using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Xml; using Mono.Cecil; using Mono.Cecil.Rocks; using Xamarin.Forms.Internals; using Xamarin.Forms.Xaml; namespace Xamarin.Forms.Build.Tasks { static class XmlTypeExtensions { static IList s_xmlnsDefinitions; static void GatherXmlnsDefinitionAttributes() { //this could be extended to look for [XmlnsDefinition] in all assemblies var assemblies = new [] { typeof(View).Assembly, typeof(XamlLoader).Assembly, }; s_xmlnsDefinitions = new List(); foreach (var assembly in assemblies) foreach (XmlnsDefinitionAttribute attribute in assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(XmlnsDefinitionAttribute), false)) { s_xmlnsDefinitions.Add(attribute); attribute.AssemblyName = attribute.AssemblyName ?? assembly.FullName; } } public static TypeReference GetTypeReference(string xmlType, ModuleDefinition module, BaseNode node) { var split = xmlType.Split(':'); if (split.Length > 2) throw new XamlParseException($"Type \"{xmlType}\" is invalid", node as IXmlLineInfo); string prefix, name; if (split.Length == 2) { prefix = split[0]; name = split[1]; } else { prefix = ""; name = split[0]; } var namespaceuri = node.NamespaceResolver.LookupNamespace(prefix) ?? ""; return GetTypeReference(new XmlType(namespaceuri, name, null), module, node as IXmlLineInfo); } public static TypeReference GetTypeReference(string namespaceURI, string typename, ModuleDefinition module, IXmlLineInfo xmlInfo) { return new XmlType(namespaceURI, typename, null).GetTypeReference(module, xmlInfo); } public static TypeReference GetTypeReference(this XmlType xmlType, ModuleDefinition module, IXmlLineInfo xmlInfo) { if (s_xmlnsDefinitions == null) GatherXmlnsDefinitionAttributes(); var namespaceURI = xmlType.NamespaceUri; var elementName = xmlType.Name; var typeArguments = xmlType.TypeArguments; var lookupAssemblies = new List(); var lookupNames = new List(); foreach (var xmlnsDef in s_xmlnsDefinitions) { if (xmlnsDef.XmlNamespace != namespaceURI) continue; lookupAssemblies.Add(xmlnsDef); } if (lookupAssemblies.Count == 0) { string ns; string typename; string asmstring; string targetPlatform; XmlnsHelper.ParseXmlns(namespaceURI, out typename, out ns, out asmstring, out targetPlatform); asmstring = asmstring ?? module.Assembly.Name.Name; lookupAssemblies.Add(new XmlnsDefinitionAttribute(namespaceURI, ns) { AssemblyName = asmstring }); } lookupNames.Add(elementName); lookupNames.Add(elementName + "Extension"); for (var i = 0; i < lookupNames.Count; i++) { var name = lookupNames[i]; if (name.Contains(":")) name = name.Substring(name.LastIndexOf(':') + 1); if (typeArguments != null) name += "`" + typeArguments.Count; //this will return an open generic Type lookupNames[i] = name; } TypeReference type = null; foreach (var asm in lookupAssemblies) { if (type != null) break; foreach (var name in lookupNames) { if (type != null) break; var clrNamespace = asm.ClrNamespace; var typeName = name.Replace('+', '/'); //Nested types var idx = typeName.LastIndexOf('.'); if (idx >= 0) { clrNamespace += '.' + typeName.Substring(0, typeName.LastIndexOf('.')); typeName = typeName.Substring(typeName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1); } var assemblydefinition = module.Assembly.Name.Name == asm.AssemblyName ? module.Assembly : module.AssemblyResolver.Resolve(AssemblyNameReference.Parse(asm.AssemblyName)); type = assemblydefinition.MainModule.GetType(clrNamespace + "." + typeName); if (type == null) { var exportedtype = assemblydefinition.MainModule.ExportedTypes.FirstOrDefault( (ExportedType arg) => arg.IsForwarder && arg.Namespace == clrNamespace && arg.Name == typeName); if (exportedtype != null) type = exportedtype.Resolve(); } } } if (type != null && typeArguments != null && type.HasGenericParameters) { type = module.ImportReference(type) .MakeGenericInstanceType(typeArguments.Select(x => GetTypeReference(x, module, xmlInfo)).ToArray()); } if (type == null) throw new XamlParseException(string.Format("Type {0} not found in xmlns {1}", elementName, namespaceURI), xmlInfo); return module.ImportReference(type); } } }