using Xamarin.Forms.CustomAttributes; namespace Xamarin.Forms.Controls { [Preserve (AllMembers=true)] [Issue (IssueTracker.None, 0, "Default colors toggle test", PlatformAffected.All)] public class DefaultColorToggleTest : ContentPage { Button _buttonColorDefaultToggle; Button _buttonColorInitted; Label _labelColorDefaultToggle; Label _labelColorInitted; public DefaultColorToggleTest () { _buttonColorDefaultToggle = new Button { Text = "Default Button Color" }; _buttonColorInitted = new Button { Text = "I should be red", TextColor = Color.Red }; _labelColorDefaultToggle = new Label { Text = "Default Label Color" }; _labelColorInitted = new Label { Text = "I should be blue", TextColor = Color.Blue }; _buttonColorDefaultToggle.Clicked += (s, e) => { if (_buttonColorDefaultToggle.TextColor == Color.Default) { _buttonColorDefaultToggle.TextColor = Color.Red; _buttonColorDefaultToggle.Text = "Custom Button Color"; } else { _buttonColorDefaultToggle.TextColor = Color.Default; _buttonColorDefaultToggle.Text = "Default Button Color"; } }; _labelColorDefaultToggle.GestureRecognizers.Add (new TapGestureRecognizer{Command = new Command (o=>{ if (_labelColorDefaultToggle.TextColor == Color.Default) { _labelColorDefaultToggle.TextColor = Color.Green; _labelColorDefaultToggle.Text = "Custom Label Color"; } else { _labelColorDefaultToggle.TextColor = Color.Default; _labelColorDefaultToggle.Text = "Default Label Color"; } })}); var entryTextColorDefaultToggle = new Entry () { Text = "Default Entry Text Color" }; var entryTextColorInit = new Entry () { Text = "Should Be Red", TextColor = Color.Red }; var entryToggleButton = new Button () { Text = "Toggle Entry Color" }; entryToggleButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { if (entryTextColorDefaultToggle.TextColor.IsDefault) { entryTextColorDefaultToggle.TextColor = Color.Fuchsia; entryTextColorDefaultToggle.Text = "Should Be Fuchsia"; } else { entryTextColorDefaultToggle.TextColor = Color.Default; entryTextColorDefaultToggle.Text = "Default Entry Text Color"; } }; var entryPlaceholderColorDefaultToggle = new Entry () { Placeholder = "Default Placeholder Color" }; var entryPlaceholderColorInit = new Entry () { Placeholder = "Should Be Lime", PlaceholderColor = Color.Lime }; var entryPlaceholderToggleButton = new Button () { Text = "Toggle Placeholder Color" }; entryPlaceholderToggleButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { if (entryPlaceholderColorDefaultToggle.PlaceholderColor.IsDefault) { entryPlaceholderColorDefaultToggle.PlaceholderColor = Color.Lime; entryPlaceholderColorDefaultToggle.Placeholder = "Should Be Lime"; } else { entryPlaceholderColorDefaultToggle.PlaceholderColor = Color.Default; entryPlaceholderColorDefaultToggle.Placeholder = "Default Placeholder Color"; } }; var passwordColorDefaultToggle = new Entry () { IsPassword = true, Text = "Default Password Color" }; var passwordColorInit = new Entry () { IsPassword = true, Text = "Should Be Red", TextColor = Color.Red }; var passwordToggleButton = new Button () { Text = "Toggle Password Box (Default)" }; passwordToggleButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { if (passwordColorDefaultToggle.TextColor.IsDefault) { passwordColorDefaultToggle.TextColor = Color.Red; passwordToggleButton.Text = "Toggle Password Box (Red)"; } else { passwordColorDefaultToggle.TextColor = Color.Default; passwordToggleButton.Text = "Toggle Password Box (Default)"; } }; var searchbarTextColorDefaultToggle = new Entry () { Text = "Default SearchBar Text Color" }; var searchbarTextColorToggleButton = new Button () { Text = "Toggle SearchBar Color" }; searchbarTextColorToggleButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { if (searchbarTextColorDefaultToggle.TextColor.IsDefault) { searchbarTextColorDefaultToggle.TextColor = Color.Fuchsia; searchbarTextColorDefaultToggle.Text = "Should Be Fuchsia"; } else { searchbarTextColorDefaultToggle.TextColor = Color.Default; searchbarTextColorDefaultToggle.Text = "Default SearchBar Text Color"; } }; var searchbarPlaceholderColorDefaultToggle = new Entry () { Placeholder = "Default Placeholder Color" }; var searchbarPlaceholderToggleButton = new Button () { Text = "Toggle Placeholder Color" }; searchbarPlaceholderToggleButton .Clicked += (sender, args) => { if (searchbarPlaceholderColorDefaultToggle.PlaceholderColor.IsDefault) { searchbarPlaceholderColorDefaultToggle.PlaceholderColor = Color.Lime; searchbarPlaceholderColorDefaultToggle.Placeholder = "Should Be Lime"; } else { searchbarPlaceholderColorDefaultToggle.PlaceholderColor = Color.Default; searchbarPlaceholderColorDefaultToggle.Placeholder = "Default Placeholder Color"; } }; Title = "Test Color Toggle Page"; Content = new ScrollView () { Content = new StackLayout { Children = { _buttonColorDefaultToggle, _buttonColorInitted, _labelColorDefaultToggle, _labelColorInitted, entryTextColorDefaultToggle, entryToggleButton, entryTextColorInit, entryPlaceholderColorDefaultToggle, entryPlaceholderToggleButton, entryPlaceholderColorInit, passwordColorDefaultToggle, passwordToggleButton, passwordColorInit, searchbarTextColorDefaultToggle, searchbarTextColorToggleButton, searchbarPlaceholderColorDefaultToggle, searchbarPlaceholderToggleButton } } }; } } }