using System; using System.CodeDom; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Threading; using System.Reflection; using NUnit.Framework; using Xamarin.Forms.CustomAttributes; using Xamarin.UITest.Android; using Xamarin.UITest.Queries; using Xamarin.UITest.iOS; namespace Xamarin.Forms.Core.UITests { [TestFixture] [Category ("Button")] internal class ButtonUITests : _ViewUITests { public ButtonUITests () { PlatformViewType = Views.Button; } protected override void NavigateToGallery () { App.NavigateToGallery (GalleryQueries.ButtonGallery); } // View Tests [UiTestExempt (ExemptReason.CannotTest, "Invalid interaction")] public override void _Focus () {} [UiTestExempt (ExemptReason.CannotTest, "Invalid interaction")] public override void _GestureRecognizers () {} [UiTestExempt (ExemptReason.CannotTest, "Invalid interaction")] public override void _IsFocused () {} [UiTestExempt (ExemptReason.CannotTest, "Invalid interaction")] public override void _UnFocus () {} // Button Tests [Test] [UiTest (typeof(Button),"BorderColor")] [UiTestBroken (BrokenReason.CalabashAndroidUnsupported, "Figure out how to get Android Drawables")] [UiTestBroken (BrokenReason.CalabashiOSUnsupported, "iOS nil result")] public void BorderColor () { //TODO iOS var remote = new ViewContainerRemote (App, Test.Button.BorderColor, PlatformViewType); remote.GoTo (); } [Test] [UiTest (typeof (Button), "BorderRadius")] [UiTestBroken (BrokenReason.CalabashAndroidUnsupported, "Figure out how to get Android Drawables")] public void BorderRadius () { var remote = new ViewContainerRemote (App, Test.Button.BorderRadius, PlatformViewType); remote.GoTo (); if (App is iOSApp) { var borderRadius = remote.GetProperty (Button.BorderRadiusProperty); Assert.AreEqual (20.0f, borderRadius); } } [Test] [UiTest (typeof (Button), "BorderWidth")] [UiTestBroken (BrokenReason.CalabashAndroidUnsupported, "Figure out how to get Android Drawables")] public void BorderWidth () { var remote = new ViewContainerRemote (App, Test.Button.BorderWidth, PlatformViewType); remote.GoTo (); if (App is iOSApp) { var borderWidth = remote.GetProperty (Button.BorderWidthProperty); Assert.AreEqual (15.0f, borderWidth); } } [Test] [UiTest (typeof (Button), "Clicked")] public void Clicked () { var remote = new EventViewContainerRemote (App, Test.Button.Clicked, PlatformViewType); remote.GoTo (); var textBeforeClick = remote.GetEventLabel ().Text; Assert.AreEqual ("Event: Clicked (none)", textBeforeClick); // Click Button remote.TapView (); var textAfterClick = remote.GetEventLabel ().Text; Assert.AreEqual ("Event: Clicked (fired 1)", textAfterClick); } [Test] [UiTest (typeof (Button), "Command")] public void Command () { var remote = new ViewContainerRemote (App, Test.Button.Command, PlatformViewType); remote.GoTo (); remote.TapView (); App.WaitForElement (q => q.Marked ("Hello Command")); App.Tap (q => q.Marked ("Destroy")); } [Test] [UiTest (typeof (Button), "Font")] public void Font () { //TODO iOS var remote = new ViewContainerRemote (App, Test.Button.Font, PlatformViewType); remote.GoTo (); if (App is AndroidApp) { var isBold = remote.GetProperty (Button.FontProperty); Assert.True (isBold); } else { var font = remote.GetProperty (Button.FontProperty); Assert.True (font.FontAttributes.HasFlag (FontAttributes.Bold)); } } [Test] [UiTest (typeof (Button), "Image")] [UiTestExempt (ExemptReason.TimeConsuming, "Need way to check Android resources")] public void Image () { //TODO iOS var remote = new ViewContainerRemote (App, Test.Button.Image, PlatformViewType); remote.GoTo (); } [Test] [UiTest (typeof (Button), "Text")] public void Text () { var remote = new ViewContainerRemote (App, Test.Button.Text, PlatformViewType); remote.GoTo (); var buttonText = remote.GetProperty (Button.TextProperty); Assert.AreEqual ("Text", buttonText); } [Test] [UiTest (typeof (Button), "TextColor")] public void TextColor () { //TODO iOS if (App is AndroidApp) { var remote = new ViewContainerRemote (App, Test.Button.TextColor, PlatformViewType); remote.GoTo (); var buttonTextColor = remote.GetProperty (Button.TextColorProperty); Assert.AreEqual (Color.Pink, buttonTextColor); } } protected override void FixtureTeardown () { App.NavigateBack (); base.FixtureTeardown (); } } }