path: root/Xamarin.Forms.Core/ListView.cs
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-09-16Add iOS prototypical cell cache for LV RowHeight calcs (#1143)kingces951-1/+5
2017-09-14[UWP] ListView ItemSelected event will fire only once on selection changed (#...Samantha Houts1-4/+6
2017-04-11Implicit impl of controller ifaces (#807)kingces951-34/+22
2017-04-07[Internal] Normalize Obsolete attributes (#860)Samantha Houts1-1/+1
2017-03-07Remove InternalsVisibleTo from Core to XF.Platforms.* (#782)kingces951-1/+4
2017-01-26MacOS (#650)Rui Marinho1-1/+1
2017-01-12[C] new OnPlatform mechanism (#658)Stephane Delcroix1-1/+1
2017-01-03Return group instead of internal class (#461)adrianknight891-2/+2
2016-08-30Fix for ListView BindingContext for Header/Footer (#312)Jonathan Peppers1-0/+19
2016-08-30Platform Specifics (#301)Samantha Houts1-1/+9
2016-06-17Prep Cell & friends for removal of InternalsVisibleTo (#142)Samantha Houts1-6/+39
2016-06-16[Core] Don't use the fixed LayoutConstraint when using uneven rows (#213)Rui Marinho1-0/+4
2016-03-22Initial importJason Smith1-0/+540