path: root/Xamarin.Forms.Core/Application.cs
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2017-10-23force sync with upstream 2.4.0-sr2Kangho Hur1-12/+12
Change-Id: I36f0de33d03e804afd17f7ab2c60ae6f435ec402
2017-10-23[Core, Android] Fix to address the elusive 'Sharing violation on path ↵dgeller-OUHSC1-12/+12
PropertyStore.forms.tmp' (#1075) * use a semaphor for actual saving piece make reading serialized propertystore readonly to help with collisions. * change over to async Task and await OnStateChanged() method to try and mitigate what might be the race condition causing the ' Sharing violation on path PropertyStore.forms.tmp' error * update Semaphore name * remove private specifier per the style guide * Update docs and add warning suppression for broken mono warning * ... and adding the warning suppression to Release mode, as well. * -add try...finally block so we can guarantee that the semaphore is released if there's an exception while saving the properties. -remove the legacy code that the semaphore replaces * Update docs * Attempting to fix docs * Trying again to get docs to pass
2017-04-11Implicit impl of controller ifaces (#807)kingces951-1/+2
* Simplify ICtrl callsites * Rebase fix
2017-03-07Remove InternalsVisibleTo from Core to XF.Platforms.* (#782)kingces951-11/+23
* Remove InternalsVisibleTo from Core to XF.Platforms.* * Changes per Jason's code review * Move LockableObservableListWrapper to internals namespace * Changes per Stephane's code review * update docs * Touch code to get CI to run tests * Rebase; Update documentation
2017-01-12Don't set up the properties task until it's requested (#671)E.Z. Hart1-3/+10
2016-11-16Run multiple UI tests without restarting ControlGallery (#539)E.Z. Hart1-0/+1
* Allow UI tests to bypass "manual" navigation to isses pages * Add missing Preserve attribute * Make Issue198 test work with direct navigation * Remove empty UI tests * Fix error handling for iOS * Use navigation which works for subsequent TestNavigationPages on iOS * Fix race condition in 39530 test Remove master page nesting when doing direct nav for UI tests * Set up and run a single instance of Control Gallery for UI tests * Force NavigateToIssue to wait for main page appearing to deal with iOS timing * Move remaining UI tests into Issues namespace * Change the connection check URL so it'll work on iOS * Make Appearing Gallery tests work without restarting app * Prevent ContextActions tests from stepping on each other * Make context menu test more robust * Move ButtonExtensions back to Controls namespace * Have test 774 dismiss the action sheet before ending * Update UITest package to 2.0.0 stable * Make 2948 restore orientation when it's done * Null check on PageController before calling SendDisappearing * Adding a wait for the root page in the core tests * Add consecutive tests reset to prevent memory slog on older iOS devices
2016-08-30Platform Specifics (#301)Samantha Houts1-1/+8
* Playing around with how the platform specifics interfaces etc. might work * Sample implementation of iOS navigation translucency * Very slightly reduced code * Better vendor stuff * Drop single-implemenation interfaces * Generics on NavigationPage * On-demand vendor stuff * Remove functionally duplicate classes and make ControlGallery work again * Namespace all the things. XAML test. * Can use Effect to attach platform specific * Attach Effect on PropertyChanging for XAML support! * Rename IConfigPlatform interfaces for readability * Some renaming to match the documents * Split class files * Clear out test-only code * Re-namespace * Added On method to rendered Elements * Allow for removal of platform suffix, convenience methods on specific platforms * Creating a gallery page for specifics * Add rudimentary Platform Specifics gallery; make CollapseStyle work on UWP; Add CollapsedPaneWidth specific property * Toolbar now working with both collapse styles * MDP now displaying Content title; toolbar routing around title * Add a gallery for the iOS NavigationPage stuff * Add Navigation Page as detail page to verify it works with new Toolbar options * Make titlebar/toolbar background colors consistent * ToolbarPlacement now working on NavigationPage * Toolbar Placement working for tabbed and nav pages * Fix bug where phone doesn't get default toolbar placement on start * [Core] Add PS WindowSoftInputModeAdjust [Core] Make Application extendable * Toolbar placement now working on Nav, Tabbed, and Master pages on desktop/phone Remove unnecessary style indirection Fix build errors * [A] Add PlatformConfigurationExtensions * SetSoftInputMode test page * [A] SetSoftInputMode Known issue: Status bar color does not work in AdjustResize mode * [Core] Add PS Blur * [iOS] Configure renderer for blur * Add test page * Move to blur VisualElement for broader support * Move test pages to gallery * Update docs * Use lazy initializer for PlatformConfigurationRegistry
2016-06-16Prep Page for removal of InternalsVisibleTo (#150)E.Z. Hart1-1/+1
2016-04-24Evolve feature branch (#117)Jason Smith1-1/+28
* Initial import of evolve features * [Android] Add Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.AppLinks project * [iOS] Fix issues with c# 6 features on iOS AppLinks * Added naive stanza to update-docs-windows.bat to produce Pages docs. Not tested. (#69) * Update packages * Add AppLinks android nuspec and fix linker issues * Fix build * Fix nusepc * Fix nuspec * Update android support nugets to 23.2.1 * Update Xamarin.UITest * Add CardView * [iOS] Fix app link for CoreSpotlight * [Android] Update AppLinks android support libs * Add Newtonsoft.Json dependency to nuspec * Fix NRE when setting ControlTemplate to null * Move to ModernHttpClient for download * Try fix build * Preserve android app links * Fix margin issue * General coding and simple fixes
2016-03-22Initial importJason Smith1-0/+308