path: root/Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-06-22[Android] Remove the ". " on empty labels (Accessibility) on Fastrenderers (#...Samantha Houts2-25/+23
2017-06-22Remove debug outputs (#1008)Paul DiPietro2-2/+0
2017-06-22Allow Context Actions on ViewCells with TapGestures (#985)E.Z. Hart7-20/+74
2017-06-22[iOS/Android] Fixes "jumping" when navigation to a page with a NavigationBar ...Samantha Houts1-12/+33
2017-06-20[Android] Change modifiers on NavigationPageRenderer's navigation methods (#1...adrianknight892-6/+3
2017-06-20Align Layout transparency behavior between Android, iOS, Windows (#935)E.Z. Hart8-33/+28
2017-06-14[iOS,Android] Fix gap when setting Separator None and recycle element and on ...Rui Marinho1-1/+2
2017-06-14Fix crash when modifying ContextActions on Android (#982)Alexander Hardwicke1-1/+2
2017-06-14[Android] Fix NullPointerException following RemovePage call (#933)Samantha Houts1-8/+16
2017-06-13[A] Check Visibility for tab's page appearing (#963)Paul DiPietro1-1/+1
2017-06-12Dispose check on ButtonRenderer (#975)bentmar1-2/+2
2017-06-08Update View Enabled property when IsEnabled changes (#968)E.Z. Hart1-0/+7
2017-06-01Fix border on android buttons (#941)Rui Marinho7-163/+182
2017-05-31[Android] Correctly size content after toggling soft keyboard in Resize mode ...E.Z. Hart7-74/+128
2017-05-26[Android] Set SingleLine to true when we only have 1 line on a TextView (#932)Rui Marinho4-56/+48
2017-05-23[Android] Support up to 20 templates, as documented. (#929)Samantha Houts1-2/+13
2017-05-19Use TextViewCompat to so API <23 handle setTextAppearance correctly (#910)E.Z. Hart4-25/+5
2017-05-17Do not layout page in OnWindowAttributesChanged on fullscreen flag change (#916)adrianknight892-17/+6
2017-05-10[All] Rename Accessibility -> AutomationProperties (#912)Samantha Houts6-30/+30
2017-05-04Remove status bar underlay view in Android AppCompat (#892)E.Z. Hart3-111/+16
2017-05-04Unsubscribe OnModelChanged event when TableViewModelRenderer is disposed (#879)jacobmcgoogan1-5/+10
2017-05-04[Android] Add null check before creating and drawing canvas bugzilla 55559 & ...Koen Hendriks1-0/+3
2017-05-04Give layouts a chance to handle touch events after passing though immediate c...E.Z. Hart1-3/+6
2017-04-28Add disposed check on FastRenderer.VisualElemen... (#888)bentmar1-3/+3
2017-04-28[Android] Add disposed check on FastRenderers.LabelRenderer (#886)bentmar1-1/+6
2017-04-28add disposed check on FastRenderers.FrameRenderer (#887)bentmar1-1/+10
2017-04-25Better error handling for image loading errors on iOS/Android (#849)E.Z. Hart8-50/+173
2017-04-25[iOS] Prevent NRE in ListView OnItemSelected (#883)Samantha Houts1-0/+3
2017-04-19calling API not available in all versions (#877)kingces951-1/+2
2017-04-18Make OnElementPropertyChanged virtual on fast renderers (#870)E.Z. Hart4-4/+4
2017-04-13Verify FragmentContainer created when queueing fragment transaction (Android)...E.Z. Hart4-8/+48
2017-04-12Resource Manager fix for F# File Resources (Bugzilla 53515) (#825)Rob Lyndon1-8/+8
2017-04-11Clean up NavigationBar code in Platform (#753)Jimmy Garrido2-28/+13
2017-04-07[Internal] Normalize Obsolete attributes (#860)Samantha Houts6-7/+7
2017-04-06OnResume assumed that _application had been set (#859)App Bureauet1-2/+2
2017-04-06Fix NRE when RecycleElement is on and list is scrolled quickly (#856)E.Z. Hart1-6/+0
2017-04-06Added Section indexes when FastScrolled is enabled (#850)James Clancey4-7/+92
2017-04-06Android fastrenderers (#845)Rui Marinho41-540/+2054
2017-03-29Align iOS, Android, Windows handling of tap gesture event bubbling (#842)E.Z. Hart1-0/+23
2017-03-24[Android]Refactor to use a extension method to get the drawable (#841)Rui Marinho4-10/+24
2017-03-24Bz53803 Android app crashes during initialization due to invalid cast of tool...BradChase20111-2/+10
2017-03-24[Android] Still look for the normal drawable on resources (#839)Rui Marinho3-8/+9
2017-03-23[Android] ScrollView can now consume Effects (#836)Samantha Houts1-1/+17
2017-03-23UI tests for InputTransparent and fixes for Android/Windows (#808)E.Z. Hart8-27/+172
2017-03-22[Android] Fix NRE on Picker (#834)Rui Marinho1-1/+1
2017-03-22Add gesture disposed check to FrameRenderer (#829)E.Z. Hart1-0/+7
2017-03-14Fix MasterDetailPage event cycle (#754)adrianknight891-12/+19
2017-03-08VSTS support (#803)Rui Marinho1-1/+1
2017-03-08[Android] Small performance fixes to ListViewRenderer, PlatformSpecific IsFas...Rui Marinho2-11/+35
2017-03-08[Android] Add null checks to ActivityIndicator (#804)Samantha Houts1-2/+8