path: root/Xamarin.Forms.Core/ResourceDictionary.cs
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2017-04-11[C] Lookup in RD also lookup in merged RDs (#861)Stephane Delcroix1-6/+4
2017-03-07Remove InternalsVisibleTo from Core to XF.Platforms.* (#782)kingces951-0/+1
* Remove InternalsVisibleTo from Core to XF.Platforms.* * Changes per Jason's code review * Move LockableObservableListWrapper to internals namespace * Changes per Stephane's code review * update docs * Touch code to get CI to run tests * Rebase; Update documentation
2017-02-01[C] throw meaningful exception on duplicate RD key (#716)Stephane Delcroix1-0/+2
2016-12-06ResourceDictionary fixes (#536)Stephane Delcroix1-22/+24
* [C] avoid leaking RDs, remove reflection call, validate arguments * [C,Xaml] The only way to get merged values are internal
2016-08-09Add the key in the message on throwing a KeyNotFoundException (#282)Rogier van der Hee1-1/+1
* Add the key in the message on throwing a KeyNotFoundException for trying to access an invalid key in the ResourceDictionary. This helps a lot in tracking down what resource is actually missing. * Fix test build, use C# 6 string interpolation
2016-04-18Make sure RD indexer works with merged dictionaryJason Smith1-1/+8
2016-04-18[C] Allow implicit styles and DynamicResources in shared RD (#104)Stephane Delcroix1-3/+7
2016-04-18[C] Allow Multiple Shared RD. (#103)Stephane Delcroix1-2/+9
2016-04-17Merged ResourceDictionary (#97)Stephane Delcroix1-2/+27
* [X] Support Merged RD * [X] Support RD as xaml roots * [XamlC] I have no idea how that used to work before * [C] Remove debugging statements * fix docs
2016-03-22Initial importJason Smith1-0/+135