using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Input; using Xamarin.Forms.Internals; using Xamarin.Forms.Platform; namespace Xamarin.Forms { [RenderWith(typeof(_ListViewRenderer))] public class ListView : ItemsView, IListViewController, IElementConfiguration { public static readonly BindableProperty IsPullToRefreshEnabledProperty = BindableProperty.Create("IsPullToRefreshEnabled", typeof(bool), typeof(ListView), false); public static readonly BindableProperty IsRefreshingProperty = BindableProperty.Create("IsRefreshing", typeof(bool), typeof(ListView), false, BindingMode.TwoWay); public static readonly BindableProperty RefreshCommandProperty = BindableProperty.Create("RefreshCommand", typeof(ICommand), typeof(ListView), null, propertyChanged: OnRefreshCommandChanged); public static readonly BindableProperty HeaderProperty = BindableProperty.Create("Header", typeof(object), typeof(ListView), null, propertyChanged: OnHeaderChanged); public static readonly BindableProperty HeaderTemplateProperty = BindableProperty.Create("HeaderTemplate", typeof(DataTemplate), typeof(ListView), null, propertyChanged: OnHeaderTemplateChanged, validateValue: ValidateHeaderFooterTemplate); public static readonly BindableProperty FooterProperty = BindableProperty.Create("Footer", typeof(object), typeof(ListView), null, propertyChanged: OnFooterChanged); public static readonly BindableProperty FooterTemplateProperty = BindableProperty.Create("FooterTemplate", typeof(DataTemplate), typeof(ListView), null, propertyChanged: OnFooterTemplateChanged, validateValue: ValidateHeaderFooterTemplate); public static readonly BindableProperty SelectedItemProperty = BindableProperty.Create("SelectedItem", typeof(object), typeof(ListView), null, BindingMode.OneWayToSource, propertyChanged: OnSelectedItemChanged); public static readonly BindableProperty HasUnevenRowsProperty = BindableProperty.Create("HasUnevenRows", typeof(bool), typeof(ListView), false); public static readonly BindableProperty RowHeightProperty = BindableProperty.Create("RowHeight", typeof(int), typeof(ListView), -1); public static readonly BindableProperty GroupHeaderTemplateProperty = BindableProperty.Create("GroupHeaderTemplate", typeof(DataTemplate), typeof(ListView), null, propertyChanged: OnGroupHeaderTemplateChanged); public static readonly BindableProperty IsGroupingEnabledProperty = BindableProperty.Create("IsGroupingEnabled", typeof(bool), typeof(ListView), false); public static readonly BindableProperty SeparatorVisibilityProperty = BindableProperty.Create("SeparatorVisibility", typeof(SeparatorVisibility), typeof(ListView), SeparatorVisibility.Default); public static readonly BindableProperty SeparatorColorProperty = BindableProperty.Create("SeparatorColor", typeof(Color), typeof(ListView), Color.Default); readonly Lazy> _platformConfigurationRegistry; BindingBase _groupDisplayBinding; BindingBase _groupShortNameBinding; Element _headerElement; Element _footerElement; ScrollToRequestedEventArgs _pendingScroll; int _previousGroupSelected = -1; int _previousRowSelected = -1; /// /// Controls whether anything happens in BeginRefresh(), is set based on RefreshCommand.CanExecute /// bool _refreshAllowed = true; public ListView() { VerticalOptions = HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand; TemplatedItems.IsGroupingEnabledProperty = IsGroupingEnabledProperty; TemplatedItems.GroupHeaderTemplateProperty = GroupHeaderTemplateProperty; _platformConfigurationRegistry = new Lazy>(() => new PlatformConfigurationRegistry(this)); } public ListView([Parameter("CachingStrategy")] ListViewCachingStrategy cachingStrategy) : this() { if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.Android || Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS || Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.macOS) CachingStrategy = cachingStrategy; } public object Footer { get { return GetValue(FooterProperty); } set { SetValue(FooterProperty, value); } } public DataTemplate FooterTemplate { get { return (DataTemplate)GetValue(FooterTemplateProperty); } set { SetValue(FooterTemplateProperty, value); } } protected override void OnBindingContextChanged() { base.OnBindingContextChanged(); object bc = BindingContext; var header = Header as Element; if (header != null) { SetChildInheritedBindingContext(header, bc); } var footer = Footer as Element; if (footer != null) { SetChildInheritedBindingContext(footer, bc); } } public BindingBase GroupDisplayBinding { get { return _groupDisplayBinding; } set { if (_groupDisplayBinding == value) return; OnPropertyChanging(); BindingBase oldValue = value; _groupDisplayBinding = value; OnGroupDisplayBindingChanged(this, oldValue, _groupDisplayBinding); TemplatedItems.GroupDisplayBinding = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } public DataTemplate GroupHeaderTemplate { get { return (DataTemplate)GetValue(GroupHeaderTemplateProperty); } set { SetValue(GroupHeaderTemplateProperty, value); } } public BindingBase GroupShortNameBinding { get { return _groupShortNameBinding; } set { if (_groupShortNameBinding == value) return; OnPropertyChanging(); _groupShortNameBinding = value; TemplatedItems.GroupShortNameBinding = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } public bool HasUnevenRows { get { return (bool)GetValue(HasUnevenRowsProperty); } set { SetValue(HasUnevenRowsProperty, value); } } public object Header { get { return GetValue(HeaderProperty); } set { SetValue(HeaderProperty, value); } } public DataTemplate HeaderTemplate { get { return (DataTemplate)GetValue(HeaderTemplateProperty); } set { SetValue(HeaderTemplateProperty, value); } } public bool IsGroupingEnabled { get { return (bool)GetValue(IsGroupingEnabledProperty); } set { SetValue(IsGroupingEnabledProperty, value); } } public bool IsPullToRefreshEnabled { get { return (bool)GetValue(IsPullToRefreshEnabledProperty); } set { SetValue(IsPullToRefreshEnabledProperty, value); } } public bool IsRefreshing { get { return (bool)GetValue(IsRefreshingProperty); } set { SetValue(IsRefreshingProperty, value); } } public ICommand RefreshCommand { get { return (ICommand)GetValue(RefreshCommandProperty); } set { SetValue(RefreshCommandProperty, value); } } public int RowHeight { get { return (int)GetValue(RowHeightProperty); } set { SetValue(RowHeightProperty, value); } } public object SelectedItem { get { return GetValue(SelectedItemProperty); } set { SetValue(SelectedItemProperty, value); } } public Color SeparatorColor { get { return (Color)GetValue(SeparatorColorProperty); } set { SetValue(SeparatorColorProperty, value); } } public SeparatorVisibility SeparatorVisibility { get { return (SeparatorVisibility)GetValue(SeparatorVisibilityProperty); } set { SetValue(SeparatorVisibilityProperty, value); } } [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public ListViewCachingStrategy CachingStrategy { get; private set; } [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public bool RefreshAllowed { set { if (_refreshAllowed == value) return; _refreshAllowed = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } get { return _refreshAllowed; } } [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public Element FooterElement { get { return _footerElement; } } [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public Element HeaderElement { get { return _headerElement; } } [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public void SendCellAppearing(Cell cell) { EventHandler handler = ItemAppearing; if (handler != null) handler(this, new ItemVisibilityEventArgs(cell.BindingContext)); } [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public void SendCellDisappearing(Cell cell) { EventHandler handler = ItemDisappearing; if (handler != null) handler(this, new ItemVisibilityEventArgs(cell.BindingContext)); } [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public void SendRefreshing() { BeginRefresh(); } public void BeginRefresh() { if (!RefreshAllowed) return; SetValueCore(IsRefreshingProperty, true); OnRefreshing(EventArgs.Empty); ICommand command = RefreshCommand; if (command != null) command.Execute(null); } public void EndRefresh() { SetValueCore(IsRefreshingProperty, false); } public event EventHandler ItemAppearing; public event EventHandler ItemDisappearing; public event EventHandler ItemSelected; public event EventHandler ItemTapped; public event EventHandler Refreshing; public void ScrollTo(object item, ScrollToPosition position, bool animated) { if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(ScrollToPosition), position)) throw new ArgumentException("position is not a valid ScrollToPosition", "position"); var args = new ScrollToRequestedEventArgs(item, position, animated); if (IsPlatformEnabled) OnScrollToRequested(args); else _pendingScroll = args; } public void ScrollTo(object item, object group, ScrollToPosition position, bool animated) { if (!IsGroupingEnabled) throw new InvalidOperationException("Grouping is not enabled"); if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(ScrollToPosition), position)) throw new ArgumentException("position is not a valid ScrollToPosition", "position"); var args = new ScrollToRequestedEventArgs(item, group, position, animated); if (IsPlatformEnabled) OnScrollToRequested(args); else _pendingScroll = args; } protected override Cell CreateDefault(object item) { string text = null; if (item != null) text = item.ToString(); return new TextCell { Text = text }; } [Obsolete("OnSizeRequest is obsolete as of version 2.2.0. Please use OnMeasure instead.")] protected override SizeRequest OnSizeRequest(double widthConstraint, double heightConstraint) { var minimumSize = new Size(40, 40); Size request; double width = Math.Min(Device.Info.ScaledScreenSize.Width, Device.Info.ScaledScreenSize.Height); var list = ItemsSource as IList; if (list != null && HasUnevenRows == false && RowHeight > 0 && !IsGroupingEnabled) { // we can calculate this request = new Size(width, list.Count * RowHeight); } else { // probably not worth it request = new Size(width, Math.Max(Device.Info.ScaledScreenSize.Width, Device.Info.ScaledScreenSize.Height)); } return new SizeRequest(request, minimumSize); } protected override void SetupContent(Cell content, int index) { base.SetupContent(content, index); var viewCell = content as ViewCell; if (viewCell != null && viewCell.View != null && HasUnevenRows) viewCell.View.ComputedConstraint = LayoutConstraint.None; content.Parent = this; } protected override void UnhookContent(Cell content) { base.UnhookContent(content); content.Parent = null; } [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public Cell CreateDefaultCell(object item) { return CreateDefault(item); } [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public string GetDisplayTextFromGroup(object cell) { int groupIndex = TemplatedItems.GetGlobalIndexOfGroup(cell); var group = TemplatedItems.GetGroup(groupIndex); string displayBinding = null; if (GroupDisplayBinding != null) displayBinding = group.Name; if (GroupShortNameBinding != null) displayBinding = group.ShortName; // TODO: what if they set both? should it default to the ShortName, like it will here? // ShortNames binding did not appear to be functional before. return displayBinding; } [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public void NotifyRowTapped(int groupIndex, int inGroupIndex, Cell cell = null) { var group = TemplatedItems.GetGroup(groupIndex); bool changed = _previousGroupSelected != groupIndex || _previousRowSelected != inGroupIndex; _previousRowSelected = inGroupIndex; _previousGroupSelected = groupIndex; if (cell == null) { cell = group[inGroupIndex]; } // Set SelectedItem before any events so we don't override any changes they may have made. SetValueCore(SelectedItemProperty, cell.BindingContext, SetValueFlags.ClearOneWayBindings | SetValueFlags.ClearDynamicResource | (changed ? SetValueFlags.RaiseOnEqual : 0)); cell.OnTapped(); ItemTapped?.Invoke(this, new ItemTappedEventArgs(ItemsSource.Cast().ElementAt(groupIndex), cell.BindingContext)); } [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public void NotifyRowTapped(int index, Cell cell = null) { if (IsGroupingEnabled) { int leftOver; int groupIndex = TemplatedItems.GetGroupIndexFromGlobal(index, out leftOver); NotifyRowTapped(groupIndex, leftOver - 1, cell); } else NotifyRowTapped(0, index, cell); } internal override void OnIsPlatformEnabledChanged() { base.OnIsPlatformEnabledChanged(); if (IsPlatformEnabled && _pendingScroll != null) { OnScrollToRequested(_pendingScroll); _pendingScroll = null; } } [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public event EventHandler ScrollToRequested; void OnCommandCanExecuteChanged(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs) { RefreshAllowed = RefreshCommand.CanExecute(null); } static void OnFooterChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue) { var lv = (ListView)bindable; lv.OnHeaderOrFooterChanged(ref lv._footerElement, "FooterElement", newValue, lv.FooterTemplate, false); } static void OnFooterTemplateChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue) { var lv = (ListView)bindable; lv.OnHeaderOrFooterChanged(ref lv._footerElement, "FooterElement", lv.Footer, (DataTemplate)newValue, true); } static void OnGroupDisplayBindingChanged(BindableObject bindable, BindingBase oldValue, BindingBase newValue) { var lv = (ListView)bindable; if (newValue != null && lv.GroupHeaderTemplate != null) { lv.GroupHeaderTemplate = null; Log.Warning("ListView", "GroupHeaderTemplate and GroupDisplayBinding can not be set at the same time, setting GroupHeaderTemplate to null"); } } static void OnGroupHeaderTemplateChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldvalue, object newValue) { var lv = (ListView)bindable; if (newValue != null && lv.GroupDisplayBinding != null) { lv.GroupDisplayBinding = null; Debug.WriteLine("GroupHeaderTemplate and GroupDisplayBinding can not be set at the same time, setting GroupDisplayBinding to null"); } } static void OnHeaderChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue) { var lv = (ListView)bindable; lv.OnHeaderOrFooterChanged(ref lv._headerElement, "HeaderElement", newValue, lv.HeaderTemplate, false); } void OnHeaderOrFooterChanged(ref Element storage, string property, object dataObject, DataTemplate template, bool templateChanged) { if (dataObject == null) { if (!templateChanged) { OnPropertyChanging(property); storage = null; OnPropertyChanged(property); } return; } if (template == null) { var view = dataObject as Element; if (view == null || view is Page) view = new Label { Text = dataObject.ToString() }; view.Parent = this; OnPropertyChanging(property); storage = view; OnPropertyChanged(property); } else if (storage == null || templateChanged) { OnPropertyChanging(property); storage = template.CreateContent() as Element; if (storage != null) { storage.BindingContext = dataObject; storage.Parent = this; } OnPropertyChanged(property); } else { storage.BindingContext = dataObject; } } static void OnHeaderTemplateChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue) { var lv = (ListView)bindable; lv.OnHeaderOrFooterChanged(ref lv._headerElement, "HeaderElement", lv.Header, (DataTemplate)newValue, true); } static void OnRefreshCommandChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue) { var lv = (ListView)bindable; var oldCommand = (ICommand)oldValue; var command = (ICommand)newValue; lv.OnRefreshCommandChanged(oldCommand, command); } void OnRefreshCommandChanged(ICommand oldCommand, ICommand newCommand) { if (oldCommand != null) { oldCommand.CanExecuteChanged -= OnCommandCanExecuteChanged; } if (newCommand != null) { newCommand.CanExecuteChanged += OnCommandCanExecuteChanged; RefreshAllowed = newCommand.CanExecute(null); } else { RefreshAllowed = true; } } void OnRefreshing(EventArgs e) { EventHandler handler = Refreshing; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } void OnScrollToRequested(ScrollToRequestedEventArgs e) { EventHandler handler = ScrollToRequested; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } static void OnSelectedItemChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue) { var list = (ListView)bindable; if (list.ItemSelected != null) list.ItemSelected(list, new SelectedItemChangedEventArgs(newValue)); } static bool ValidateHeaderFooterTemplate(BindableObject bindable, object value) { if (value == null) return true; var template = (DataTemplate)value; return template.CreateContent() is View; } public IPlatformElementConfiguration On() where T : IConfigPlatform { return _platformConfigurationRegistry.Value.On(); } } }