path: root/docs/Xamarin.Forms.Core/Xamarin.Forms/MultiTrigger.xml
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diff --git a/docs/Xamarin.Forms.Core/Xamarin.Forms/MultiTrigger.xml b/docs/Xamarin.Forms.Core/Xamarin.Forms/MultiTrigger.xml
index 30273dc0..e4e96ab0 100644
--- a/docs/Xamarin.Forms.Core/Xamarin.Forms/MultiTrigger.xml
+++ b/docs/Xamarin.Forms.Core/Xamarin.Forms/MultiTrigger.xml
@@ -20,26 +20,46 @@
<summary>Class that represents a list of property and binding conditions, and a list of setters that are applied when all of the conditions in the list are met.</summary>
- <para>XAML for Xamarin.Forms supports the following properties for the <see cref="T:Xamarin.Forms.MultiTrigger" /> class:</para>
- <list type="table">
- <listheader>
- <term>Property</term>
- <description>Value</description>
- </listheader>
- <item>
- <term>Conditions</term>
- <description>
- <para>A list of <c>PropertyCondition</c> and/or <c>BindingCondition</c> markup instances that specify the conditions that all must be met before all of the setters that are listed in <c>Setters</c> are applied.</para>
- </description>
- </item>
- <item>
- <term>Setters</term>
- <description>
- <para>A list of setters that are applied when all of the property conditions are met. Each <c>Setter</c> tag or tag pair in the list has a <c>Property</c> and <c>Value</c> that represents the assignments to perform when the condition is met.</para>
- </description>
- </item>
- </list>
+ <para>Developers can use a <see cref="T:Xamarin.Forms.MultiTrigger" /> to compare against property values on the control that contains it by using <see cref="T:Xamarin.Forms.PropertyTrigger" /> objects, or on any bound property (including those on the enclosing control) by using <see cref="T:Xamarin.Forms.BindingCondition" /> objects. These can be mixed in the same <see cref="P:Xamarin.Forms.MultiTrigger.Conditions" /> list.</para>
+ <example>
+ <para>The XML example below, when added to a Xamarin.Forms app with the correct project namespace, creates a UI that suggests that the user type in a secret and toggle a switch to check if the secret is correct. If the user enters "The text color is green", and toggles the <see cref="T:Xamarin.Forms.Switch" /> to its <c>On</c> position, then the text that the user typed into the <see cref="T:Xamarin.Forms.Entry" /> turns green. If either the text is altered to something other than the secret or the Switch is toggled to its <c>Off</c> position, the text returns to the default color</para>
+ <code lang="XML"><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<ContentPage xmlns=""
+ xmlns:x=""
+ xmlns:local="clr-namespace:PropertyConditionDemo"
+ x:Class="PropertyConditionDemo.PropertyConditionDemoPage">
+ <StackLayout VerticalOptions="Center">
+ <Label Text="Do you know the secret?"
+ VerticalOptions="Center"
+ HorizontalOptions="Center" />
+ <Entry Placeholder="Type the secret!"
+ VerticalOptions="Center"
+ HorizontalOptions="Center">
+ <Entry.Triggers>
+ <MultiTrigger TargetType="Entry" >
+ <MultiTrigger.Conditions>
+ <PropertyCondition Property="Text" Value="The text color is green" />
+ <BindingCondition Binding="{Binding Source={x:Reference checkSecret},
+ Path=IsToggled}"
+ Value="true" />
+ </MultiTrigger.Conditions>
+ <Setter Property="TextColor"
+ Value="Color.Green" />
+ </MultiTrigger>
+ </Entry.Triggers>
+ </Entry>
+ <Label Text="Check the secret?"
+ VerticalOptions="Center"
+ HorizontalOptions="Center" />
+ <Switch x:Name="checkSecret"
+ VerticalOptions="Center"
+ HorizontalOptions="Center" />
+ </StackLayout>
+ </example>
+ <altmember cref="T:Xamarin.Forms.PropertyCondition" />
+ <altmember cref="T:Xamarin.Forms.BindingCondition" />
<Member MemberName=".ctor">