using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Reflection; using Xamarin.Forms.CustomAttributes; #if UITEST using NUnit.Framework; using Xamarin.UITest; #endif namespace Xamarin.Forms.Controls { internal static class AppPaths { public static string ApkPath = "../../../Xamarin.Forms.ControlGallery.Android/bin/Debug/AndroidControlGallery.AndroidControlGallery-Signed.apk"; // Have to continue using the old BundleId for now; Test Cloud doesn't like // when you change the BundleId public static string BundleId = "com.xamarin.quickui.controlgallery"; } #if UITEST internal static class AppSetup { static IApp InitializeApp () { IApp app = null; #if __ANDROID__ app = InitializeAndroidApp(); #elif __IOS__ app = InitializeiOSApp(); #endif if (app == null) throw new NullReferenceException ("App was not initialized."); // Wrap the app in ScreenshotConditional so it only takes screenshots if the SCREENSHOTS symbol is specified return new ScreenshotConditionalApp(app); } #if __ANDROID__ static IApp InitializeAndroidApp() { return ConfigureApp.Android.ApkFile(AppPaths.ApkPath).Debug().StartApp(); } #endif #if __IOS__ static IApp InitializeiOSApp() { // Running on a device var app = ConfigureApp.iOS.InstalledApp(AppPaths.BundleId).Debug() //Uncomment to run from a specific iOS SIM, get the ID from XCode -> Devices .StartApp(); // Running on the simulator //var app = ConfigureApp.iOS // .PreferIdeSettings() // .AppBundle("../../../Xamarin.Forms.ControlGallery.iOS/bin/iPhoneSimulator/Debug/") // .Debug() // .StartApp(); return app; } #endif public static void NavigateToIssue (Type type, IApp app) { var typeIssueAttribute = type.GetTypeInfo ().GetCustomAttribute (); string cellName = ""; if (typeIssueAttribute.IssueTracker.ToString () != "None" && typeIssueAttribute.IssueNumber != 1461 && typeIssueAttribute.IssueNumber != 342) { cellName = typeIssueAttribute.IssueTracker.ToString ().Substring(0, 1) + typeIssueAttribute.IssueNumber.ToString (); } else { cellName = typeIssueAttribute.Description; } try { // Attempt the direct way of navigating to the test page #if __ANDROID__ if (bool.Parse((string)app.Invoke("NavigateToTest", cellName))) { return; } #endif #if __IOS__ if (bool.Parse(app.Invoke("navigateToTest:", cellName).ToString())) { return; } #endif } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Could not directly invoke test, using UI navigation. {ex}"); } // Fall back to the "manual" navigation method app.Tap (q => q.Button ("Go to Test Cases")); app.WaitForElement (q => q.Raw ("* marked:'TestCasesIssueList'")); app.EnterText (q => q.Raw ("* marked:'SearchBarGo'"), cellName); app.WaitForElement (q => q.Raw ("* marked:'SearchButton'")); app.Tap (q => q.Raw ("* marked:'SearchButton'")); } public static IApp Setup (Type pageType = null) { IApp runningApp = null; try { runningApp = InitializeApp (); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.Inconclusive ($"App did not start for some reason: {e}"); } if (pageType != null) NavigateToIssue (pageType, runningApp); return runningApp; } // Make sure the server on the device is still up and running; // if not, restart the app public static void EnsureConnection() { if (RunningApp != null) { try { RunningApp.TestServer.Get("version"); return; } catch (Exception ex) { } RunningApp = InitializeApp(); } } static int s_testsrun; const int ConsecutiveTestLimit = 40; // Until we get more of our memory leak issues worked out, restart the app // after a specified number of tests so we don't get bogged down in GC public static void EnsureMemory() { if (RunningApp != null) { s_testsrun += 1; if (s_testsrun >= ConsecutiveTestLimit) { s_testsrun = 0; RunningApp = InitializeApp(); } } } // For tests which just don't play well with others, we can ensure // that they run in their own instance of the application public static void BeginIsolate() { if (RunningApp != null && s_testsrun > 0) { s_testsrun = 0; RunningApp = InitializeApp(); } } public static void EndIsolate() { s_testsrun = ConsecutiveTestLimit; } public static IApp RunningApp { get; set; } } #endif public abstract class TestPage : Page { #if UITEST public IApp RunningApp => AppSetup.RunningApp; protected virtual bool Isolate => false; #endif protected TestPage () { #if APP Init (); #endif } #if UITEST [SetUp] public void Setup() { if (Isolate) { AppSetup.BeginIsolate(); } else { AppSetup.EnsureMemory(); AppSetup.EnsureConnection(); } AppSetup.NavigateToIssue(GetType(), RunningApp); } [TearDown] public void TearDown() { if (Isolate) { AppSetup.EndIsolate(); } } #endif protected abstract void Init (); } public abstract class TestContentPage : ContentPage { #if UITEST public IApp RunningApp => AppSetup.RunningApp; protected virtual bool Isolate => false; #endif protected TestContentPage () { #if APP Init (); #endif } #if UITEST [SetUp] public void Setup () { if (Isolate) { AppSetup.BeginIsolate(); } else { AppSetup.EnsureMemory(); AppSetup.EnsureConnection(); } AppSetup.NavigateToIssue(GetType(), RunningApp); } [TearDown] public void TearDown() { if (Isolate) { AppSetup.EndIsolate(); } } #endif protected abstract void Init (); } public abstract class TestCarouselPage : CarouselPage { #if UITEST public IApp RunningApp => AppSetup.RunningApp; protected virtual bool Isolate => false; #endif protected TestCarouselPage () { #if APP Init (); #endif } #if UITEST [SetUp] public void Setup() { if (Isolate) { AppSetup.BeginIsolate(); } else { AppSetup.EnsureMemory(); AppSetup.EnsureConnection(); } AppSetup.NavigateToIssue(GetType(), RunningApp); } [TearDown] public void TearDown() { if (Isolate) { AppSetup.EndIsolate(); } } #endif protected abstract void Init (); } public abstract class TestMasterDetailPage : MasterDetailPage { #if UITEST public IApp RunningApp => AppSetup.RunningApp; protected virtual bool Isolate => false; #endif protected TestMasterDetailPage () { #if APP Init (); #endif } #if UITEST [SetUp] public void Setup() { if (Isolate) { AppSetup.BeginIsolate(); } else { AppSetup.EnsureMemory(); AppSetup.EnsureConnection(); } AppSetup.NavigateToIssue(GetType(), RunningApp); } [TearDown] public void TearDown() { if (Isolate) { AppSetup.EndIsolate(); } } #endif protected abstract void Init (); } public abstract class TestNavigationPage : NavigationPage { #if UITEST public IApp RunningApp => AppSetup.RunningApp; protected virtual bool Isolate => false; #endif protected TestNavigationPage () { #if APP Init (); #endif } #if UITEST [SetUp] public void Setup() { if (Isolate) { AppSetup.BeginIsolate(); } else { AppSetup.EnsureMemory(); AppSetup.EnsureConnection(); } AppSetup.NavigateToIssue(GetType(), RunningApp); } [TearDown] public void TearDown() { if (Isolate) { AppSetup.EndIsolate(); } } #endif protected abstract void Init (); } public abstract class TestTabbedPage : TabbedPage { #if UITEST public IApp RunningApp => AppSetup.RunningApp; protected virtual bool Isolate => false; #endif protected TestTabbedPage () { #if APP Init (); #endif } #if UITEST [SetUp] public void Setup() { if (Isolate) { AppSetup.BeginIsolate(); } else { AppSetup.EnsureMemory(); AppSetup.EnsureConnection(); } AppSetup.NavigateToIssue(GetType(), RunningApp); } [TearDown] public void TearDown() { if (Isolate) { AppSetup.EndIsolate(); } } #endif protected abstract void Init (); } } #if UITEST namespace Xamarin.Forms.Controls.Issues { using System; using NUnit.Framework; // Run setup once for all tests in the Xamarin.Forms.Controls.Issues namespace // (instead of once for each test) [SetUpFixture] public class IssuesSetup { [SetUp] public void RunBeforeAnyTests() { AppSetup.RunningApp = AppSetup.Setup(null); } } } #endif