(bline); } else if (layout.ChildCount > 1) { layout.RemoveViewAt(1); } } void UpdateSeparatorColor(bool isHeader, AView bline) { if (bline == null) return; Color separatorColor = _listView.SeparatorColor; if (isHeader || !separatorColor.IsDefault) bline.SetBackgroundColor(separatorColor.ToAndroid(Color.Accent)); else { if (s_dividerHorizontalDarkId == int.MinValue) { using (var value = new TypedValue()) { int id = global::Android.Resource.Drawable.DividerHorizontalDark; if (_context.Theme.ResolveAttribute(global::Android.Resource.Attribute.ListDivider, value, true)) id = value.ResourceId; else if (_context.Theme.ResolveAttribute(global::Android.Resource.Attribute.Divider, value, true)) id = value.ResourceId; s_dividerHorizontalDarkId = id; } } bline.SetBackgroundResource(s_dividerHorizontalDarkId); } } enum CellType { Row, Header } } }