using System; using Xamarin.Forms.CustomAttributes; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; #if UITEST using Xamarin.UITest; using Xamarin.UITest.iOS; using Xamarin.UITest.Android; using NUnit.Framework; #endif namespace Xamarin.Forms.Controls { [Preserve (AllMembers = true)] [Issue (IssueTracker.Github, 2948, "MasterDetailPage Detail is interactive even when Master is open when in Landscape")] public class Issue2948 : TestMasterDetailPage { static MasterDetailPage s_mdp; protected override void Init () { s_mdp = this; var menuPage = new MenuPage (); menuPage.Menu.ItemSelected += (sender, e) => NavigateTo (e.SelectedItem as MenuItem); Master = menuPage; Detail = new NavigationPage (new ContractsPage ()); } [Preserve (AllMembers = true)] public class MenuListData : List { public MenuListData () { Add (new MenuItem () { Title = "Contracts", IconSource = "bank.png", TargetType = typeof(ContractsPage) }); Add (new MenuItem () { Title = "Leads", IconSource = "bank.png", TargetType = typeof(ContractsPage) }); Add (new MenuItem () { Title = "Accounts", IconSource = "bank.png", TargetType = typeof(ContractsPage) }); Add (new MenuItem () { Title = "Opportunities", IconSource = "bank.png", TargetType = typeof(ContractsPage) }); } } [Preserve (AllMembers = true)] public class ContractsPage : ContentPage { public ContractsPage () { Title = "Contracts"; Icon = "bank.png"; var grid = new Grid(); grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition()); grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition()); var btn = new Button { HeightRequest = 300, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End, BackgroundColor = Color.Pink, AutomationId = "btnOnDetail" }; btn.Clicked+= (object sender, EventArgs e) => { DisplayAlert("Clicked","I was clicked","Ok"); }; Grid.SetColumn(btn,1); grid.Children.Add(btn); var showMasterButton = new Button { AutomationId = "ShowMasterBtn", Text = "Show Master" }; showMasterButton.Clicked += (sender, e) => { s_mdp.IsPresented = true; }; Content = new ScrollView { Content = new StackLayout { Children = { showMasterButton, grid, new BoxView { HeightRequest = 100, Color = Color.Red, }, new BoxView { HeightRequest = 200, Color = Color.Green, }, new BoxView { HeightRequest = 300, Color = Color.Red, }, new BoxView { HeightRequest = 400, Color = Color.Green, }, new BoxView { HeightRequest = 500, Color = Color.Red, } } }, }; } } [Preserve (AllMembers = true)] public class MenuListView : ListView { public MenuListView () { List data = new MenuListData (); ItemsSource = data; VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand; BackgroundColor = Color.Transparent; var cell = new DataTemplate (typeof(ImageCell)); cell.SetBinding (TextCell.TextProperty, "Title"); cell.SetBinding (ImageCell.ImageSourceProperty, "IconSource"); ItemTemplate = cell; SelectedItem = data [0]; } } public class MenuPage : ContentPage { public ListView Menu { get; set; } public MenuPage () { Title = "Menu"; BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex ("333333"); Menu = new MenuListView (); var menuLabel = new ContentView { Padding = new Thickness (10, 36, 0, 5), Content = new Label { TextColor = Color.FromHex ("AAAAAA"), Text = "MENU", } }; var layout = new StackLayout { Spacing = 0, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand }; layout.Children.Add (menuLabel); layout.Children.Add (Menu); Content = layout; } } void NavigateTo (MenuItem menu) { var displayPage = (Page)Activator.CreateInstance (menu.TargetType); Detail = new NavigationPage (displayPage); } [Preserve (AllMembers = true)] public class MenuItem { public string Title { get; set; } public string IconSource { get; set; } public Type TargetType { get; set; } } #if UITEST [Test] public void Issue2948Test () { RunningApp.Screenshot ("I am at Issue 2948"); RunningApp.SetOrientationLandscape (); Thread.Sleep (5000); if (ShouldRunTest ()) { OpenMDP (); var btns = RunningApp.Query (c => c.Marked ("btnOnDetail")); if (btns.Length > 0) { // on iOS the button could be out of screen RunningApp.Tap (c => c.Marked ("btnOnDetail")); RunningApp.Screenshot ("I in landscape and master is open"); } RunningApp.WaitForNoElement (c => c.Marked ("Clicked"),"Time out",new TimeSpan(0,0,1)); } } public bool ShouldRunTest() { var isMasterVisible = RunningApp.Query (q => q.Marked ("Leads")).Length > 0; return !isMasterVisible; } public void OpenMDP() { if (RunningApp is iOSApp) { RunningApp.Tap (q => q.Marked ("Menu")); } else { RunningApp.Tap ("ShowMasterBtn"); } } #endif } }