path: root/Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS/FormsApplicationDelegate.cs
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2017-03-07Remove InternalsVisibleTo from Core to XF.Platforms.* (#782)kingces951-1/+1
* Remove InternalsVisibleTo from Core to XF.Platforms.* * Changes per Jason's code review * Move LockableObservableListWrapper to internals namespace * Changes per Stephane's code review * update docs * Touch code to get CI to run tests * Rebase; Update documentation
2017-01-03Allow subscriber to be collected if MessagingCenter is the only reference to ↵E.Z. Hart1-1/+3
it (#617) * Repro * Make messaging center callbacks weak references * Preserve attribute * Fix test method name * Watch for collection of actual delegate target instead of wrapper delegate * Preserve the original platform instance when changing main page * Better tests for lambda situations * Update tests, make callback target a weakreference if it's the subscriber * Ensure old Platform MessagingCenter subs are gone before creating new Platform
2016-10-11Clear cached CultureInfo and TimeZoneInfo on app resume (#423)adrianknight891-0/+3
2016-09-14Remove iOS classic from CI system (#353)beta-2.3.3-pre2Rui Marinho1-10/+1
* [CI] Remove classic from build * [Build] Remove classic forwarder * [Nuget] Remove classic from Pages azure * [Build] Remove classic csproj * [IOS] Remove _UNIFIED_
2016-04-24Evolve feature branch (#117)Jason Smith1-0/+28
* Initial import of evolve features * [Android] Add Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.AppLinks project * [iOS] Fix issues with c# 6 features on iOS AppLinks * Added naive stanza to update-docs-windows.bat to produce Pages docs. Not tested. (#69) * Update packages * Add AppLinks android nuspec and fix linker issues * Fix build * Fix nusepc * Fix nuspec * Update android support nugets to 23.2.1 * Update Xamarin.UITest * Add CardView * [iOS] Fix app link for CoreSpotlight * [Android] Update AppLinks android support libs * Add Newtonsoft.Json dependency to nuspec * Fix NRE when setting ControlTemplate to null * Move to ModernHttpClient for download * Try fix build * Preserve android app links * Fix margin issue * General coding and simple fixes
2016-03-22Initial importJason Smith1-0/+151