using System; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using Xamarin.Forms.CustomAttributes; using Xamarin.Forms.Internals; using System.Threading; using System.Diagnostics; #if UITEST using Xamarin.UITest; using NUnit.Framework; #endif namespace Xamarin.Forms.Controls.Issues { [Preserve(AllMembers = true)] [Issue(IssueTracker.Bugzilla, 44166, "MasterDetailPage instances do not get disposed upon GC")] public class Bugzilla44166 : TestContentPage { protected override void Init() { var label = new Label() { Text = "Testing..." }; var goButton = new Button { Text = "Go", AutomationId = "Go" }; goButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => Application.Current.MainPage = new _44166MDP(); var gcButton = new Button { Text = "GC", AutomationId = "GC" }; gcButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); if (_44166MDP.Counter > 0) { Debug.WriteLine($">>>>>>>> Post-GC, {_44166MDP.Counter} {nameof(_44166MDP)} allocated"); } if (_44166Master.Counter > 0) { Debug.WriteLine($">>>>>>>> Post-GC, {_44166Master.Counter} {nameof(_44166Master)} allocated"); } if (_44166Detail.Counter > 0) { Debug.WriteLine($">>>>>>>> Post-GC, {_44166Detail.Counter} {nameof(_44166Detail)} allocated"); } if (_44166NavContent.Counter > 0) { Debug.WriteLine($">>>>>>>> Post-GC, {_44166NavContent.Counter} {nameof(_44166NavContent)} allocated"); } int success = 0; //some reason there's always 1 instance around i don't know why yet, if we were leaking it should be 8 here if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.macOS) success = 4; if (_44166NavContent.Counter + _44166Detail.Counter + _44166Master.Counter + _44166MDP.Counter == success) { label.Text = "Success"; } }; Content = new StackLayout { Children = { label, goButton, gcButton } }; } #if UITEST [Test] public void Bugzilla44166Test() { RunningApp.WaitForElement(q => q.Marked("Go")); RunningApp.Tap(q => q.Marked("Go")); RunningApp.WaitForElement(q => q.Marked("Previous")); RunningApp.Tap(q => q.Marked("Previous")); RunningApp.WaitForElement(q => q.Marked("GC")); for (var n = 0; n < 10; n++) { RunningApp.Tap(q => q.Marked("GC")); if (RunningApp.Query(q => q.Marked("Success")).Length > 0) { return; } } string pageStats = string.Empty; if (_44166MDP.Counter > 0) { pageStats += $"{_44166MDP.Counter} {nameof(_44166MDP)} allocated; "; } if (_44166Master.Counter > 0) { pageStats += $"{_44166Master.Counter} {nameof(_44166Master)} allocated; "; } if (_44166Detail.Counter > 0) { pageStats += $"{_44166Detail.Counter} {nameof(_44166Detail)} allocated; "; } if (_44166NavContent.Counter > 0) { pageStats += $"{_44166NavContent.Counter} {nameof(_44166NavContent)} allocated; "; } Assert.Fail($"At least one of the pages was not collected: {pageStats}"); } #endif } [Preserve(AllMembers = true)] public class _44166MDP : MasterDetailPage { public static int Counter; public _44166MDP() { Interlocked.Increment(ref Counter); Debug.WriteLine($"++++++++ {nameof(_44166MDP)} constructor, {Counter} allocated"); Master = new _44166Master(); Detail = new _44166Detail(); } ~_44166MDP() { Interlocked.Decrement(ref Counter); Debug.WriteLine($"-------- {nameof(_44166MDP)} destructor, {Counter} allocated"); } } [Preserve(AllMembers = true)] public class _44166Master : ContentPage { public static int Counter; public _44166Master() { Interlocked.Increment(ref Counter); Debug.WriteLine($"++++++++ {nameof(_44166Master)} constructor, {Counter} allocated"); Title = "Master"; var goButton = new Button { Text = "Return", AutomationId = "Return"}; goButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => Application.Current.MainPage = new Bugzilla44166(); Content = new StackLayout { Children = { goButton } }; } ~_44166Master() { Interlocked.Decrement(ref Counter); Debug.WriteLine($"-------- {nameof(_44166Master)} destructor, {Counter} allocated"); } } [Preserve(AllMembers = true)] public class _44166Detail : NavigationPage { public static int Counter; public _44166Detail() { Interlocked.Increment(ref Counter); Debug.WriteLine($"++++++++ {nameof(_44166Detail)} constructor, {Counter} allocated"); Title = "Detail"; PushAsync(new _44166NavContent()); } ~_44166Detail() { Interlocked.Decrement(ref Counter); Debug.WriteLine($"-------- {nameof(_44166Detail)} destructor, {Counter} allocated"); } } [Preserve(AllMembers = true)] public class _44166NavContent : ContentPage { public static int Counter; public _44166NavContent() { Interlocked.Increment(ref Counter); Debug.WriteLine($"++++++++ {nameof(_44166NavContent)} constructor, {Counter} allocated"); var goButton = new Button { Text = "Previous", AutomationId = "Previous" }; goButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => Application.Current.MainPage = new Bugzilla44166(); Content = new StackLayout { Children = { goButton } }; } ~_44166NavContent() { Interlocked.Decrement(ref Counter); Debug.WriteLine($"-------- {nameof(_44166NavContent)} destructor, {Counter} allocated"); } } }