using System; using Android.App; using Android.Content; using Android.OS; using Fragment = Android.Support.V4.App.Fragment; using FragmentManager = Android.Support.V4.App.FragmentManager; using FragmentTransaction = Android.Support.V4.App.FragmentTransaction; namespace Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.AppCompat { internal class MasterDetailContainer : Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.MasterDetailContainer, IManageFragments { PageContainer _pageContainer; FragmentManager _fragmentManager; readonly bool _isMaster; MasterDetailPage _parent; Fragment _currentFragment; bool _disposed; public MasterDetailContainer(MasterDetailPage parent, bool isMaster, Context context) : base(parent, isMaster, context) { Id = Platform.GenerateViewId(); _parent = parent; _isMaster = isMaster; } FragmentManager FragmentManager => _fragmentManager ?? (_fragmentManager = ((FormsAppCompatActivity)Context).SupportFragmentManager); protected override void OnLayout(bool changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) { base.OnLayout(changed, l, t, r, b); // If we're using a PageContainer (i.e., we've wrapped our contents in a Fragment), // Make sure that it gets laid out if (_pageContainer != null) { if (_isMaster) { var controller = (IMasterDetailPageController)_parent; var width = (int)Context.ToPixels(controller.MasterBounds.Width); // When the base class computes the size of the Master container, it starts at the top of the // screen and adds padding (_parent.MasterBounds.Top) to leave room for the status bar // When this container is laid out, it's already starting from the adjusted y value of the parent, // so we subtract _parent.MasterBounds.Top from our starting point (to get 0) and add it to the // bottom (so the master page stretches to the bottom of the screen) var height = (int)Context.ToPixels(controller.MasterBounds.Height + controller.MasterBounds.Top); _pageContainer.Layout(0, 0, width, height); } else { _pageContainer.Layout(l, t, r, b); } _pageContainer.Child.UpdateLayout(); } } protected override void AddChildView(VisualElement childView) { _pageContainer = null; Page page = childView as NavigationPage ?? (Page)(childView as TabbedPage); if (page == null) { // The thing we're adding is not a NavigationPage or TabbedPage, so we can just use the old AddChildView if (_currentFragment != null) { // But first, if the previous occupant of this container was a fragment, we need to remove it properly FragmentTransaction transaction = FragmentManager.BeginTransaction(); transaction.DisallowAddToBackStack(); transaction.Remove(_currentFragment); transaction.SetTransition((int)FragmentTransit.None); // This is a removal of a fragment that's not going on the back stack; there's no reason to care // whether its state gets successfully saved, since we'll never restore it. Ergo, CommitAllowingStateLoss transaction.CommitAllowingStateLoss(); _currentFragment = null; } base.AddChildView(childView); } else { // The renderers for NavigationPage and TabbedPage both host fragments, so they need to be wrapped in a // FragmentContainer in order to get isolated fragment management Fragment fragment = FragmentContainer.CreateInstance(page); var fc = fragment as FragmentContainer; fc?.SetOnCreateCallback(pc => { _pageContainer = pc; SetDefaultBackgroundColor(pc.Child); }); FragmentTransaction transaction = FragmentManager.BeginTransaction(); transaction.DisallowAddToBackStack(); if (_currentFragment != null) { transaction.Remove(_currentFragment); } transaction.Add(Id, fragment); transaction.SetTransition((int)FragmentTransit.None); // We don't currently support fragment restoration // So we don't need to worry about loss of this fragment's state transaction.CommitAllowingStateLoss(); _currentFragment = fragment; new Handler(Looper.MainLooper).PostAtFrontOfQueue(() => { if (_pageContainer == null) { // The view we're hosting in the fragment was never created (possibly we're already // navigating to another page?) so there's nothing to commit return; } FragmentManager.ExecutePendingTransactions(); }); } } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (_disposed) { return; } _disposed = true; if (disposing) { if (_currentFragment != null) { FragmentTransaction transaction = FragmentManager.BeginTransaction(); transaction.DisallowAddToBackStack(); transaction.Remove(_currentFragment); transaction.SetTransition((int)FragmentTransit.None); transaction.CommitAllowingStateLoss(); FragmentManager.ExecutePendingTransactions(); _currentFragment = null; } _parent = null; _pageContainer = null; _fragmentManager = null; } base.Dispose(disposing); } public void SetFragmentManager(FragmentManager fragmentManager) { if (_fragmentManager == null) _fragmentManager = fragmentManager; } } }