using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Xamarin.Forms.CustomAttributes; namespace Xamarin.Forms.Controls { [Preserve (AllMembers=true)] [Issue (IssueTracker.Github, 1703, "Memory leak when navigating a page off of a navigation stack", PlatformAffected.Android | PlatformAffected.iOS | PlatformAffected.WinPhone)] public class Issue1703 : NavigationPage { static List s_pageRefs = new List(); public Issue1703 () { Navigation.PushAsync (GetMainPage ()); } public static Page GetMainPage() { return CreateWeakReferencedPage(); } static Page CreateWeakReferencedPage() { GC.Collect(); var result = CreatePage(); s_pageRefs.Add(new WeakReference(result)); // Add a second unreferenced page to prove that the problem only exists // when pages are actually navigated to/from s_pageRefs.Add(new WeakReference(CreatePage())); GC.Collect(); return result; } static Page CreatePage() { var page = new ContentPage(); var contents = new StackLayout(); contents.Children.Add( new Button { Text = "Next Page", Command = new Command(() => page.Navigation.PushAsync(CreateWeakReferencedPage())) }); contents.Children.Add( new Label { Text = string.Format( "References alive at time of creation: {0}", s_pageRefs.Count(p => p.IsAlive)), HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand }); page.Content = contents; return page; } } }