using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Xamarin.Forms.Maps; namespace Xamarin.Forms.Controls { public class MapGallery : ContentPage { readonly StackLayout _stack; public MapGallery () { Device.OnPlatform (iOS: () => { if (Device.Idiom == TargetIdiom.Tablet) { Padding = new Thickness (0, 0, 0, 60); } }); var map = MakeMap (); map.MoveToRegion (MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius (new Position (41.890202, 12.492049), Distance.FromMiles (0.5))); var searchAddress = new SearchBar { Placeholder = "Search Address" }; searchAddress.SearchButtonPressed += async (e, a) => { var addressQuery = searchAddress.Text; searchAddress.Text = ""; searchAddress.Unfocus (); var positions = (await (new Geocoder ()).GetPositionsForAddressAsync (addressQuery)).ToList (); if (!positions.Any ()) return; var position = positions.First (); map.MoveToRegion (MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius (position, Distance.FromMeters (4000))); map.Pins.Add (new Pin { Label = addressQuery, Position = position, Address = addressQuery }); }; var buttonAddressFromPosition = new Button { Text = "Address From Position" }; buttonAddressFromPosition.Clicked += async (e, a) => { var addresses = (await (new Geocoder ()).GetAddressesForPositionAsync (new Position (41.8902, 12.4923))).ToList (); foreach (var ad in addresses) Debug.WriteLine (ad); }; var buttonZoomIn = new Button { Text = "Zoom In" }; buttonZoomIn.Clicked += (e, a) => map.MoveToRegion (map.VisibleRegion.WithZoom (5f)); var buttonZoomOut = new Button { Text = "Zoom Out" }; buttonZoomOut.Clicked += (e, a) => map.MoveToRegion (map.VisibleRegion.WithZoom (1 / 3f)); var mapTypeButton = new Button { Text = "Map Type" }; mapTypeButton.Clicked += async (e, a) => { var result = await DisplayActionSheet ("Select Map Type", null, null, "Street", "Satellite", "Hybrid"); switch (result) { case "Street": map.MapType = MapType.Street; break; case "Satellite": map.MapType = MapType.Satellite; break; case "Hybrid": map.MapType = MapType.Hybrid; break; } }; var buttonHome = new Button { Text = "Home" }; buttonHome.Clicked += (a, e) => { map.MoveToRegion (MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius (new Position (41.890202, 12.492049), Distance.FromMiles (0.5))); }; _stack = new StackLayout { Spacing = 0, Padding = new Thickness (30, 0) }; //stack.SetRowSpacing (1, 0); Title = "Map Gallery"; var buttonZoomPin = new Button { Text = "Zoom Pin" }; buttonZoomPin.Clicked += (a, e) => { var pos = new Position (41.011995, -8.642995); map.Pins.Clear (); map.Pins.Add (new Pin { Position = pos, Label = "Rui" }); map.MoveToRegion (MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius (pos, Distance.FromMiles (0.5))); }; map.VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand; _stack.Children.Add (searchAddress); _stack.Children.Add (map); _stack.Children.Add (mapTypeButton); _stack.Children.Add (buttonZoomIn); _stack.Children.Add (buttonZoomOut); _stack.Children.Add (buttonAddressFromPosition); _stack.Children.Add (buttonHome); _stack.Children.Add (buttonZoomPin); Content = _stack; } public static Map MakeMap () { Pin colosseum = null; Pin pantheon = null; Pin chapel = null; var map = new Map { IsShowingUser = false, Pins = { (colosseum = new Pin { Type = PinType.Place, Position = new Position (41.890202, 12.492049), Label = "Colosseum", Address = "Piazza del Colosseo, 00184 Rome, Province of Rome, Italy" }), (pantheon = new Pin { Type = PinType.Place, Position = new Position (41.898652, 12.476831), Label = "Pantheon", Address = "Piazza della Rotunda, 00186 Rome, Province of Rome, Italy" }), (chapel = new Pin { Type = PinType.Place, Position = new Position (41.903209, 12.454545), Label = "Sistine Chapel", Address = "Piazza della Rotunda, 00186 Rome, Province of Rome, Italy" }) } }; colosseum.Clicked += PinClicked; pantheon.Clicked += PinClicked; chapel.Clicked += PinClicked; return map; } static void PinClicked (object sender, EventArgs e) { // yea! } } }