// Copyright (c) 2011 AlphaSierraPapa for the SharpDevelop Team // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this // software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software // without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, // publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons // to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or // substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, // INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE // FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Mono.Cecil; namespace ICSharpCode.Decompiler.ILAst { partial class ILAstOptimizer { bool SimplifyLiftedOperators(List body, ILExpression expr, int pos) { if (!new PatternMatcher(typeSystem).SimplifyLiftedOperators(expr)) return false; var inlining = new ILInlining(method); while (--pos >= 0 && inlining.InlineIfPossible(body, ref pos)) ; return true; } sealed class PatternMatcher { readonly TypeSystem typeSystem; public PatternMatcher(TypeSystem typeSystem) { this.typeSystem = typeSystem; } public bool SimplifyLiftedOperators(ILExpression expr) { if (Simplify(expr)) return true; bool modified = false; foreach (var a in expr.Arguments) modified |= SimplifyLiftedOperators(a); return modified; } abstract class Pattern { public readonly Pattern[] Arguments; protected Pattern(Pattern[] arguments) { Arguments = arguments; } public virtual bool Match(PatternMatcher pm, ILExpression e) { if (e.Arguments.Count != Arguments.Length || e.Prefixes != null) return false; for (int i = 0; i < Arguments.Length; i++) if (!Arguments[i].Match(pm, e.Arguments[i])) return false; return true; } public virtual ILExpression BuildNew(PatternMatcher pm) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } public static Pattern operator &(Pattern a, Pattern b) { return new ILPattern(ILCode.LogicAnd, a, b); } public static Pattern operator |(Pattern a, Pattern b) { return new ILPattern(ILCode.LogicOr, a, b); } public static Pattern operator !(Pattern a) { return new ILPattern(ILCode.LogicNot, a); } } sealed class ILPattern : Pattern { readonly ILCode code; public ILPattern(ILCode code, params Pattern[] arguments) : base(arguments) { this.code = code; } public override bool Match(PatternMatcher pm, ILExpression e) { return e.Code == code && base.Match(pm, e); } public override ILExpression BuildNew(PatternMatcher pm) { var args = new ILExpression[Arguments.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) args[i] = Arguments[i].BuildNew(pm); TypeReference t = null; switch (code) { case ILCode.Ceq: case ILCode.Cne: t = pm.typeSystem.Boolean; break; case ILCode.NullCoalescing: t = args[1].InferredType; break; } return new ILExpression(code, null, args) { InferredType = t }; } } sealed class MethodPattern : Pattern { readonly ILCode code; readonly string method; public MethodPattern(ILCode code, string method, params Pattern[] arguments) : base(arguments) { this.code = code; this.method = method; } public override bool Match(PatternMatcher pm, ILExpression e) { if (e.Code != code) return false; var m = (MethodReference)e.Operand; return m.Name == method && TypeAnalysis.IsNullableType(m.DeclaringType) && base.Match(pm, e); } } enum OperatorType { Equality, InEquality, Comparison, Other } sealed class OperatorPattern : Pattern { OperatorType type; bool simple; public OperatorPattern() : base(null) { } public OperatorPattern(OperatorType type, bool simple) : this() { this.type = type; this.simple = simple; } public override bool Match(PatternMatcher pm, ILExpression e) { switch (e.Code) { case ILCode.Ceq: if (type != OperatorType.Equality) return false; break; case ILCode.Cne: if (type != OperatorType.InEquality) return false; break; case ILCode.Cgt: case ILCode.Cgt_Un: case ILCode.Cge: case ILCode.Cge_Un: case ILCode.Clt: case ILCode.Clt_Un: case ILCode.Cle: case ILCode.Cle_Un: if (type != OperatorType.Comparison) return false; break; case ILCode.Add: case ILCode.Add_Ovf: case ILCode.Add_Ovf_Un: case ILCode.Sub: case ILCode.Sub_Ovf: case ILCode.Sub_Ovf_Un: case ILCode.Mul: case ILCode.Mul_Ovf: case ILCode.Mul_Ovf_Un: case ILCode.Div: case ILCode.Div_Un: case ILCode.Rem: case ILCode.Rem_Un: case ILCode.And: case ILCode.Or: case ILCode.Xor: case ILCode.Shl: case ILCode.Shr: case ILCode.Shr_Un: case ILCode.Not: case ILCode.Neg: case ILCode.LogicNot: if (type != OperatorType.Other) return false; break; case ILCode.Call: var m = e.Operand as MethodReference; if (m == null || m.HasThis || !m.HasParameters || e.Arguments.Count > 2 || !IsCustomOperator(m.Name)) return false; break; default: return false; } if (pm.Operator != null) throw new InvalidOperationException(); pm.Operator = e; var a0 = e.Arguments[0]; if (!simple) return VariableAGetValueOrDefault.Match(pm, a0) && VariableBGetValueOrDefault.Match(pm, e.Arguments[1]); if (e.Arguments.Count == 1) return VariableAGetValueOrDefault.Match(pm, a0); if (VariableAGetValueOrDefault.Match(pm, a0)) { pm.SimpleOperand = e.Arguments[1]; pm.SimpleLeftOperand = false; return true; } if (VariableAGetValueOrDefault.Match(pm, e.Arguments[1])) { pm.SimpleOperand = a0; pm.SimpleLeftOperand = true; return true; } return false; } bool IsCustomOperator(string s) { switch (type) { case OperatorType.Equality: return s == "op_Equality"; case OperatorType.InEquality: return s == "op_Inequality"; case OperatorType.Comparison: if (s.Length < 11 || !s.StartsWith("op_", StringComparison.Ordinal)) return false; switch (s) { case "op_GreaterThan": case "op_GreaterThanOrEqual": case "op_LessThan": case "op_LessThanOrEqual": return true; default: return false; } default: if (s.Length < 10 || !s.StartsWith("op_", StringComparison.Ordinal)) return false; switch (s) { case "op_Addition": case "op_Subtraction": case "op_Multiply": case "op_Division": case "op_Modulus": case "op_BitwiseAnd": case "op_BitwiseOr": case "op_ExclusiveOr": case "op_LeftShift": case "op_RightShift": case "op_UnaryNegation": case "op_UnaryPlus": case "op_LogicalNot": case "op_OnesComplement": case "op_Increment": case "op_Decrement": return true; default: return false; } } } public override ILExpression BuildNew(PatternMatcher pm) { var res = pm.Operator; res.Arguments.Clear(); if (pm.SimpleLeftOperand) res.Arguments.Add(pm.SimpleOperand); res.Arguments.Add(VariableA.BuildNew(pm)); if (pm.B != null) res.Arguments.Add(VariableB.BuildNew(pm)); else if (pm.SimpleOperand != null && !pm.SimpleLeftOperand) res.Arguments.Add(pm.SimpleOperand); return res; } } sealed class AnyPattern : Pattern { public AnyPattern() : base(null) { } public override bool Match(PatternMatcher pm, ILExpression e) { if (pm.SimpleOperand != null) throw new InvalidOperationException(); pm.SimpleOperand = e; return true; } public override ILExpression BuildNew(PatternMatcher pm) { return pm.SimpleOperand; } } sealed class VariablePattern : Pattern { readonly ILCode code; readonly bool b; public VariablePattern(ILCode code, bool b) : base(null) { this.code = code; this.b = b; } public override bool Match(PatternMatcher pm, ILExpression e) { if (e.Code != code) return false; var v = e.Operand as ILVariable; return v != null && (b ? Capture(ref pm.B, v) : Capture(ref pm.A, v)); } static bool Capture(ref ILVariable pmvar, ILVariable v) { if (pmvar != null) return pmvar == v; pmvar = v; return true; } static readonly ILExpression[] EmptyArguments = new ILExpression[0]; public override ILExpression BuildNew(PatternMatcher pm) { var v = b ? pm.B : pm.A; var e = new ILExpression(ILCode.Ldloc, v, EmptyArguments); if (TypeAnalysis.IsNullableType(v.Type)) e = new ILExpression(ILCode.ValueOf, null, e); return e; } } sealed class BooleanPattern : Pattern { public static readonly Pattern False = new BooleanPattern(false), True = new BooleanPattern(true); readonly object value; BooleanPattern(bool value) : base(null) { this.value = Convert.ToInt32(value); } public override bool Match(PatternMatcher pm, ILExpression e) { return e.Code == ILCode.Ldc_I4 && TypeAnalysis.IsBoolean(e.InferredType) && Equals(e.Operand, value); } public override ILExpression BuildNew(PatternMatcher pm) { // boolean constants are wrapped inside a container to disable simplyfication of equality comparisons return new ILExpression(ILCode.Wrap, null, new ILExpression(ILCode.Ldc_I4, value)); } } static readonly Pattern VariableRefA = new VariablePattern(ILCode.Ldloca, false), VariableRefB = new VariablePattern(ILCode.Ldloca, true); static readonly Pattern VariableA = new VariablePattern(ILCode.Ldloc, false), VariableB = new VariablePattern(ILCode.Ldloc, true); static readonly Pattern VariableAHasValue = new MethodPattern(ILCode.CallGetter, "get_HasValue", VariableRefA); static readonly Pattern VariableAGetValueOrDefault = new MethodPattern(ILCode.Call, "GetValueOrDefault", VariableRefA); static readonly Pattern VariableBHasValue = new MethodPattern(ILCode.CallGetter, "get_HasValue", VariableRefB); static readonly Pattern VariableBGetValueOrDefault = new MethodPattern(ILCode.Call, "GetValueOrDefault", VariableRefB); static readonly Pattern CeqHasValue = new ILPattern(ILCode.Ceq, VariableAHasValue, VariableBHasValue); static readonly Pattern CneHasValue = new ILPattern(ILCode.Cne, VariableAHasValue, VariableBHasValue); static readonly Pattern AndHasValue = new ILPattern(ILCode.And, VariableAHasValue, VariableBHasValue); static readonly Pattern Any = new AnyPattern(); static readonly Pattern OperatorVariableAB = new OperatorPattern(); static OperatorPattern OperatorNN(OperatorType type) { return new OperatorPattern(type, false); } static OperatorPattern OperatorNV(OperatorType type) { return new OperatorPattern(type, true); } static Pattern NewObj(Pattern p) { return new MethodPattern(ILCode.Newobj, ".ctor", p); } static readonly Pattern[] Comparisons = new Pattern[] { /* both operands nullable */ // == (primitive, decimal) OperatorNN(OperatorType.Equality) & CeqHasValue, // == (struct) CeqHasValue & (!VariableAHasValue | OperatorNN(OperatorType.Equality)), // != (primitive, decimal) OperatorNN(OperatorType.InEquality) | CneHasValue, // != (struct) CneHasValue | (VariableAHasValue & OperatorNN(OperatorType.InEquality)), // > , < , >= , <= (primitive, decimal) OperatorNN(OperatorType.Comparison) & AndHasValue, // > , < , >= , <= (struct) AndHasValue & OperatorNN(OperatorType.Comparison), /* only one operand nullable */ // == (primitive, decimal) OperatorNV(OperatorType.Equality) & VariableAHasValue, // == (struct) VariableAHasValue & OperatorNV(OperatorType.Equality), // != (primitive, decimal) OperatorNV(OperatorType.InEquality) | !VariableAHasValue, // != (struct) !VariableAHasValue | OperatorNV(OperatorType.InEquality), // > , <, >= , <= (primitive, decimal) OperatorNV(OperatorType.Comparison) & VariableAHasValue, // > , < , >= , <= (struct) VariableAHasValue & OperatorNV(OperatorType.Comparison), }; static readonly Pattern[] Other = new Pattern[] { /* both operands nullable */ // & (bool) new ILPattern(ILCode.TernaryOp, VariableAGetValueOrDefault | (!VariableBGetValueOrDefault & !VariableAHasValue), VariableB, VariableA), new ILPattern(ILCode.And, VariableA, VariableB), // | (bool) new ILPattern(ILCode.TernaryOp, VariableAGetValueOrDefault | (!VariableBGetValueOrDefault & !VariableAHasValue), VariableA, VariableB), new ILPattern(ILCode.Or, VariableA, VariableB), // null coalescing new ILPattern(ILCode.TernaryOp, VariableAHasValue, NewObj(VariableAGetValueOrDefault), VariableB), new ILPattern(ILCode.NullCoalescing, VariableA, VariableB), // all other new ILPattern(ILCode.TernaryOp, AndHasValue, NewObj(OperatorNN(OperatorType.Other)), new ILPattern(ILCode.DefaultValue)), OperatorVariableAB, /* only one operand nullable */ // & (bool) new ILPattern(ILCode.TernaryOp, Any, VariableA, NewObj(BooleanPattern.False)), new ILPattern(ILCode.And, VariableA, Any), // | (bool) new ILPattern(ILCode.TernaryOp, Any, NewObj(BooleanPattern.True), VariableA), new ILPattern(ILCode.Or, VariableA, Any), // == true VariableAGetValueOrDefault & VariableAHasValue, new ILPattern(ILCode.Ceq, VariableA, BooleanPattern.True), // != true !VariableAGetValueOrDefault | !VariableAHasValue, new ILPattern(ILCode.Cne, VariableA, BooleanPattern.True), // == false !VariableAGetValueOrDefault & VariableAHasValue, new ILPattern(ILCode.Ceq, VariableA, BooleanPattern.False), // != false VariableAGetValueOrDefault | !VariableAHasValue, new ILPattern(ILCode.Cne, VariableA, BooleanPattern.False), // ?? true !VariableAHasValue | VariableAGetValueOrDefault, new ILPattern(ILCode.NullCoalescing, VariableA, BooleanPattern.True), // ?? false VariableAHasValue & VariableAGetValueOrDefault, new ILPattern(ILCode.NullCoalescing, VariableA, BooleanPattern.False), // null coalescing new ILPattern(ILCode.TernaryOp, VariableAHasValue, VariableAGetValueOrDefault, Any), new ILPattern(ILCode.NullCoalescing, VariableA, Any), // all other new ILPattern(ILCode.TernaryOp, VariableAHasValue, NewObj(OperatorNV(OperatorType.Other)), new ILPattern(ILCode.DefaultValue)), OperatorVariableAB, }; ILVariable A, B; ILExpression Operator, SimpleOperand; bool SimpleLeftOperand; void Reset() { A = null; B = null; Operator = null; SimpleOperand = null; SimpleLeftOperand = false; } bool Simplify(ILExpression expr) { if (expr.Code == ILCode.TernaryOp || expr.Code == ILCode.LogicAnd || expr.Code == ILCode.LogicOr) { Pattern[] ps; if (expr.Code != ILCode.TernaryOp) { ps = Comparisons; for (int i = 0; i < ps.Length; i++) { Reset(); if (!ps[i].Match(this, expr)) continue; SetResult(expr, OperatorVariableAB.BuildNew(this)); return true; } } ps = Other; for (int i = 0; i < ps.Length; i += 2) { Reset(); if (!ps[i].Match(this, expr)) continue; var n = ps[i + 1].BuildNew(this); SetResult(expr, n); if (n.Code == ILCode.NullCoalescing) { // if both operands are nullable then the result is also nullable if (n.Arguments[1].Code == ILCode.ValueOf) { n.Arguments[0] = n.Arguments[0].Arguments[0]; n.Arguments[1] = n.Arguments[1].Arguments[0]; } } else if (n.Code != ILCode.Ceq && n.Code != ILCode.Cne) { expr.Code = ILCode.NullableOf; expr.InferredType = expr.ExpectedType = null; } return true; } } return false; } static void SetResult(ILExpression expr, ILExpression n) { // IL ranges from removed nodes are assigned to the new operator expression var removednodes = expr.GetSelfAndChildrenRecursive().Except(n.GetSelfAndChildrenRecursive()); n.ILRanges.AddRange(removednodes.SelectMany(el => el.ILRanges)); // the new expression is wrapped in a container so that negations aren't pushed through lifted comparison operations expr.Code = ILCode.Wrap; expr.Arguments.Clear(); expr.Arguments.Add(n); expr.ILRanges.Clear(); expr.InferredType = n.InferredType; } } } }