path: root/Xamarin.Forms.Platform.MacOS/Cells/CellNSView.cs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Xamarin.Forms.Platform.MacOS/Cells/CellNSView.cs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 228 deletions
diff --git a/Xamarin.Forms.Platform.MacOS/Cells/CellNSView.cs b/Xamarin.Forms.Platform.MacOS/Cells/CellNSView.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 08043ce8..00000000
--- a/Xamarin.Forms.Platform.MacOS/Cells/CellNSView.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.ComponentModel;
-using AppKit;
-using CoreGraphics;
-namespace Xamarin.Forms.Platform.MacOS
- internal class CellNSView : NSView, INativeElementView
- {
- static readonly NSColor s_defaultChildViewsBackground = NSColor.Clear;
- static readonly CGColor s_defaultHeaderViewsBackground = NSColor.LightGray.CGColor;
- Cell _cell;
- readonly NSTableViewCellStyle _style;
- NSView _contexActionsTrackingView;
- public Action<object, PropertyChangedEventArgs> PropertyChanged;
- public CellNSView(NSTableViewCellStyle style)
- {
- WantsLayer = true;
- _style = style;
- CreateUI();
- }
- public NSTextField TextLabel { get; private set; }
- public NSTextField DetailTextLabel { get; private set; }
- public NSImageView ImageView { get; private set; }
- public NSView AccessoryView { get; private set; }
- public virtual Element Element => Cell;
- public Cell Cell
- {
- get { return _cell; }
- set
- {
- if (_cell == value)
- return;
- ICellController cellController = _cell;
- if (cellController != null)
- Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(cellController.SendDisappearing);
- _cell = value;
- cellController = value;
- if (cellController != null)
- Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(cellController.SendAppearing);
- }
- }
- public void HandlePropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
- {
- PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, e);
- }
- public override void Layout()
- {
- const int padding = 10;
- nfloat availableHeight = Frame.Height;
- nfloat availableWidth = Frame.Width - padding * 2;
- nfloat imageWidth = 0;
- nfloat accessoryViewWidth = 0;
- if (ImageView != null)
- {
- nfloat imageHeight = imageWidth = availableHeight;
- ImageView.Frame = new CGRect(padding, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight);
- }
- if (AccessoryView != null)
- {
- accessoryViewWidth = _style == NSTableViewCellStyle.Value1 ? 50 : availableWidth - 100;
- AccessoryView.Frame = new CGRect(availableWidth - accessoryViewWidth + padding, 0, accessoryViewWidth,
- availableHeight);
- foreach (var subView in AccessoryView.Subviews)
- {
- //try to find the size the control wants, if no width use default width
- var size = subView.FittingSize;
- if (size.Width == 0)
- size.Width = accessoryViewWidth;
- var x = AccessoryView.Bounds.Width - size.Width;
- var y = (AccessoryView.Bounds.Height - size.Height) / 2;
- subView.Frame = new CGRect(new CGPoint(x, y), size);
- }
- }
- nfloat labelHeights = availableHeight;
- nfloat labelWidth = availableWidth - imageWidth - accessoryViewWidth;
- if (DetailTextLabel != null)
- {
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DetailTextLabel?.StringValue))
- {
- labelHeights = availableHeight / 2;
- DetailTextLabel.CenterTextVertically(new CGRect(imageWidth + padding, 0, labelWidth, labelHeights));
- }
- }
- TextLabel?.CenterTextVertically(new CGRect(imageWidth + padding, availableHeight - labelHeights, labelWidth,
- labelHeights));
- var topNSView = Subviews.LastOrDefault();
- if (_contexActionsTrackingView != topNSView)
- {
- _contexActionsTrackingView.RemoveFromSuperview();
- _contexActionsTrackingView.Frame = Frame;
- AddSubview(_contexActionsTrackingView, NSWindowOrderingMode.Above, Subviews.LastOrDefault());
- }
- base.Layout();
- }
- internal static NSView GetNativeCell(NSTableView tableView, Cell cell, string templateId = "", bool isHeader = false,
- bool isRecycle = false)
- {
- var reusable = tableView.MakeView(templateId, tableView);
- NSView nativeCell;
- if (reusable == null || !isRecycle)
- {
- var renderer = (CellRenderer)Registrar.Registered.GetHandler(cell.GetType());
- nativeCell = renderer.GetCell(cell, null, tableView);
- }
- else
- {
- nativeCell = reusable;
- }
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nativeCell.Identifier))
- nativeCell.Identifier = templateId;
- if (!isHeader) return nativeCell;
- if (nativeCell.Layer != null) nativeCell.Layer.BackgroundColor = s_defaultHeaderViewsBackground;
- return nativeCell;
- }
- void CreateUI()
- {
- var style = _style;
- if (style != NSTableViewCellStyle.Empty)
- {
- AddSubview(TextLabel = new NSTextField
- {
- Bordered = false,
- Selectable = false,
- Editable = false,
- Font = NSFont.LabelFontOfSize(NSFont.SystemFontSize)
- });
- TextLabel.Cell.BackgroundColor = s_defaultChildViewsBackground;
- if (style == NSTableViewCellStyle.Image || style == NSTableViewCellStyle.Subtitle ||
- style == NSTableViewCellStyle.ImageSubtitle)
- {
- AddSubview(DetailTextLabel = new NSTextField
- {
- Bordered = false,
- Selectable = false,
- Editable = false,
- Font = NSFont.LabelFontOfSize(NSFont.SmallSystemFontSize)
- });
- DetailTextLabel.Cell.BackgroundColor = s_defaultChildViewsBackground;
- }
- if (style == NSTableViewCellStyle.Image || style == NSTableViewCellStyle.ImageSubtitle)
- AddSubview(ImageView = new NSImageView());
- if (style == NSTableViewCellStyle.Value1 || style == NSTableViewCellStyle.Value2)
- {
- var accessoryView = new NSView { WantsLayer = true };
- accessoryView.Layer.BackgroundColor = s_defaultChildViewsBackground.CGColor;
- AddSubview(AccessoryView = accessoryView);
- }
- }
- AddSubview(_contexActionsTrackingView = new TrackingClickNSView());
- }
- }
- class TrackingClickNSView : NSView
- {
- public override void RightMouseDown(NSEvent theEvent)
- {
- HandleContextActions(theEvent);
- base.RightMouseDown(theEvent);
- }
- void HandleContextActions(NSEvent theEvent)
- {
- var contextActionCell = (Superview as INativeElementView).Element as Cell;
- var contextActionsCount = contextActionCell.ContextActions.Count;
- if (contextActionsCount > 0)
- {
- NSMenu menu = new NSMenu();
- for (int i = 0; i < contextActionsCount; i++)
- {
- var contextAction = contextActionCell.ContextActions[i];
- var nsMenuItem = GetNSMenuItem(i, contextAction);
- menu.AddItem(nsMenuItem);
- }
- NSMenu.PopUpContextMenu(menu, theEvent, this);
- }
- }
- static NSMenuItem GetNSMenuItem(int i, MenuItem contextAction)
- {
- var menuItem = new NSMenuItem(contextAction.Text ?? "");
- menuItem.Tag = i;
- menuItem.Enabled = contextAction.IsEnabled;
- if (menuItem.Enabled)
- menuItem.Activated += (sender, e) =>
- {
- ((IMenuItemController)contextAction).Activate();
- };
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contextAction.Icon))
- menuItem.Image = new NSImage(contextAction.Icon);
- return menuItem;
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file