// Copyright (c) 2011 AlphaSierraPapa for the SharpDevelop Team // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this // software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software // without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, // publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons // to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or // substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, // INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE // FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp; using ICSharpCode.NRefactory.PatternMatching; using Mono.Cecil; namespace ICSharpCode.Decompiler.Ast.Transforms { /// /// If the first element of a constructor is a chained constructor call, convert it into a constructor initializer. /// public class ConvertConstructorCallIntoInitializer : DepthFirstAstVisitor, IAstTransform { public override object VisitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration constructorDeclaration, object data) { ExpressionStatement stmt = constructorDeclaration.Body.Statements.FirstOrDefault() as ExpressionStatement; if (stmt == null) return null; InvocationExpression invocation = stmt.Expression as InvocationExpression; if (invocation == null) return null; MemberReferenceExpression mre = invocation.Target as MemberReferenceExpression; if (mre != null && mre.MemberName == ".ctor") { ConstructorInitializer ci = new ConstructorInitializer(); if (mre.Target is ThisReferenceExpression) ci.ConstructorInitializerType = ConstructorInitializerType.This; else if (mre.Target is BaseReferenceExpression) ci.ConstructorInitializerType = ConstructorInitializerType.Base; else return null; // Move arguments from invocation to initializer: invocation.Arguments.MoveTo(ci.Arguments); // Add the initializer: (unless it is the default 'base()') if (!(ci.ConstructorInitializerType == ConstructorInitializerType.Base && ci.Arguments.Count == 0)) constructorDeclaration.Initializer = ci.WithAnnotation(invocation.Annotation()); // Remove the statement: stmt.Remove(); } return null; } static readonly ExpressionStatement fieldInitializerPattern = new ExpressionStatement { Expression = new AssignmentExpression { Left = new NamedNode("fieldAccess", new MemberReferenceExpression { Target = new ThisReferenceExpression(), MemberName = Pattern.AnyString }), Operator = AssignmentOperatorType.Assign, Right = new AnyNode("initializer") } }; static readonly AstNode thisCallPattern = new ExpressionStatement(new ThisReferenceExpression().Invoke(".ctor", new Repeat(new AnyNode()))); public override object VisitTypeDeclaration(TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration, object data) { // Handle initializers on instance fields HandleInstanceFieldInitializers(typeDeclaration.Members); // Now convert base constructor calls to initializers: base.VisitTypeDeclaration(typeDeclaration, data); // Remove single empty constructor: RemoveSingleEmptyConstructor(typeDeclaration); // Handle initializers on static fields: HandleStaticFieldInitializers(typeDeclaration.Members); return null; } void HandleInstanceFieldInitializers(IEnumerable members) { var instanceCtors = members.OfType().Where(c => (c.Modifiers & Modifiers.Static) == 0).ToArray(); var instanceCtorsNotChainingWithThis = instanceCtors.Where(ctor => !thisCallPattern.IsMatch(ctor.Body.Statements.FirstOrDefault())).ToArray(); if (instanceCtorsNotChainingWithThis.Length > 0) { MethodDefinition ctorMethodDef = instanceCtorsNotChainingWithThis[0].Annotation(); if (ctorMethodDef != null && ctorMethodDef.DeclaringType.IsValueType) return; // Recognize field initializers: // Convert first statement in all ctors (if all ctors have the same statement) into a field initializer. bool allSame; do { Match m = fieldInitializerPattern.Match(instanceCtorsNotChainingWithThis[0].Body.FirstOrDefault()); if (!m.Success) break; FieldDefinition fieldDef = m.Get("fieldAccess").Single().Annotation().ResolveWithinSameModule(); if (fieldDef == null) break; AstNode fieldOrEventDecl = members.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Annotation() == fieldDef); if (fieldOrEventDecl == null) break; Expression initializer = m.Get("initializer").Single(); // 'this'/'base' cannot be used in field initializers if (initializer.DescendantsAndSelf.Any(n => n is ThisReferenceExpression || n is BaseReferenceExpression)) break; allSame = true; for (int i = 1; i < instanceCtorsNotChainingWithThis.Length; i++) { if (!instanceCtors[0].Body.First().IsMatch(instanceCtorsNotChainingWithThis[i].Body.FirstOrDefault())) allSame = false; } if (allSame) { foreach (var ctor in instanceCtorsNotChainingWithThis) ctor.Body.First().Remove(); fieldOrEventDecl.GetChildrenByRole(Roles.Variable).Single().Initializer = initializer.Detach(); } } while (allSame); } } void RemoveSingleEmptyConstructor(TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration) { var instanceCtors = typeDeclaration.Members.OfType().Where(c => (c.Modifiers & Modifiers.Static) == 0).ToArray(); if (instanceCtors.Length == 1) { ConstructorDeclaration emptyCtor = new ConstructorDeclaration(); emptyCtor.Modifiers = ((typeDeclaration.Modifiers & Modifiers.Abstract) == Modifiers.Abstract ? Modifiers.Protected : Modifiers.Public); emptyCtor.Body = new BlockStatement(); if (emptyCtor.IsMatch(instanceCtors[0])) instanceCtors[0].Remove(); } } void HandleStaticFieldInitializers(IEnumerable members) { // Convert static constructor into field initializers if the class is BeforeFieldInit var staticCtor = members.OfType().FirstOrDefault(c => (c.Modifiers & Modifiers.Static) == Modifiers.Static); if (staticCtor != null) { MethodDefinition ctorMethodDef = staticCtor.Annotation(); if (ctorMethodDef != null && ctorMethodDef.DeclaringType.IsBeforeFieldInit) { while (true) { ExpressionStatement es = staticCtor.Body.Statements.FirstOrDefault() as ExpressionStatement; if (es == null) break; AssignmentExpression assignment = es.Expression as AssignmentExpression; if (assignment == null || assignment.Operator != AssignmentOperatorType.Assign) break; FieldDefinition fieldDef = assignment.Left.Annotation().ResolveWithinSameModule(); if (fieldDef == null || !fieldDef.IsStatic) break; FieldDeclaration fieldDecl = members.OfType().FirstOrDefault(f => f.Annotation() == fieldDef); if (fieldDecl == null) break; fieldDecl.Variables.Single().Initializer = assignment.Right.Detach(); es.Remove(); } if (staticCtor.Body.Statements.Count == 0) staticCtor.Remove(); } } } void IAstTransform.Run(AstNode node) { // If we're viewing some set of members (fields are direct children of CompilationUnit), // we also need to handle those: HandleInstanceFieldInitializers(node.Children); HandleStaticFieldInitializers(node.Children); node.AcceptVisitor(this, null); } } }