using System; using System.CodeDom; using System.CodeDom.Compiler; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Xml; using Microsoft.Build.Framework; using Microsoft.Build.Utilities; using Microsoft.CSharp; using Xamarin.Forms.Xaml; namespace Xamarin.Forms.Build.Tasks { public class XamlGTask : Task { const string XAML2006 = ""; const string XAML2009 = ""; internal static CodeDomProvider Provider = new CSharpCodeProvider(); [Required] public string Source { get; set; } public string Language { get; set; } public string AssemblyName { get; set; } [Output] public string OutputFile { get; set; } public override bool Execute() { if (Source == null || OutputFile == null) { Log.LogMessage("Skipping XamlG"); return true; } Log.LogMessage("Source: {0}", Source); Log.LogMessage("Language: {0}", Language); Log.LogMessage("AssemblyName: {0}", AssemblyName); Log.LogMessage("OutputFile {0}", OutputFile); try { GenerateFile(Source, OutputFile); return true; } catch (XmlException xe) { Log.LogError(null, null, null, Source, xe.LineNumber, xe.LinePosition, 0, 0, xe.Message, xe.HelpLink, xe.Source); return false; } catch (Exception e) { Log.LogError(null, null, null, Source, 0, 0, 0, 0, e.Message, e.HelpLink, e.Source); return false; } } internal static void ParseXaml(TextReader xaml, out string rootType, out string rootNs, out CodeTypeReference baseType, out IEnumerable namedFields) { var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(xaml); var nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmlDoc.NameTable); nsmgr.AddNamespace("__f__", ""); var root = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/*", nsmgr); if (root == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine("{0}: No root node found"); rootType = null; rootNs = null; baseType = null; namedFields = null; return; } foreach (XmlAttribute attr in root.Attributes) { if (attr.Name == "xmlns") { nsmgr.AddNamespace("", attr.Value); //Add default xmlns } if (attr.Prefix != "xmlns") continue; nsmgr.AddNamespace(attr.LocalName, attr.Value); } var rootClass = root.Attributes["Class", XAML2006] ?? root.Attributes["Class", XAML2009]; if (rootClass == null) { rootType = null; rootNs = null; baseType = null; namedFields = null; return; } string rootAsm, targetPlatform; XmlnsHelper.ParseXmlns(rootClass.Value, out rootType, out rootNs, out rootAsm, out targetPlatform); namedFields = GetCodeMemberFields(root, nsmgr); var typeArguments = GetAttributeValue(root, "TypeArguments", XAML2006, XAML2009); var xmlType = new XmlType(root.NamespaceURI, root.LocalName, typeArguments != null ? TypeArgumentsParser.ParseExpression(typeArguments, nsmgr, null): null); baseType = GetType(xmlType, root.GetNamespaceOfPrefix); } static CodeAttributeDeclaration GeneratedCodeAttrDecl => new CodeAttributeDeclaration(new CodeTypeReference($"global::{typeof(GeneratedCodeAttribute).FullName}"), new CodeAttributeArgument(new CodePrimitiveExpression("Xamarin.Forms.Build.Tasks.XamlG")), new CodeAttributeArgument(new CodePrimitiveExpression(""))); internal static void GenerateCode(string rootType, string rootNs, CodeTypeReference baseType, IEnumerable namedFields, string xamlFile, string outFile) { if (rootType == null) { File.WriteAllText(outFile, ""); return; } var ccu = new CodeCompileUnit(); var declNs = new CodeNamespace(rootNs); ccu.Namespaces.Add(declNs); var declType = new CodeTypeDeclaration(rootType) { IsPartial = true, CustomAttributes = { new CodeAttributeDeclaration(new CodeTypeReference($"global::{typeof(XamlFilePathAttribute).FullName}"), new CodeAttributeArgument(new CodePrimitiveExpression(xamlFile))) } }; declType.BaseTypes.Add(baseType); declNs.Types.Add(declType); var initcomp = new CodeMemberMethod { Name = "InitializeComponent", CustomAttributes = { GeneratedCodeAttrDecl } }; declType.Members.Add(initcomp); initcomp.Statements.Add(new CodeMethodInvokeExpression( new CodeTypeReferenceExpression(new CodeTypeReference($"global::{typeof(Extensions).FullName}")), "LoadFromXaml", new CodeThisReferenceExpression(), new CodeTypeOfExpression(declType.Name))); foreach (var namedField in namedFields) { declType.Members.Add(namedField); var find_invoke = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression( new CodeMethodReferenceExpression( new CodeTypeReferenceExpression(new CodeTypeReference($"global::{typeof(NameScopeExtensions).FullName}")), "FindByName", namedField.Type), new CodeThisReferenceExpression(), new CodePrimitiveExpression(namedField.Name)); CodeAssignStatement assign = new CodeAssignStatement( new CodeVariableReferenceExpression(namedField.Name), find_invoke); initcomp.Statements.Add(assign); } using (var writer = new StreamWriter(outFile)) Provider.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(ccu, writer, new CodeGeneratorOptions()); } internal static void GenerateFile(string xamlFile, string outFile) { string rootType, rootNs; CodeTypeReference baseType; IEnumerable namedFields; using (StreamReader reader = File.OpenText(xamlFile)) ParseXaml(reader, out rootType, out rootNs, out baseType, out namedFields); GenerateCode(rootType, rootNs, baseType, namedFields, Path.GetFullPath(xamlFile), outFile); } static IEnumerable GetCodeMemberFields(XmlNode root, XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr) { var xPrefix = nsmgr.LookupPrefix(XAML2006) ?? nsmgr.LookupPrefix(XAML2009); if (xPrefix == null) yield break; XmlNodeList names = root.SelectNodes( "//*[@" + xPrefix + ":Name" + "][not(ancestor:: __f__:DataTemplate) and not(ancestor:: __f__:ControlTemplate) and not(ancestor:: __f__:Style)]", nsmgr); foreach (XmlNode node in names) { // Don't take the root canvas if (node == root) continue; var name = GetAttributeValue(node, "Name", XAML2006, XAML2009); var typeArguments = GetAttributeValue(node, "TypeArguments", XAML2006, XAML2009); var fieldModifier = GetAttributeValue(node, "FieldModifier", XAML2006, XAML2009); var xmlType = new XmlType(node.NamespaceURI, node.LocalName, typeArguments != null ? TypeArgumentsParser.ParseExpression(typeArguments, nsmgr, null) : null); var access = MemberAttributes.Private; if (fieldModifier!=null) { switch (fieldModifier.ToLowerInvariant()){ default: case "private": access = MemberAttributes.Private; break; case "public": access = MemberAttributes.Public; break; case "protected": access = MemberAttributes.Family; break; case "internal": case "notpublic": //WPF syntax access = MemberAttributes.Assembly; break; } } yield return new CodeMemberField { Name = name, Type = GetType(xmlType, node.GetNamespaceOfPrefix), Attributes = access, CustomAttributes = { GeneratedCodeAttrDecl } }; } } static CodeTypeReference GetType(XmlType xmlType, Func getNamespaceOfPrefix = null) { var type = xmlType.Name; var ns = GetClrNamespace(xmlType.NamespaceUri); if (ns != null) type = $"{ns}.{type}"; if (xmlType.TypeArguments != null) type = $"{type}`{xmlType.TypeArguments.Count}"; var returnType = new CodeTypeReference(type); if (ns != null) returnType.Options |= CodeTypeReferenceOptions.GlobalReference; if (xmlType.TypeArguments != null) foreach (var typeArg in xmlType.TypeArguments) returnType.TypeArguments.Add(GetType(typeArg, getNamespaceOfPrefix)); return returnType; } static string GetClrNamespace(string namespaceuri) { if (namespaceuri == "") return "Xamarin.Forms"; if (namespaceuri == XAML2009) return "System"; if (namespaceuri != XAML2006 && !namespaceuri.Contains("clr-namespace")) throw new Exception($"Can't load types from xmlns {namespaceuri}"); return XmlnsHelper.ParseNamespaceFromXmlns(namespaceuri); } static string GetAttributeValue(XmlNode node, string localName, params string[] namespaceURIs) { if (node == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(node)); if (localName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(localName)); if (namespaceURIs == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(namespaceURIs)); foreach (var namespaceURI in namespaceURIs) { var attr = node.Attributes[localName, namespaceURI]; if (attr == null) continue; return attr.Value; } return null; } } }