path: root/Xamarin.Forms.Core
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-06-26Fix DefinitionCollection index check order (#1017)Jason Smith1-1/+1
2017-06-26Unsubscribe from IDefinition.SizeChanged event when set via indexer (#1014)juliuszint1-1/+4
2017-06-22Breaking; Make Grid.AddHz/Vt span ortho dim (#984)kingces951-10/+24
2017-06-22[iOS] decoupling UpdateText() on LabelRenderer (#950)Stephane Delcroix1-1/+2
2017-06-21[C] reset the BindingContext on template change (#998)Stephane Delcroix6-0/+49
2017-06-21[iOS] workaround a weird iOS behavior. (#987)Stephane Delcroix1-14/+10
2017-06-14bug 40161; force layout of centered image in abs layout (#967)kingces951-1/+4
2017-06-14[test] add passing test for 56852Stephane Delcroix1-2/+2
2017-06-08[C] reset children animation on repeat (#974)Stephane Delcroix2-5/+22
2017-06-01[C] use defaultValueCreator to set Frame default Padding (#943)Stephane Delcroix2-8/+16
2017-06-01[C] use picker creation date as default Date (#944)Stephane Delcroix1-2/+4
2017-05-26Fix bz56030; DynamicResource overriding (#924)kingces951-8/+13
2017-05-16Remove VisualElement finalizer (#918)E.Z. Hart1-13/+0
2017-05-10[C] fix BP declaring Types for A11y (#913)Stephane Delcroix1-6/+5
2017-05-10[All] Rename Accessibility -> AutomationProperties (#912)Samantha Houts2-7/+7
2017-05-10[Core] Accessibility works with XamlC (#911)Samantha Houts1-1/+41
2017-05-05[C] use the FromRgb[a] overload taking ints, not doublesStephane Delcroix1-9/+9
2017-05-05Avoid using string.format to parse hex values, improves performance by 25x, a...Miguel de Icaza1-11/+47
2017-05-04Fix bugzilla55542 (#898)Rui Marinho1-1/+4
2017-04-28[Xaml] move ValueConverterProvider to Core (#890)Stephane Delcroix3-0/+238
2017-04-25Better error handling for image loading errors on iOS/Android (#849)E.Z. Hart2-0/+10
2017-04-25[Xaml] OnPlatform.Default value (#873)Stephane Delcroix1-1/+13
2017-04-11[C] Lookup in RD also lookup in merged RDs (#861)Stephane Delcroix1-6/+4
2017-04-11Implicit impl of controller ifaces (#807)kingces9525-239/+234
2017-04-07[Internal] Normalize Obsolete attributes (#860)Samantha Houts28-53/+55
2017-04-06Fix 54334 (#855)Stephane Delcroix2-4/+5
2017-03-24[iOS] Platform specifics to control ScrollView content touch delay (#563)adrianknight892-0/+31
2017-03-24Setup a ConditionalWeakTable in ListProxy to hold weak references so that a L...Shane Neuville1-2/+10
2017-03-22[C] Make sure all children are parented (#831)Stephane Delcroix1-0/+4
2017-03-21[C] fix NIE in Span (#828)Stephane Delcroix1-101/+64
2017-03-21[C] fix BP DeclaringType in TextElement[CStephane Delcroix1-1/+1
2017-03-20[Core] Fix internal children clear logic (#820)wplong111-4/+4
2017-03-17null check effects before clearing (#821)kingces951-1/+1
2017-03-16Resource loading (#815)Stephane Delcroix2-1/+11
2017-03-16Add internal XF.Registrar.RegisterAll b/c previewer needs it (#816)kingces953-4/+11
2017-03-09[C] move the Font proxying into FontElement (#799)Stephane Delcroix1-0/+1
2017-03-09Fixed a redundant check that caused a massive slowdown on UWP. (#788)BradChase20111-2/+1
2017-03-09Add [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] to public classes/interface...kingces9553-94/+99
2017-03-08[Android] Small performance fixes to ListViewRenderer, PlatformSpecific IsFas...Rui Marinho2-0/+31
2017-03-07Remove InternalsVisibleTo from Core to XF.Platforms.* (#782)kingces95108-319/+647
2017-03-06[C] ITextElement and TextElement (#789)Stephane Delcroix11-36/+96
2017-03-03[C] move the Font proxying into FontElementStephane Delcroix8-157/+133
2017-03-03[Core] Share BP across IFontElement implementors (#783)Stephane Delcroix9-113/+193
2017-03-02[Xaml] Fallback to App.Current for DynResources (Previewer) (#793)Stephane Delcroix2-4/+8
2017-03-01[C] support more color format in ColorTypeConverter (#784)Stephane Delcroix2-158/+244
2017-02-27[Xaml] no longer require a ServiceProvider for Trigger and PropertyCo… (#771)Stephane Delcroix2-13/+22
2017-02-24[Xaml] decorate markup and value providers to speed up inflating (#770)Stephane Delcroix2-0/+2
2017-02-23[C] Update SelectedItem prior to event invokePaul DiPietro1-1/+1
2017-02-23[UWP] connect the actual ObservableCollection to the ComboBox.ItemsSourceStephane Delcroix1-7/+16
2017-02-22[IVT] Add IVT for testing FlexLayoutRui Marinho1-1/+1