path: root/Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android/Platform.cs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android/Platform.cs')
1 files changed, 1056 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android/Platform.cs b/Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android/Platform.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1de13b41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android/Platform.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,1056 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Collections.Specialized;
+using System.ComponentModel;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using Android.App;
+using Android.Content;
+using Android.Content.Res;
+using Android.Graphics;
+using Android.Graphics.Drawables;
+using Android.Support.V4.App;
+using Android.Util;
+using Android.Views;
+using Android.Widget;
+using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.AppCompat;
+using FragmentManager = Android.Support.V4.App.FragmentManager;
+namespace Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android
+ public class Platform : BindableObject, IPlatform, INavigation, IDisposable, IPlatformLayout
+ {
+ internal const string CloseContextActionsSignalName = "Xamarin.CloseContextActions";
+ internal static readonly BindableProperty RendererProperty = BindableProperty.CreateAttached("Renderer", typeof(IVisualElementRenderer), typeof(Platform), default(IVisualElementRenderer),
+ propertyChanged: (bindable, oldvalue, newvalue) =>
+ {
+ var view = bindable as VisualElement;
+ if (view != null)
+ view.IsPlatformEnabled = newvalue != null;
+ });
+ internal static readonly BindableProperty PageContextProperty = BindableProperty.CreateAttached("PageContext", typeof(Context), typeof(Platform), null);
+ readonly Context _context;
+ readonly PlatformRenderer _renderer;
+ readonly ToolbarTracker _toolbarTracker = new ToolbarTracker();
+ NavigationPage _currentNavigationPage;
+ TabbedPage _currentTabbedPage;
+ Color _defaultActionBarTitleTextColor;
+ bool _disposed;
+ bool _ignoreAndroidSelection;
+ Page _navigationPageCurrentPage;
+ NavigationModel _navModel = new NavigationModel();
+ internal Platform(Context context)
+ {
+ _context = context;
+ _defaultActionBarTitleTextColor = SetDefaultActionBarTitleTextColor();
+ _renderer = new PlatformRenderer(context, this);
+ FormsApplicationActivity.BackPressed += HandleBackPressed;
+ _toolbarTracker.CollectionChanged += ToolbarTrackerOnCollectionChanged;
+ }
+ #region IPlatform implementation
+ internal Page Page { get; private set; }
+ #endregion
+ ActionBar ActionBar
+ {
+ get { return ((Activity)_context).ActionBar; }
+ }
+ MasterDetailPage CurrentMasterDetailPage { get; set; }
+ NavigationPage CurrentNavigationPage
+ {
+ get { return _currentNavigationPage; }
+ set
+ {
+ if (_currentNavigationPage == value)
+ return;
+ if (_currentNavigationPage != null)
+ {
+ _currentNavigationPage.Pushed -= CurrentNavigationPageOnPushed;
+ _currentNavigationPage.Popped -= CurrentNavigationPageOnPopped;
+ _currentNavigationPage.PoppedToRoot -= CurrentNavigationPageOnPoppedToRoot;
+ _currentNavigationPage.PropertyChanged -= CurrentNavigationPageOnPropertyChanged;
+ }
+ RegisterNavPageCurrent(null);
+ _currentNavigationPage = value;
+ if (_currentNavigationPage != null)
+ {
+ _currentNavigationPage.Pushed += CurrentNavigationPageOnPushed;
+ _currentNavigationPage.Popped += CurrentNavigationPageOnPopped;
+ _currentNavigationPage.PoppedToRoot += CurrentNavigationPageOnPoppedToRoot;
+ _currentNavigationPage.PropertyChanged += CurrentNavigationPageOnPropertyChanged;
+ RegisterNavPageCurrent(_currentNavigationPage.CurrentPage);
+ }
+ UpdateActionBarBackgroundColor();
+ UpdateActionBarTextColor();
+ UpdateActionBarUpImageColor();
+ UpdateActionBarTitle();
+ }
+ }
+ TabbedPage CurrentTabbedPage
+ {
+ get { return _currentTabbedPage; }
+ set
+ {
+ if (_currentTabbedPage == value)
+ return;
+ if (_currentTabbedPage != null)
+ {
+ _currentTabbedPage.PagesChanged -= CurrentTabbedPageChildrenChanged;
+ _currentTabbedPage.PropertyChanged -= CurrentTabbedPageOnPropertyChanged;
+ if (value == null)
+ ActionBar.RemoveAllTabs();
+ }
+ _currentTabbedPage = value;
+ if (_currentTabbedPage != null)
+ {
+ _currentTabbedPage.PagesChanged += CurrentTabbedPageChildrenChanged;
+ _currentTabbedPage.PropertyChanged += CurrentTabbedPageOnPropertyChanged;
+ }
+ UpdateActionBarTitle();
+ ActionBar.NavigationMode = value == null ? ActionBarNavigationMode.Standard : ActionBarNavigationMode.Tabs;
+ CurrentTabbedPageChildrenChanged(null, new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset));
+ }
+ }
+ ActionBarDrawerToggle MasterDetailPageToggle { get; set; }
+ void IDisposable.Dispose()
+ {
+ if (_disposed)
+ return;
+ _disposed = true;
+ SetPage(null);
+ FormsApplicationActivity.BackPressed -= HandleBackPressed;
+ _toolbarTracker.CollectionChanged -= ToolbarTrackerOnCollectionChanged;
+ _toolbarTracker.Target = null;
+ CurrentNavigationPage = null;
+ CurrentMasterDetailPage = null;
+ CurrentTabbedPage = null;
+ }
+ void INavigation.InsertPageBefore(Page page, Page before)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("InsertPageBefore is not supported globally on Android, please use a NavigationPage.");
+ }
+ IReadOnlyList<Page> INavigation.ModalStack => _navModel.Modals.ToList();
+ IReadOnlyList<Page> INavigation.NavigationStack => new List<Page>();
+ Task<Page> INavigation.PopAsync()
+ {
+ return ((INavigation)this).PopAsync(true);
+ }
+ Task<Page> INavigation.PopAsync(bool animated)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("PopAsync is not supported globally on Android, please use a NavigationPage.");
+ }
+ Task<Page> INavigation.PopModalAsync()
+ {
+ return ((INavigation)this).PopModalAsync(true);
+ }
+ Task<Page> INavigation.PopModalAsync(bool animated)
+ {
+ Page modal = _navModel.PopModal();
+ modal.SendDisappearing();
+ var source = new TaskCompletionSource<Page>();
+ IVisualElementRenderer modalRenderer = GetRenderer(modal);
+ if (modalRenderer != null)
+ {
+ if (animated)
+ {
+ modalRenderer.ViewGroup.Animate().Alpha(0).ScaleX(0.8f).ScaleY(0.8f).SetDuration(250).SetListener(new GenericAnimatorListener
+ {
+ OnEnd = a =>
+ {
+ modalRenderer.ViewGroup.RemoveFromParent();
+ modalRenderer.Dispose();
+ source.TrySetResult(modal);
+ _navModel.CurrentPage?.SendAppearing();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ modalRenderer.ViewGroup.RemoveFromParent();
+ modalRenderer.Dispose();
+ source.TrySetResult(modal);
+ _navModel.CurrentPage?.SendAppearing();
+ }
+ }
+ _toolbarTracker.Target = _navModel.Roots.Last();
+ UpdateActionBar();
+ return source.Task;
+ }
+ Task INavigation.PopToRootAsync()
+ {
+ return ((INavigation)this).PopToRootAsync(true);
+ }
+ Task INavigation.PopToRootAsync(bool animated)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("PopToRootAsync is not supported globally on Android, please use a NavigationPage.");
+ }
+ Task INavigation.PushAsync(Page root)
+ {
+ return ((INavigation)this).PushAsync(root, true);
+ }
+ Task INavigation.PushAsync(Page root, bool animated)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("PushAsync is not supported globally on Android, please use a NavigationPage.");
+ }
+ Task INavigation.PushModalAsync(Page modal)
+ {
+ return ((INavigation)this).PushModalAsync(modal, true);
+ }
+ async Task INavigation.PushModalAsync(Page modal, bool animated)
+ {
+ _navModel.CurrentPage?.SendDisappearing();
+ _navModel.PushModal(modal);
+ modal.Platform = this;
+ await PresentModal(modal, animated);
+ // Verify that the modal is still on the stack
+ if (_navModel.CurrentPage == modal)
+ modal.SendAppearing();
+ _toolbarTracker.Target = _navModel.Roots.Last();
+ UpdateActionBar();
+ }
+ void INavigation.RemovePage(Page page)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("RemovePage is not supported globally on Android, please use a NavigationPage.");
+ }
+ public static IVisualElementRenderer CreateRenderer(VisualElement element)
+ {
+ UpdateGlobalContext(element);
+ IVisualElementRenderer renderer = Registrar.Registered.GetHandler<IVisualElementRenderer>(element.GetType()) ?? new DefaultRenderer();
+ renderer.SetElement(element);
+ return renderer;
+ }
+ public static IVisualElementRenderer GetRenderer(VisualElement bindable)
+ {
+ return (IVisualElementRenderer)bindable.GetValue(RendererProperty);
+ }
+ public static void SetRenderer(VisualElement bindable, IVisualElementRenderer value)
+ {
+ bindable.SetValue(RendererProperty, value);
+ }
+ public void UpdateActionBarTextColor()
+ {
+ SetActionBarTextColor();
+ }
+ protected override void OnBindingContextChanged()
+ {
+ SetInheritedBindingContext(Page, BindingContext);
+ base.OnBindingContextChanged();
+ }
+ internal static IVisualElementRenderer CreateRenderer(VisualElement element, FragmentManager fragmentManager)
+ {
+ UpdateGlobalContext(element);
+ IVisualElementRenderer renderer = Registrar.Registered.GetHandler<IVisualElementRenderer>(element.GetType()) ?? new DefaultRenderer();
+ var managesFragments = renderer as IManageFragments;
+ managesFragments?.SetFragmentManager(fragmentManager);
+ renderer.SetElement(element);
+ return renderer;
+ }
+ internal static Context GetPageContext(BindableObject bindable)
+ {
+ return (Context)bindable.GetValue(PageContextProperty);
+ }
+ internal ViewGroup GetViewGroup()
+ {
+ return _renderer;
+ }
+ internal void PrepareMenu(IMenu menu)
+ {
+ foreach (ToolbarItem item in _toolbarTracker.ToolbarItems)
+ item.PropertyChanged -= HandleToolbarItemPropertyChanged;
+ menu.Clear();
+ if (!ShouldShowActionBarTitleArea())
+ return;
+ foreach (ToolbarItem item in _toolbarTracker.ToolbarItems)
+ {
+ item.PropertyChanged += HandleToolbarItemPropertyChanged;
+ if (item.Order == ToolbarItemOrder.Secondary)
+ {
+ IMenuItem menuItem = menu.Add(item.Text);
+ menuItem.SetEnabled(item.IsEnabled);
+ menuItem.SetOnMenuItemClickListener(new GenericMenuClickListener(item.Activate));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ IMenuItem menuItem = menu.Add(item.Text);
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Icon))
+ {
+ Drawable iconBitmap = _context.Resources.GetDrawable(item.Icon);
+ if (iconBitmap != null)
+ menuItem.SetIcon(iconBitmap);
+ }
+ menuItem.SetEnabled(item.IsEnabled);
+ menuItem.SetShowAsAction(ShowAsAction.Always);
+ menuItem.SetOnMenuItemClickListener(new GenericMenuClickListener(item.Activate));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ internal async void SendHomeClicked()
+ {
+ if (UpButtonShouldNavigate())
+ {
+ if (NavAnimationInProgress)
+ return;
+ NavAnimationInProgress = true;
+ await CurrentNavigationPage.PopAsync();
+ NavAnimationInProgress = false;
+ }
+ else if (CurrentMasterDetailPage != null)
+ {
+ if (CurrentMasterDetailPage.ShouldShowSplitMode && CurrentMasterDetailPage.IsPresented)
+ return;
+ CurrentMasterDetailPage.IsPresented = !CurrentMasterDetailPage.IsPresented;
+ }
+ }
+ internal void SetPage(Page newRoot)
+ {
+ var layout = false;
+ if (Page != null)
+ {
+ _renderer.RemoveAllViews();
+ foreach (IVisualElementRenderer rootRenderer in _navModel.Roots.Select(GetRenderer))
+ rootRenderer.Dispose();
+ _navModel = new NavigationModel();
+ layout = true;
+ }
+ if (newRoot == null)
+ return;
+ _navModel.Push(newRoot, null);
+ Page = newRoot;
+ Page.Platform = this;
+ AddChild(Page, layout);
+ ((Application)Page.RealParent).NavigationProxy.Inner = this;
+ _toolbarTracker.Target = newRoot;
+ UpdateActionBar();
+ }
+ internal static void SetPageContext(BindableObject bindable, Context context)
+ {
+ bindable.SetValue(PageContextProperty, context);
+ }
+ internal void UpdateActionBar()
+ {
+ List<Page> relevantAncestors = AncestorPagesOfPage(_navModel.CurrentPage);
+ IEnumerable<NavigationPage> navPages = relevantAncestors.OfType<NavigationPage>();
+ if (navPages.Count() > 1)
+ throw new Exception("Android only allows one navigation page on screen at a time");
+ NavigationPage navPage = navPages.FirstOrDefault();
+ IEnumerable<TabbedPage> tabbedPages = relevantAncestors.OfType<TabbedPage>();
+ if (tabbedPages.Count() > 1)
+ throw new Exception("Android only allows one tabbed page on screen at a time");
+ TabbedPage tabbedPage = tabbedPages.FirstOrDefault();
+ CurrentMasterDetailPage = relevantAncestors.OfType<MasterDetailPage>().FirstOrDefault();
+ CurrentNavigationPage = navPage;
+ CurrentTabbedPage = tabbedPage;
+ if (navPage != null && navPage.CurrentPage == null)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("NavigationPage must have a root Page before being used. Either call PushAsync with a valid Page, or pass a Page to the constructor before usage.");
+ }
+ UpdateActionBarTitle();
+ if (ShouldShowActionBarTitleArea() || tabbedPage != null)
+ ShowActionBar();
+ else
+ HideActionBar();
+ UpdateMasterDetailToggle();
+ }
+ internal void UpdateActionBarBackgroundColor()
+ {
+ if (!((Activity)_context).ActionBar.IsShowing)
+ return;
+ Color colorToUse = Color.Default;
+ if (CurrentNavigationPage != null)
+ {
+#pragma warning disable 618
+ if (CurrentNavigationPage.Tint != Color.Default)
+ colorToUse = CurrentNavigationPage.Tint;
+#pragma warning restore 618
+ else if (CurrentNavigationPage.BarBackgroundColor != Color.Default)
+ colorToUse = CurrentNavigationPage.BarBackgroundColor;
+ }
+ using(Drawable drawable = colorToUse == Color.Default ? GetActionBarBackgroundDrawable() : new ColorDrawable(colorToUse.ToAndroid()))
+ ((Activity)_context).ActionBar.SetBackgroundDrawable(drawable);
+ }
+ internal void UpdateMasterDetailToggle(bool update = false)
+ {
+ if (CurrentMasterDetailPage == null)
+ {
+ if (MasterDetailPageToggle == null)
+ return;
+ // clear out the icon
+ ClearMasterDetailToggle();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!CurrentMasterDetailPage.ShouldShowToolbarButton() || string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentMasterDetailPage.Master.Icon) ||
+ (CurrentMasterDetailPage.ShouldShowSplitMode && CurrentMasterDetailPage.IsPresented))
+ {
+ //clear out existing icon;
+ ClearMasterDetailToggle();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (MasterDetailPageToggle == null || update)
+ {
+ ClearMasterDetailToggle();
+ GetNewMasterDetailToggle();
+ }
+ bool state;
+ if (CurrentNavigationPage == null)
+ state = true;
+ else
+ state = !UpButtonShouldNavigate();
+ if (state == MasterDetailPageToggle.DrawerIndicatorEnabled)
+ return;
+ MasterDetailPageToggle.DrawerIndicatorEnabled = state;
+ MasterDetailPageToggle.SyncState();
+ }
+ internal void UpdateNavigationTitleBar()
+ {
+ UpdateActionBarTitle();
+ UpdateActionBar();
+ UpdateActionBarUpImageColor();
+ }
+ void AddChild(VisualElement view, bool layout = false)
+ {
+ if (GetRenderer(view) != null)
+ return;
+ SetPageContext(view, _context);
+ IVisualElementRenderer renderView = CreateRenderer(view);
+ SetRenderer(view, renderView);
+ if (layout)
+ view.Layout(new Rectangle(0, 0, _context.FromPixels(_renderer.Width), _context.FromPixels(_renderer.Height)));
+ _renderer.AddView(renderView.ViewGroup);
+ }
+ ActionBar.Tab AddTab(Page page, int index)
+ {
+ ActionBar actionBar = ((Activity)_context).ActionBar;
+ TabbedPage currentTabs = CurrentTabbedPage;
+ ActionBar.Tab atab = actionBar.NewTab();
+ atab.SetText(page.Title);
+ atab.TabSelected += (sender, e) =>
+ {
+ if (!_ignoreAndroidSelection)
+ currentTabs.CurrentPage = page;
+ };
+ actionBar.AddTab(atab, index);
+ page.PropertyChanged += PagePropertyChanged;
+ return atab;
+ }
+ List<Page> AncestorPagesOfPage(Page root)
+ {
+ var result = new List<Page>();
+ if (root == null)
+ return result;
+ if (root is IPageContainer<Page>)
+ {
+ var navPage = (IPageContainer<Page>)root;
+ result.AddRange(AncestorPagesOfPage(navPage.CurrentPage));
+ }
+ else if (root is MasterDetailPage)
+ result.AddRange(AncestorPagesOfPage(((MasterDetailPage)root).Detail));
+ else
+ {
+ foreach (Page page in root.InternalChildren.OfType<Page>())
+ result.AddRange(AncestorPagesOfPage(page));
+ }
+ result.Add(root);
+ return result;
+ }
+ void ClearMasterDetailToggle()
+ {
+ if (MasterDetailPageToggle == null)
+ return;
+ MasterDetailPageToggle.DrawerIndicatorEnabled = false;
+ MasterDetailPageToggle.SyncState();
+ MasterDetailPageToggle.Dispose();
+ MasterDetailPageToggle = null;
+ }
+ void CurrentNavigationPageOnPopped(object sender, NavigationEventArgs eventArg)
+ {
+ UpdateNavigationTitleBar();
+ }
+ void CurrentNavigationPageOnPoppedToRoot(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
+ {
+ UpdateNavigationTitleBar();
+ }
+ void CurrentNavigationPageOnPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (e.PropertyName == NavigationPage.TintProperty.PropertyName)
+ UpdateActionBarBackgroundColor();
+ else if (e.PropertyName == NavigationPage.BarBackgroundColorProperty.PropertyName)
+ UpdateActionBarBackgroundColor();
+ else if (e.PropertyName == NavigationPage.BarTextColorProperty.PropertyName)
+ {
+ UpdateActionBarTextColor();
+ UpdateActionBarUpImageColor();
+ }
+ else if (e.PropertyName == NavigationPage.CurrentPageProperty.PropertyName)
+ RegisterNavPageCurrent(CurrentNavigationPage.CurrentPage);
+ }
+ void CurrentNavigationPageOnPushed(object sender, NavigationEventArgs eventArg)
+ {
+ UpdateNavigationTitleBar();
+ }
+ void CurrentTabbedPageChildrenChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (CurrentTabbedPage == null)
+ return;
+ _ignoreAndroidSelection = true;
+ e.Apply((o, index, create) => AddTab((Page)o, index), (o, index) => RemoveTab((Page)o, index), Reset);
+ if (CurrentTabbedPage.CurrentPage != null)
+ {
+ Page page = CurrentTabbedPage.CurrentPage;
+ int index = TabbedPage.GetIndex(page);
+ if (index >= 0 && index < CurrentTabbedPage.Children.Count)
+ ActionBar.GetTabAt(index).Select();
+ }
+ _ignoreAndroidSelection = false;
+ }
+ void CurrentTabbedPageOnPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (e.PropertyName != "CurrentPage")
+ return;
+ UpdateActionBar();
+ // If we switch tabs while pushing a new page, UpdateActionBar() can set currentTabbedPage to null
+ if (_currentTabbedPage == null)
+ return;
+ NavAnimationInProgress = true;
+ Page page = _currentTabbedPage.CurrentPage;
+ if (page == null)
+ {
+ ActionBar.SelectTab(null);
+ NavAnimationInProgress = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ int index = TabbedPage.GetIndex(page);
+ if (ActionBar.SelectedNavigationIndex == index || index >= ActionBar.NavigationItemCount)
+ {
+ NavAnimationInProgress = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ ActionBar.SelectTab(ActionBar.GetTabAt(index));
+ NavAnimationInProgress = false;
+ }
+ Drawable GetActionBarBackgroundDrawable()
+ {
+ int[] backgroundDataArray = { global::Android.Resource.Attribute.Background };
+ using(var outVal = new TypedValue())
+ {
+ _context.Theme.ResolveAttribute(global::Android.Resource.Attribute.ActionBarStyle, outVal, true);
+ TypedArray actionBarStyle = _context.Theme.ObtainStyledAttributes(outVal.ResourceId, backgroundDataArray);
+ Drawable result = actionBarStyle.GetDrawable(0);
+ actionBarStyle.Recycle();
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ void GetNewMasterDetailToggle()
+ {
+ int icon = ResourceManager.GetDrawableByName(CurrentMasterDetailPage.Master.Icon);
+ var drawer = GetRenderer(CurrentMasterDetailPage) as MasterDetailRenderer;
+ if (drawer == null)
+ return;
+ MasterDetailPageToggle = new ActionBarDrawerToggle(_context as Activity, drawer, icon, 0, 0);
+ MasterDetailPageToggle.SyncState();
+ }
+ bool HandleBackPressed(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (NavAnimationInProgress)
+ return true;
+ Page root = _navModel.Roots.Last();
+ bool handled = root.SendBackButtonPressed();
+ return handled;
+ }
+ void HandleToolbarItemPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (e.PropertyName == MenuItem.IsEnabledProperty.PropertyName)
+ (_context as Activity).InvalidateOptionsMenu();
+ else if (e.PropertyName == MenuItem.TextProperty.PropertyName)
+ (_context as Activity).InvalidateOptionsMenu();
+ else if (e.PropertyName == MenuItem.IconProperty.PropertyName)
+ (_context as Activity).InvalidateOptionsMenu();
+ }
+ void HideActionBar()
+ {
+ ReloadToolbarItems();
+ UpdateActionBarHomeAsUp(ActionBar);
+ ActionBar.Hide();
+ }
+ void NavigationPageCurrentPageOnPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (e.PropertyName == NavigationPage.HasNavigationBarProperty.PropertyName)
+ UpdateActionBar();
+ else if (e.PropertyName == Page.TitleProperty.PropertyName)
+ UpdateActionBarTitle();
+ }
+ void PagePropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs args)
+ {
+ if (args.PropertyName == Page.TitleProperty.PropertyName)
+ {
+ ActionBar actionBar = ((Activity)_context).ActionBar;
+ TabbedPage currentTabs = CurrentTabbedPage;
+ if (currentTabs == null || actionBar.TabCount == 0)
+ return;
+ var page = sender as Page;
+ ActionBar.Tab atab = actionBar.GetTabAt(currentTabs.Children.IndexOf(page));
+ atab.SetText(page.Title);
+ }
+ }
+ Task PresentModal(Page modal, bool animated)
+ {
+ IVisualElementRenderer modalRenderer = GetRenderer(modal);
+ if (modalRenderer == null)
+ {
+ SetPageContext(modal, _context);
+ modalRenderer = CreateRenderer(modal);
+ SetRenderer(modal, modalRenderer);
+ if (modal.BackgroundColor == Color.Default && modal.BackgroundImage == null)
+ modalRenderer.ViewGroup.SetWindowBackground();
+ }
+ modalRenderer.Element.Layout(new Rectangle(0, 0, _context.FromPixels(_renderer.Width), _context.FromPixels(_renderer.Height)));
+ _renderer.AddView(modalRenderer.ViewGroup);
+ var source = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
+ NavAnimationInProgress = true;
+ if (animated)
+ {
+ modalRenderer.ViewGroup.Alpha = 0;
+ modalRenderer.ViewGroup.ScaleX = 0.8f;
+ modalRenderer.ViewGroup.ScaleY = 0.8f;
+ modalRenderer.ViewGroup.Animate().Alpha(1).ScaleX(1).ScaleY(1).SetDuration(250).SetListener(new GenericAnimatorListener
+ {
+ OnEnd = a =>
+ {
+ source.TrySetResult(false);
+ NavAnimationInProgress = false;
+ },
+ OnCancel = a =>
+ {
+ source.TrySetResult(true);
+ NavAnimationInProgress = false;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NavAnimationInProgress = false;
+ source.TrySetResult(true);
+ }
+ return source.Task;
+ }
+ void RegisterNavPageCurrent(Page page)
+ {
+ if (_navigationPageCurrentPage != null)
+ _navigationPageCurrentPage.PropertyChanged -= NavigationPageCurrentPageOnPropertyChanged;
+ _navigationPageCurrentPage = page;
+ if (_navigationPageCurrentPage != null)
+ _navigationPageCurrentPage.PropertyChanged += NavigationPageCurrentPageOnPropertyChanged;
+ }
+ void ReloadToolbarItems()
+ {
+ var activity = (Activity)_context;
+ activity.InvalidateOptionsMenu();
+ }
+ void RemoveTab(Page page, int index)
+ {
+ ActionBar actionBar = ((Activity)_context).ActionBar;
+ page.PropertyChanged -= PagePropertyChanged;
+ actionBar.RemoveTabAt(index);
+ }
+ void Reset()
+ {
+ ActionBar.RemoveAllTabs();
+ if (CurrentTabbedPage == null)
+ return;
+ var i = 0;
+ foreach (Page tab in CurrentTabbedPage.Children.OfType<Page>())
+ {
+ ActionBar.Tab realTab = AddTab(tab, i++);
+ if (tab == CurrentTabbedPage.CurrentPage)
+ realTab.Select();
+ }
+ }
+ void SetActionBarTextColor()
+ {
+ Color navigationBarTextColor = CurrentNavigationPage == null ? Color.Default : CurrentNavigationPage.BarTextColor;
+ TextView actionBarTitleTextView = null;
+ int actionBarTitleId = _context.Resources.GetIdentifier("action_bar_title", "id", "android");
+ if (actionBarTitleId > 0)
+ actionBarTitleTextView = ((Activity)_context).FindViewById<TextView>(actionBarTitleId);
+ if (actionBarTitleTextView != null && navigationBarTextColor != Color.Default)
+ actionBarTitleTextView.SetTextColor(navigationBarTextColor.ToAndroid());
+ else if (actionBarTitleTextView != null && navigationBarTextColor == Color.Default)
+ actionBarTitleTextView.SetTextColor(_defaultActionBarTitleTextColor.ToAndroid());
+ }
+ Color SetDefaultActionBarTitleTextColor()
+ {
+ var defaultTitleTextColor = new Color();
+ TextView actionBarTitleTextView = null;
+ int actionBarTitleId = _context.Resources.GetIdentifier("action_bar_title", "id", "android");
+ if (actionBarTitleId > 0)
+ actionBarTitleTextView = ((Activity)_context).FindViewById<TextView>(actionBarTitleId);
+ if (actionBarTitleTextView != null)
+ {
+ ColorStateList defaultTitleColorList = actionBarTitleTextView.TextColors;
+ string defaultColorHex = defaultTitleColorList.DefaultColor.ToString("X");
+ defaultTitleTextColor = Color.FromHex(defaultColorHex);
+ }
+ return defaultTitleTextColor;
+ }
+ bool ShouldShowActionBarTitleArea()
+ {
+ if (Forms.TitleBarVisibility == AndroidTitleBarVisibility.Never)
+ return false;
+ bool hasMasterDetailPage = CurrentMasterDetailPage != null;
+ bool navigated = CurrentNavigationPage != null && CurrentNavigationPage.StackDepth > 1;
+ bool navigationPageHasNavigationBar = CurrentNavigationPage != null && NavigationPage.GetHasNavigationBar(CurrentNavigationPage.CurrentPage);
+ return navigationPageHasNavigationBar || (hasMasterDetailPage && !navigated);
+ }
+ bool ShouldUpdateActionBarUpColor()
+ {
+ bool hasMasterDetailPage = CurrentMasterDetailPage != null;
+ bool navigated = CurrentNavigationPage != null && CurrentNavigationPage.StackDepth > 1;
+ return (hasMasterDetailPage && navigated) || !hasMasterDetailPage;
+ }
+ void ShowActionBar()
+ {
+ ReloadToolbarItems();
+ UpdateActionBarHomeAsUp(ActionBar);
+ ActionBar.Show();
+ UpdateActionBarBackgroundColor();
+ UpdateActionBarTextColor();
+ }
+ void ToolbarTrackerOnCollectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
+ {
+ ReloadToolbarItems();
+ }
+ bool UpButtonShouldNavigate()
+ {
+ if (CurrentNavigationPage == null)
+ return false;
+ bool pagePushed = CurrentNavigationPage.StackDepth > 1;
+ bool pushedPageHasBackButton = NavigationPage.GetHasBackButton(CurrentNavigationPage.CurrentPage);
+ return pagePushed && pushedPageHasBackButton;
+ }
+ void UpdateActionBarHomeAsUp(ActionBar actionBar)
+ {
+ bool showHomeAsUp = ShouldShowActionBarTitleArea() && (CurrentMasterDetailPage != null || UpButtonShouldNavigate());
+ actionBar.SetDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(showHomeAsUp);
+ }
+ void UpdateActionBarTitle()
+ {
+ Page view = null;
+ if (CurrentNavigationPage != null)
+ view = CurrentNavigationPage.CurrentPage;
+ else if (CurrentTabbedPage != null)
+ view = CurrentTabbedPage.CurrentPage;
+ if (view == null)
+ return;
+ ActionBar actionBar = ((Activity)_context).ActionBar;
+ var useLogo = false;
+ var showHome = false;
+ var showTitle = false;
+ if (ShouldShowActionBarTitleArea())
+ {
+ actionBar.Title = view.Title;
+ FileImageSource titleIcon = NavigationPage.GetTitleIcon(view);
+ if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(titleIcon))
+ {
+ actionBar.SetLogo(_context.Resources.GetDrawable(titleIcon));
+ useLogo = true;
+ showHome = true;
+ showTitle = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ showHome = true;
+ showTitle = true;
+ }
+ }
+ ActionBarDisplayOptions options = 0;
+ if (useLogo)
+ options = options | ActionBarDisplayOptions.UseLogo;
+ if (showHome)
+ options = options | ActionBarDisplayOptions.ShowHome;
+ if (showTitle)
+ options = options | ActionBarDisplayOptions.ShowTitle;
+ actionBar.SetDisplayOptions(options, ActionBarDisplayOptions.UseLogo | ActionBarDisplayOptions.ShowTitle | ActionBarDisplayOptions.ShowHome);
+ UpdateActionBarHomeAsUp(actionBar);
+ }
+ void UpdateActionBarUpImageColor()
+ {
+ Color navigationBarTextColor = CurrentNavigationPage == null ? Color.Default : CurrentNavigationPage.BarTextColor;
+ ImageView actionBarUpImageView = null;
+ int actionBarUpId = _context.Resources.GetIdentifier("up", "id", "android");
+ if (actionBarUpId > 0)
+ actionBarUpImageView = ((Activity)_context).FindViewById<ImageView>(actionBarUpId);
+ if (actionBarUpImageView != null && navigationBarTextColor != Color.Default)
+ {
+ if (ShouldUpdateActionBarUpColor())
+ actionBarUpImageView.SetColorFilter(navigationBarTextColor.ToAndroid(), PorterDuff.Mode.SrcIn);
+ else
+ actionBarUpImageView.SetColorFilter(null);
+ }
+ else if (actionBarUpImageView != null && navigationBarTextColor == Color.Default)
+ actionBarUpImageView.SetColorFilter(null);
+ }
+ static void UpdateGlobalContext(VisualElement view)
+ {
+ Element parent = view;
+ while (!Application.IsApplicationOrNull(parent.RealParent))
+ parent = parent.RealParent;
+ var rootPage = parent as Page;
+ if (rootPage != null)
+ {
+ Context context = GetPageContext(rootPage);
+ if (context != null)
+ Forms.Context = context;
+ }
+ }
+ internal class DefaultRenderer : VisualElementRenderer<View>
+ {
+ }
+ #region IPlatformEngine implementation
+ void IPlatformLayout.OnLayout(bool changed, int l, int t, int r, int b)
+ {
+ if (changed)
+ {
+ // ActionBar title text color resets on rotation, make sure to update
+ UpdateActionBarTextColor();
+ foreach (Page modal in _navModel.Roots.ToList())
+ modal.Layout(new Rectangle(0, 0, _context.FromPixels(r - l), _context.FromPixels(b - t)));
+ }
+ foreach (IVisualElementRenderer view in _navModel.Roots.Select(GetRenderer))
+ view.UpdateLayout();
+ }
+ SizeRequest IPlatform.GetNativeSize(VisualElement view, double widthConstraint, double heightConstraint)
+ {
+ Performance.Start();
+ // FIXME: potential crash
+ IVisualElementRenderer viewRenderer = GetRenderer(view);
+ // negative numbers have special meanings to android they don't to us
+ widthConstraint = widthConstraint <= -1 ? double.PositiveInfinity : _context.ToPixels(widthConstraint);
+ heightConstraint = heightConstraint <= -1 ? double.PositiveInfinity : _context.ToPixels(heightConstraint);
+ int width = !double.IsPositiveInfinity(widthConstraint)
+ ? MeasureSpecFactory.MakeMeasureSpec((int)widthConstraint, MeasureSpecMode.AtMost)
+ : MeasureSpecFactory.MakeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpecMode.Unspecified);
+ int height = !double.IsPositiveInfinity(heightConstraint)
+ ? MeasureSpecFactory.MakeMeasureSpec((int)heightConstraint, MeasureSpecMode.AtMost)
+ : MeasureSpecFactory.MakeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpecMode.Unspecified);
+ SizeRequest rawResult = viewRenderer.GetDesiredSize(width, height);
+ if (rawResult.Minimum == Size.Zero)
+ rawResult.Minimum = rawResult.Request;
+ var result = new SizeRequest(new Size(_context.FromPixels(rawResult.Request.Width), _context.FromPixels(rawResult.Request.Height)),
+ new Size(_context.FromPixels(rawResult.Minimum.Width), _context.FromPixels(rawResult.Minimum.Height)));
+ Performance.Stop();
+ return result;
+ }
+ bool _navAnimationInProgress;
+ internal bool NavAnimationInProgress
+ {
+ get { return _navAnimationInProgress; }
+ set
+ {
+ if (_navAnimationInProgress == value)
+ return;
+ _navAnimationInProgress = value;
+ if (value)
+ MessagingCenter.Send(this, CloseContextActionsSignalName);
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file