path: root/Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS/Renderers/FontExtensions.cs
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-03-07Remove InternalsVisibleTo from Core to XF.Platforms.* (#782)kingces951-0/+1
2017-01-26MacOS (#650)Rui Marinho1-8/+100
2016-12-14Deprecate versions of iOS older than 8 (#630)Jason Smith1-14/+2
2016-12-09Revert "Deprecate iOS 8 and earlier (#626)"Jason Smith1-2/+15
2016-12-09Deprecate iOS 8 and earlier (#626)Paul DiPietro1-15/+2
2016-09-14Remove iOS classic from CI system (#353)beta-2.3.3-pre2Rui Marinho1-6/+0
2016-04-11[iOS] Resolve Warning 0108 (#64)Samantha Houts1-1/+2
2016-03-29Make spacing in lock statement consistent with code styleE.Z. Hart1-2/+2
2016-03-22Initial importJason Smith1-0/+205