using System.Reflection.Emit; using Xamarin.UITest.Queries; namespace Xamarin.Forms.Core.UITests { internal class Drag { internal enum DragLength { Long, Medium, Short } internal enum Direction { TopToBottom, BottomToTop, RightToLeft, LeftToRight } AppRect dragBounds; float xStart; float yStart; float xEnd; float yEnd; Direction dragDirection; Direction oppositeDirection; DragLength dragLength; public Drag (AppRect dragbounds, float xStart, float yStart, float xEnd, float yEnd, Direction direction) { dragBounds = dragbounds; this.xStart = xStart; this.yStart = yStart; this.xEnd = xEnd; this.yEnd = yEnd; dragDirection = direction; oppositeDirection = GetOppositeDirection (direction); } public Drag (AppRect dragBounds, Direction direction, DragLength dragLength) { this.dragBounds = dragBounds; dragDirection = direction; this.dragLength = dragLength; SetDragForBounds (dragDirection, dragLength); } void SetDragForBounds (Direction direction, DragLength dragLength) { // percentage of bounds to scroll centered in element float scrollPercentage; switch (dragLength) { case DragLength.Long: scrollPercentage = 0.8f; break; case DragLength.Medium: scrollPercentage = 0.5f; break; default: scrollPercentage = 0.2f; break; } if (direction == Direction.LeftToRight) { yStart = dragBounds.CenterY; yEnd = dragBounds.CenterY; float xDisplacement = (dragBounds.CenterX + (dragBounds.Width / 2)) - dragBounds.X; float insetForScroll = (xDisplacement - (xDisplacement * scrollPercentage)) / 2; xStart = dragBounds.X + insetForScroll; xEnd = (dragBounds.CenterX + (dragBounds.Width / 2)) - insetForScroll; } else if (direction == Direction.RightToLeft) { yStart = dragBounds.CenterY; yEnd = dragBounds.CenterY; float xDisplacement = (dragBounds.CenterX + (dragBounds.Width / 2)) - dragBounds.X; float insetForScroll = (xDisplacement - (xDisplacement * scrollPercentage)) / 2; xStart = (dragBounds.CenterX + (dragBounds.Width / 2)) - insetForScroll; xEnd = dragBounds.X + insetForScroll; } else if (direction == Direction.TopToBottom) { xStart = dragBounds.CenterX; xEnd = dragBounds.CenterX; float yDisplacement = (dragBounds.CenterY + (dragBounds.Height / 2)) - dragBounds.Y; float insetForScroll = (yDisplacement - (yDisplacement * scrollPercentage)) / 2; yStart = dragBounds.Y + insetForScroll; yEnd = (dragBounds.CenterY + (dragBounds.Height / 2)) - insetForScroll; } else if (direction == Direction.BottomToTop) { xStart = dragBounds.CenterX; xEnd = dragBounds.CenterX; float yDisplacement = (dragBounds.CenterY + (dragBounds.Height / 2)) - dragBounds.Y; float insetForScroll = (yDisplacement - (yDisplacement * scrollPercentage)) / 2; yStart = (dragBounds.CenterY + (dragBounds.Height / 2)) - insetForScroll; yEnd = dragBounds.Y + insetForScroll; } } Direction GetOppositeDirection (Direction direction) { switch (direction) { case Direction.TopToBottom: return Direction.BottomToTop; case Direction.BottomToTop: return Direction.TopToBottom; case Direction.RightToLeft: return Direction.LeftToRight; case Direction.LeftToRight: return Direction.RightToLeft; default: return Direction.TopToBottom; } } public AppRect DragBounds { get { return dragBounds; } } public float XStart { get { return xStart; } } public float YStart { get { return yStart; } } public float XEnd { get { return xEnd; } } public float YEnd { get { return yEnd; } } public Direction DragDirection { get { return dragDirection; } set { if (dragDirection == value) return; dragDirection = value; oppositeDirection = GetOppositeDirection (dragDirection); OnDragDirectionChanged (); } } void OnDragDirectionChanged () { SetDragForBounds (dragDirection, dragLength); } public Direction OppositeDirection { get { return oppositeDirection; } private set { if (oppositeDirection == value) return; oppositeDirection = value; } } } }