path: root/Xamarin.Forms.Core.UITests.Shared
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2017-10-18[Packages] Update UITest and consolidate packages (#1201)Rui Marinho1-3/+5
* [Packages] Update UITest and consolidate packages * [Controls] Remove old packages * [UITest] Try fix UITests iOS11 * [UITests] Use back instead of custom class
2017-09-15[iOS] Can activate ContextActions on ListViews reliably again (#1144)Samantha Houts1-0/+1
* Add ContextActions test category * Add repro for 58875 * [iOS] Null check for the Delegate; clear the static WeakRef on dispose
2017-08-10Repro 58406; apply effects to fast renderers on Android (#1077)E.Z. Hart1-0/+1
2017-08-10Use Xamarin.Forms.Build (#1092)Rui Marinho1-0/+1
* Use Xamarin.Forms.Build * Automatic
2017-08-08Fix ToolBarItemTests for pre-AppCompatE.Z. Hart2-2/+2
2017-08-08Make platform query for toolbar work with AppCompat/pre-AppCompatE.Z. Hart1-2/+2
2017-07-19[Android] Handle fragment removal inside of the RemovePage method (#1053)E.Z. Hart1-0/+1
* Repro * Handle fragment removal inside of RemovePage method * Fix class name for test * Split long strings
2017-06-20[iOS] Allow Forms gestures on custom renderers for controls which already ↵E.Z. Hart1-0/+1
have gestures (#990) * Repro 57114 with UI test; fix for 57114 on iOS * Repro/UI test for Windows * Add helpful comment for posterity * Remove stray TODO * Only do ShouldReceiveTouch on mobile * Explicitly require wrapped UIView to have gesture recognizers
2017-06-15Fix test for 57317 on iOSE.Z. Hart1-0/+17
2017-04-13Verify FragmentContainer created when queueing fragment transaction ↵E.Z. Hart1-7/+22
(Android) (#865) * Add check for disposed MasterDetailContainer when queueing fragment transaction * Fix various ObjectDisposedExceptions when setting main page * Add check for legacy renderers when querying control properties
2017-04-06Android fastrenderers (#845)Rui Marinho1-4/+10
* Obsolete IVisualElementRenderer.ViewGroup in favor of .View * Fix NRE * Changing TContainer in PlatformEffect to View * Fix "View" type * new VisualElementRenderer * First attempt at a fast(er) button renderer * Fast Label Renderer * Let's try that again. Behold: Label Fast Renderer * Move FrameRenderer into Fast Renderers * Fix Disposable on VisualElementRenderer * Simplify touch and click handlers * Drop empty if clause * [Android] Add initial Image fast renderer * Split accessibility out to a separate helper class; fix tapgesture bug with label * [Android] Small fixes to VisualElementRenderer * Move accessiblity stuff to a separate class (which needs a good name) * Prevent query from looking to parent for fast renderers * [Android] ImageRenderer refactoring * Fix elevation/z-index bugs with Button (e.g., 40173) * Move SetLabeledBy to Accessibilitizer * Un-break automation IDs for Labels * Move gesture handling to its own class * Split gesture and effect management into separate classes * Remove unneeded packager from LabelRenderer * LabelRenderer inherits from FormsTextView * Batch updates to View * Fix isOnParentRenderer check for non-Android platforms * [Controls] Update Xamarin.Forms.ControlGallery.iOS.csproj * [Android,IOS] Small fixes to rebase and use of Internals * [Android] Ignroe warning for now * Fast renderers now passing InputTransparent and IsEnabled tests * Fast and legacy renderers now pass the Enabled and InputTransparent tests * Change PlatformEffect back, default container to null * Fix mangled using directives
2017-03-23UI tests for InputTransparent and fixes for Android/Windows (#808)E.Z. Hart1-0/+2
* Set up automated UI tests for InputTransparent * Pull in Adrian's UI tests from PR 483 * Fix bugs with box/label/image gestures passing through when not transparent * Fix disabling of layouts on Windows; fix 44096 test for iOS/Windows; * Automate the 53445 test
2017-03-23[UITests]Add Xamarin.Forms.Core.UITests.Shared (#711)Rui Marinho47-0/+4529
* [UITests]Add Xamarin.Forms.Core.UITests.Shared * fix * [UITests]Use shared UITest project on macOS * [UITests] Add correct platform queries * [Controls] Add missing Preserve