using System; using Android.Util; using Android.App; using Android.Content; using Android.Gms.Tasks; using Android.Runtime; using Firebase.AppIndexing; using Actions = Firebase.AppIndexing.Builders.Actions; using GMSTask = Android.Gms.Tasks.Task; using IndexingAction = Firebase.AppIndexing.IAction; namespace Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.AppLinks { [Preserve(AllMembers = true)] public class AndroidAppLinks : IAppLinks, IDisposable { bool _disposed; public static bool IsInitialized { get; private set; } public static Context Context { get; private set; } public static void Init(Activity activity) { if (IsInitialized) return; IsInitialized = true; Context = activity; } public AndroidAppLinks(Context context) { } public void DeregisterLink(IAppLinkEntry appLink) { RemoveFromIndexItemAsync(appLink.AppLinkUri.ToString()); } public void DeregisterLink(Uri appLinkUri) { RemoveFromIndexItemAsync(appLinkUri.ToString()); } public void RegisterLink(IAppLinkEntry appLink) { IndexItemAsync(appLink); } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); } protected virtual void Dispose(bool isDisposing) { if (isDisposing && !_disposed) { _disposed = true; } } void IndexItemAsync(IAppLinkEntry appLink) { //IndexingAction indexAction = BuildIndexAction(appLink); var url = global::Android.Net.Uri.Parse(appLink.AppLinkUri.AbsoluteUri).ToString(); IIndexable indexable = GetIndexable(appLink, url); IndexingAction indexAction = GetAction(appLink, url); /* If you’re logging an action on an item that has already been added to the index, * you don’t have to add the following update line. See * for * adding content to the index */ FirebaseAppIndex.Instance.Update(indexable); GMSTask gmsTask = FirebaseUserActions.Instance .Start(indexAction) .AddOnSuccessListener(Context as Activity, new AndroidActionSuccessListener(appLink as AppLinkEntry, indexAction)) .AddOnFailureListener(Context as Activity, new AndroidActionFailureListener(appLink as AppLinkEntry, indexAction)); } void RemoveFromIndexItemAsync(string identifier) { FirebaseAppIndex.Instance.Remove(identifier); } IIndexable GetIndexable(IAppLinkEntry appLink, string url) { var indexableBuilder = new IndexableBuilder(); indexableBuilder.SetName(appLink.Title); indexableBuilder.SetUrl(url); indexableBuilder.SetDescription(appLink.Description); return indexableBuilder.Build(); } IndexingAction GetAction(IAppLinkEntry applink, string url) { return Actions.NewView(applink.Title, url); } internal class AndroidActionSuccessListener : Java.Lang.Object, IOnSuccessListener { readonly AppLinkEntry appLink; readonly IndexingAction indexAction; public AndroidActionSuccessListener(AppLinkEntry appLink, IndexingAction indexAction) { this.appLink = appLink; this.indexAction = indexAction; } public void OnSuccess(Java.Lang.Object result) { if (appLink != null) { appLink.PropertyChanged += (sender, e) => { if (e.PropertyName == AppLinkEntry.IsLinkActiveProperty.PropertyName) { if (appLink.IsLinkActive) { FirebaseUserActions.Instance.Start(indexAction); } else { FirebaseUserActions.Instance.End(indexAction); } } }; } } } internal class AndroidActionFailureListener : Java.Lang.Object, IOnFailureListener { readonly AppLinkEntry appLink; readonly IndexingAction indexAction; public AndroidActionFailureListener(AppLinkEntry appLink, IndexingAction indexAction) { this.appLink = appLink; this.indexAction = indexAction; } public void OnFailure(Java.Lang.Exception e) { Log.Error(this.Class.Name, e, $" [{DateTime.Now}] - [AndroidAppLinks Failure] - {e.Message}"); throw e; } } } }