path: root/Xamarin.Forms.Core/Layout.cs
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2017-04-11Implicit impl of controller ifaces (#807)kingces951-2/+4
* Simplify ICtrl callsites * Rebase fix
2017-04-07[Internal] Normalize Obsolete attributes (#860)Samantha Houts1-1/+1
* [All] Normalize Obsolete attributes. Make sure we include the version in which the member was deprecated and consistent instructions for working around the deprecation, if applicable. * Update docs
2017-03-22[C] Make sure all children are parented (#831)Stephane Delcroix1-0/+4
* unit test * [C] make sure all children are properly parented
2016-08-30Use character truncation in Windows (#321)E.Z. Hart1-1/+1
Change layout order ViewCells on Windows to correct label length layout issues Add extra layout pass on ViewCell load to make cells without margins visible
2016-06-16Prep Page for removal of InternalsVisibleTo (#150)E.Z. Hart1-7/+7
2016-05-02Prep VisualElement (and descendants) for removal of InternalsVisibleTo (#141)E.Z. Hart1-3/+4
2016-03-27[C]Remove view from previous parent when added to new parent layoutJason Smith1-0/+3
Technically this could be considered a breaking change if someone was depending on the old behavior, however the old behavior resulted in layouts that were not predictable to the user. So while yes someone could have built something that works, it would have been via trial and error and generally breaking the rule of one parent to each view. Fixes
2016-03-22Initial importJason Smith1-0/+433