using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Xamarin.Forms { public abstract class Cell : Element, ICellController { public static readonly BindableProperty IsEnabledProperty = BindableProperty.Create("IsEnabled", typeof(bool), typeof(Cell), true, propertyChanged: OnIsEnabledPropertyChanged); ObservableCollection _contextActions; double _height = -1; bool _nextCallToForceUpdateSizeQueued; public IList ContextActions { get { if (_contextActions == null) { _contextActions = new ObservableCollection(); _contextActions.CollectionChanged += OnContextActionsChanged; } return _contextActions; } } public bool HasContextActions { get { return _contextActions != null && _contextActions.Count > 0 && IsEnabled; } } public double Height { get { return _height; } set { if (_height == value) return; OnPropertyChanging("Height"); OnPropertyChanging("RenderHeight"); _height = value; OnPropertyChanged("Height"); OnPropertyChanged("RenderHeight"); } } public bool IsEnabled { get { return (bool)GetValue(IsEnabledProperty); } set { SetValue(IsEnabledProperty, value); } } public double RenderHeight { get { var table = RealParent as TableView; if (table != null) return table.HasUnevenRows && Height > 0 ? Height : table.RowHeight; var list = RealParent as ListView; if (list != null) return list.HasUnevenRows && Height > 0 ? Height : list.RowHeight; return 40; } } public event EventHandler Appearing; public event EventHandler Disappearing; event EventHandler ForceUpdateSizeRequested; event EventHandler ICellController.ForceUpdateSizeRequested { add { ForceUpdateSizeRequested += value; } remove { ForceUpdateSizeRequested -= value; } } public void ForceUpdateSize() { if (_nextCallToForceUpdateSizeQueued) return; if ((Parent as ListView)?.HasUnevenRows == true) { _nextCallToForceUpdateSizeQueued = true; OnForceUpdateSizeRequested(); } } public event EventHandler Tapped; protected internal virtual void OnTapped() { if (Tapped != null) Tapped(this, EventArgs.Empty); } protected virtual void OnAppearing() { EventHandler handler = Appearing; if (handler != null) handler(this, EventArgs.Empty); } protected override void OnBindingContextChanged() { base.OnBindingContextChanged(); if (HasContextActions) { for (var i = 0; i < _contextActions.Count; i++) SetInheritedBindingContext(_contextActions[i], BindingContext); } } protected virtual void OnDisappearing() { EventHandler handler = Disappearing; if (handler != null) handler(this, EventArgs.Empty); } protected override void OnParentSet() { if (RealParent != null) { RealParent.PropertyChanged += OnParentPropertyChanged; RealParent.PropertyChanging += OnParentPropertyChanging; } base.OnParentSet(); } protected override void OnPropertyChanging(string propertyName = null) { if (propertyName == "Parent") { if (RealParent != null) { RealParent.PropertyChanged -= OnParentPropertyChanged; RealParent.PropertyChanging -= OnParentPropertyChanging; } } base.OnPropertyChanging(propertyName); } void ICellController.SendAppearing() { OnAppearing(); var container = RealParent as IListViewController; if (container != null) container.SendCellAppearing(this); } void ICellController.SendDisappearing() { OnDisappearing(); var container = RealParent as IListViewController; if (container != null) container.SendCellDisappearing(this); } void OnContextActionsChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e) { for (var i = 0; i < _contextActions.Count; i++) SetInheritedBindingContext(_contextActions[i], BindingContext); OnPropertyChanged("HasContextActions"); } async void OnForceUpdateSizeRequested() { // don't run more than once per 16 milliseconds await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(16)); EventHandler handler = ForceUpdateSizeRequested; if (handler != null) handler(this, null); _nextCallToForceUpdateSizeQueued = false; } static void OnIsEnabledPropertyChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldvalue, object newvalue) { (bindable as Cell).OnPropertyChanged("HasContextActions"); } void OnParentPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { // Technically we might be raising this even if it didn't change, but I'm taking the bet that // its uncommon enough that we don't want to take the penalty of N GetValue calls to verify. if (e.PropertyName == "RowHeight") OnPropertyChanged("RenderHeight"); } void OnParentPropertyChanging(object sender, PropertyChangingEventArgs e) { if (e.PropertyName == "RowHeight") OnPropertyChanging("RenderHeight"); } } }