using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Xamarin.Forms { internal class NavigationProxy : INavigation { INavigation _inner; Lazy> _modalStack = new Lazy>(() => new List()); Lazy> _pushStack = new Lazy>(() => new List()); public INavigation Inner { get { return _inner; } set { if (_inner == value) return; _inner = value; // reverse so that things go into the new stack in the same order // null out to release memory that will likely never be needed again if (ReferenceEquals(_inner, null)) { _pushStack = new Lazy>(() => new List()); _modalStack = new Lazy>(() => new List()); } else { if (_pushStack != null && _pushStack.IsValueCreated) { foreach (Page page in _pushStack.Value) { _inner.PushAsync(page); } } if (_modalStack != null && _modalStack.IsValueCreated) { foreach (Page page in _modalStack.Value) { _inner.PushModalAsync(page); } } _pushStack = null; _modalStack = null; } } } public void InsertPageBefore(Page page, Page before) { OnInsertPageBefore(page, before); } public IReadOnlyList ModalStack { get { return GetModalStack(); } } public IReadOnlyList NavigationStack { get { return GetNavigationStack(); } } public Task PopAsync() { return OnPopAsync(true); } public Task PopAsync(bool animated) { return OnPopAsync(animated); } public Task PopModalAsync() { return OnPopModal(true); } public Task PopModalAsync(bool animated) { return OnPopModal(animated); } public Task PopToRootAsync() { return OnPopToRootAsync(true); } public Task PopToRootAsync(bool animated) { return OnPopToRootAsync(animated); } public Task PushAsync(Page root) { return PushAsync(root, true); } public Task PushAsync(Page root, bool animated) { if (root.RealParent != null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Page must not already have a parent."); return OnPushAsync(root, animated); } public Task PushModalAsync(Page modal) { return PushModalAsync(modal, true); } public Task PushModalAsync(Page modal, bool animated) { if (modal.RealParent != null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Page must not already have a parent."); return OnPushModal(modal, animated); } public void RemovePage(Page page) { OnRemovePage(page); } protected virtual IReadOnlyList GetModalStack() { INavigation currentInner = Inner; return currentInner == null ? _modalStack.Value : currentInner.ModalStack; } protected virtual IReadOnlyList GetNavigationStack() { INavigation currentInner = Inner; return currentInner == null ? _pushStack.Value : currentInner.NavigationStack; } protected virtual void OnInsertPageBefore(Page page, Page before) { INavigation currentInner = Inner; if (currentInner == null) { int index = _pushStack.Value.IndexOf(before); if (index == -1) throw new ArgumentException("before must be in the pushed stack of the current context"); _pushStack.Value.Insert(index, page); } else { currentInner.InsertPageBefore(page, before); } } protected virtual Task OnPopAsync(bool animated) { INavigation inner = Inner; return inner == null ? Task.FromResult(Pop()) : inner.PopAsync(animated); } protected virtual Task OnPopModal(bool animated) { INavigation innerNav = Inner; return innerNav == null ? Task.FromResult(PopModal()) : innerNav.PopModalAsync(animated); } protected virtual Task OnPopToRootAsync(bool animated) { INavigation currentInner = Inner; if (currentInner == null) { Page root = _pushStack.Value.Last(); _pushStack.Value.Clear(); _pushStack.Value.Add(root); return Task.FromResult(root); } return currentInner.PopToRootAsync(animated); } protected virtual Task OnPushAsync(Page page, bool animated) { INavigation currentInner = Inner; if (currentInner == null) { _pushStack.Value.Add(page); return Task.FromResult(page); } return currentInner.PushAsync(page, animated); } protected virtual Task OnPushModal(Page modal, bool animated) { INavigation currentInner = Inner; if (currentInner == null) { _modalStack.Value.Add(modal); return Task.FromResult(null); } return currentInner.PushModalAsync(modal, animated); } protected virtual void OnRemovePage(Page page) { INavigation currentInner = Inner; if (currentInner == null) { _pushStack.Value.Remove(page); } else { currentInner.RemovePage(page); } } Page Pop() { List list = _pushStack.Value; Page result = list[list.Count - 1]; list.RemoveAt(list.Count - 1); return result; } Page PopModal() { List list = _modalStack.Value; Page result = list[list.Count - 1]; list.RemoveAt(list.Count - 1); return result; } } }