path: root/Xamarin.Forms.ControlGallery.WindowsUniversal/Xamarin.Forms.ControlGallery.WindowsUniversal.csproj
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2017-01-12Fix out-of-memory crashes on iOS when creating maps (#467)E.Z. Hart1-0/+4
* Pool map views on iOS 10 to avoid memory issues Clean up disposal implementation for map renderer, delegate * Enable 39489 test on iOS * Add missing XF Maps references * Add missing maps reference to Windows 8.1 project * Actually enable the test for iOS * Fix placement of Isolate override * Don't create a new control for ImageRenderer if NewElement is null * Reverting fixes to ViewRenderer Dispose; have to fix that in a separate PR
2016-11-15[UWP] Explicitly set mobile StatusBar colors to white Background/black ↵Samantha Houts1-0/+5
Foreground on Light theme (#491) * [UWP] Encapsulate MobileStatusBar * [UWP] Set StatusBar colors on Light theme * Add test code to override status bar color
2016-10-15[Win] Update certs (#460)Rui Marinho1-2/+2
2016-09-27[Win] Will arrange native children of custom renderers (opt-in) (#322)Samantha Houts1-0/+1
* Add repro for 42602 * [Win] Add option to arrange native children * [Win] Don't allocate arrangedChildren unless required
2016-08-16Fix Entry/SearchBar color issues (#306)E.Z. Hart1-1/+1
* Fix disappearing Entry text on UWP Anniversary Edition Fix background color reversion bug in UWP Phone Move SearchBar styling on UWP to its own file Make foreground/background color changes on UWP SearchBar/Entry consistent Fix SearchBar color toggle bug on WP8 * Temporarily moving SDK target to previous version * Fix build error on OSX
2016-08-03Enable WebView to render local HTML files on WinRT platforms (#277)E.Z. Hart1-0/+3
* Enable WebView to render local HTML files on WinRT platforms * Add test to demonstrate that the solution works even if <head> isn't in the HTML string
2016-07-18Windows image loader error handling (#260)E.Z. Hart1-0/+4
* Repros for various image issues * Log image loading errors * Better repro instructions and user interface * Image loading tests now running on WinRT/UWP phone/tablet/desktop * Move FailImageSource into shared project * Move FailImageSource into shared project * Update docs
2016-04-06Enable warnings as errors in testskingces951-0/+6
2016-03-30Add options for specifying layout of button text/image contentE.Z. Hart1-0/+1
Also make the layout and layout defaults consistent across platforms
2016-03-22Initial importJason Smith1-0/+192