path: root/Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android/AppCompat/TabbedPageRenderer.cs
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2017-10-23force sync with upstream 2.4.0-sr2Kangho Hur1-2/+2
Change-Id: I36f0de33d03e804afd17f7ab2c60ae6f435ec402
2017-10-23[Android] Applinks firebase 42 (#1107)Rui Marinho1-2/+2
* Android AppLinks updated packages and refactor to comply with Firebase packages * made nested classes internal * removed notimplementedexception and added a Console log when on Failure * removed Firebase init method. Changed Console for Android's native Exception logging * formatted code styling with Visual Studio Community 2017 for Mac * [Android] Update nuspec and gallery * [Packages] Update android support packages for
2017-06-22Set the Id field for Android Views created by Forms (#1004)E.Z. Hart1-1/+1
* Repro of modal-over-map-crash issue * Automated test for maps modal crash * Generate Ids for all Renderer Views on Android * Add Ids for PageContainer and PageRenderer * Remove TODO comment * Verify fast renderers aren't disposed before querying Id
2017-04-06Android fastrenderers (#845)Rui Marinho1-1/+1
* Obsolete IVisualElementRenderer.ViewGroup in favor of .View * Fix NRE * Changing TContainer in PlatformEffect to View * Fix "View" type * new VisualElementRenderer * First attempt at a fast(er) button renderer * Fast Label Renderer * Let's try that again. Behold: Label Fast Renderer * Move FrameRenderer into Fast Renderers * Fix Disposable on VisualElementRenderer * Simplify touch and click handlers * Drop empty if clause * [Android] Add initial Image fast renderer * Split accessibility out to a separate helper class; fix tapgesture bug with label * [Android] Small fixes to VisualElementRenderer * Move accessiblity stuff to a separate class (which needs a good name) * Prevent query from looking to parent for fast renderers * [Android] ImageRenderer refactoring * Fix elevation/z-index bugs with Button (e.g., 40173) * Move SetLabeledBy to Accessibilitizer * Un-break automation IDs for Labels * Move gesture handling to its own class * Split gesture and effect management into separate classes * Remove unneeded packager from LabelRenderer * LabelRenderer inherits from FormsTextView * Batch updates to View * Fix isOnParentRenderer check for non-Android platforms * [Controls] Update Xamarin.Forms.ControlGallery.iOS.csproj * [Android,IOS] Small fixes to rebase and use of Internals * [Android] Ignroe warning for now * Fast renderers now passing InputTransparent and IsEnabled tests * Fast and legacy renderers now pass the Enabled and InputTransparent tests * Change PlatformEffect back, default container to null * Fix mangled using directives
2016-11-08fix identationStephane Delcroix1-7/+7
2016-11-08Add extensibility point to load tab icons from another source (using the ↵softlion1-2/+7
tab.SetIcon(drawable) overload) on Android
2016-11-02Fixed tab not updating when page title is changed (#327)Jimmy Garrido1-5/+33
* Fixed tab not updating when page title is changed * Remove OnPagePropertyChanged Event From Pages When Disposing * Meet coding standards and remove unnecessary parameters
2016-10-20[Android] Add Platform Specific features for setting TabbedPage swipe paging ↵Paul DiPietro1-1/+18
and OffscreenPageLimit (#409) * [Android] Add Platform Specific feature for setting TabbedPage swipe paging * [Android] Add Platform Specific feature for OffscreenPageLimit * Update docs
2016-10-14[A] Better fix for BZ44129 (#453)Jason Smith1-2/+4
2016-10-12[A]Don't crash when emptying/populating TabbedPage.ItemsSource (#427)Jason Smith1-1/+3
2016-09-30[A] Check for ViewStates.Gone in AppCompat TabbedPageRenderer (#365)Paul DiPietro1-5/+8
2016-08-25Fix crash when ItemsSource is set to null (#320)Jimmy Garrido1-1/+2
2016-08-03[Android] Fix ListView contextual actions not closing in AppCompat's ↵Paul DiPietro1-0/+2
NavigationPage/TabbedPage (#272) * [Android] Fix ListView contextual actions not closing upon navigation in AppCompat The Platform type in the ListViewAdapter was being treated as the non-AppCompat type, and the NavAnimationInProgress value was not being set as necessary in the NavigationPageRenderer. * [Android] Add fix for TabbedPage swipes not closing contextual actions Similar fix where swiping to another tab with the context menu open would not close it. Relies on the prior commit.
2016-06-16Prep Page for removal of InternalsVisibleTo (#150)E.Z. Hart1-13/+15
2016-05-27[A] TabbedPage text can be set back to Default (#157)Samantha Houts1-4/+14
2016-05-10[Android] Isolate fragment management for children of MasterDetailPage (#136)E.Z. Hart1-2/+2
* Isolate fragment management for children of MasterDetailPage in AppCompat If a MasterDetailPage hosts NavigationPages or TabbedPages in either the Master or Detail sections, wrap those pages in their own Fragment (and ChildFragmentManager) to isolate their Fragment management operations and avoid recursive entry into the executePendingTransactions method Also fix a disposal bug in the custom MDP renderer in Control Gallery * Remove MDP Split setting that breaks test on iPad
2016-04-19[A] Don't set TabbedPage BarTextColor to nothing (#113)Samantha Houts1-4/+4
2016-04-18BarBackgroundColor and BarTextColor on TabbedPage (#96)Samantha Houts1-2/+52
* [Core] Add properties to TabbedPage * [Controls] Add properties to test page * [iOS] Added BarBackgroundColor & BarTextColor to TabbedPage * [A] Added BarBackgroundColor & BarTextColor to TabbedPage * [UWP] Added BarBackgroundColor & BarTextColor to TabbedPage * [WinRT] Format file * [WinRT] Added BarBackgroundColor & BarTextColor to TabbedPage * [Docs] Updated docs
2016-03-22Initial importJason Smith1-0/+322