path: root/Xamarin.Forms.Core.UnitTests/ViewUnitTests.cs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Xamarin.Forms.Core.UnitTests/ViewUnitTests.cs')
1 files changed, 868 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Xamarin.Forms.Core.UnitTests/ViewUnitTests.cs b/Xamarin.Forms.Core.UnitTests/ViewUnitTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..97700ca4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Xamarin.Forms.Core.UnitTests/ViewUnitTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,868 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Collections.Specialized;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using NUnit.Framework;
+namespace Xamarin.Forms.Core.UnitTests
+ [TestFixture]
+ public class ViewUnitTests : BaseTestFixture
+ {
+ [SetUp]
+ public override void Setup ()
+ {
+ base.Setup ();
+ Device.PlatformServices = new MockPlatformServices ();
+ }
+ [TearDown]
+ public override void TearDown ()
+ {
+ base.TearDown ();
+ Device.PlatformServices = null;
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestLayout ()
+ {
+ View view = new View ();
+ view.Layout (new Rectangle (50, 25, 100, 200));
+ Assert.AreEqual (view.X, 50);
+ Assert.AreEqual (view.Y, 25);
+ Assert.AreEqual (view.Width, 100);
+ Assert.AreEqual (view.Height, 200);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestPreferredSize ()
+ {
+ View view = new View {
+ IsPlatformEnabled = true,
+ Platform = new UnitPlatform ()
+ };
+ bool fired = false;
+ view.MeasureInvalidated += (sender, e) => fired = true;
+ view.WidthRequest = 200;
+ view.HeightRequest = 300;
+ Assert.True (fired);
+ var result = view.GetSizeRequest (double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity).Request;
+ Assert.AreEqual (new Size (200, 300), result);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestSizeChangedEvent ()
+ {
+ View view = new View ();
+ bool fired = false;
+ view.SizeChanged += (sender, e) => fired = true;
+ view.Layout (new Rectangle (0, 0, 100, 100));
+ Assert.True (fired);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestOpacityClamping ()
+ {
+ var view = new View ();
+ view.Opacity = -1;
+ Assert.AreEqual (0, view.Opacity);
+ view.Opacity = 2;
+ Assert.AreEqual (1, view.Opacity);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestMeasureInvalidatedFiredOnVisibilityChanged ()
+ {
+ var view = new View {IsVisible = false};
+ bool signaled = false;
+ view.MeasureInvalidated += (sender, e) => {
+ signaled = true;
+ };
+ view.IsVisible = true;
+ Assert.True (signaled);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestOnPlatformiOS ()
+ {
+ var view = new View ();
+ bool ios = false;
+ bool android = false;
+ bool winphone = false;
+ Device.OS = TargetPlatform.iOS;
+ Device.OnPlatform (
+ iOS: () => ios = true,
+ Android: () => android = true,
+ WinPhone: () => winphone = true);
+ Assert.True (ios);
+ Assert.False (android);
+ Assert.False (winphone);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestOnPlatformAndroid ()
+ {
+ var view = new View ();
+ bool ios = false;
+ bool android = false;
+ bool winphone = false;
+ Device.OS = TargetPlatform.Android;
+ Device.OnPlatform (
+ iOS: () => ios = true,
+ Android: () => android = true,
+ WinPhone: () => winphone = true);
+ Assert.False (ios);
+ Assert.True (android);
+ Assert.False (winphone);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestOnPlatformWinPhone ()
+ {
+ var view = new View ();
+ bool ios = false;
+ bool android = false;
+ bool winphone = false;
+ Device.OS = TargetPlatform.WinPhone;
+ Device.OnPlatform (
+ iOS: () => ios = true,
+ Android: () => android = true,
+ WinPhone: () => winphone = true);
+ Assert.False (ios);
+ Assert.False (android);
+ Assert.True (winphone);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestOnPlatformDefault ()
+ {
+ var view = new View ();
+ bool ios = false;
+ bool android = false;
+ Device.OS = TargetPlatform.Android;
+ Device.OnPlatform (
+ iOS: () => ios = false,
+ Default: () => android = true);
+ Assert.False (ios);
+ Assert.True (android);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestOnPlatformNoOpWithoutDefault ()
+ {
+ bool any = false;
+ Device.OS = TargetPlatform.Other;
+ Device.OnPlatform (
+ iOS: () => any = true,
+ Android: () => any = true,
+ WinPhone: () => any = true);
+ Assert.False (any);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestDefaultOniOS ()
+ {
+ bool defaultExecuted = false;
+ Device.OS = TargetPlatform.iOS;
+ Device.OnPlatform (
+ Android: () => { },
+ WinPhone: () => { },
+ Default:() => defaultExecuted = true);
+ Assert.True (defaultExecuted);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestDefaultOnAndroid ()
+ {
+ bool defaultExecuted = false;
+ Device.OS = TargetPlatform.Android;
+ Device.OnPlatform (
+ iOS: () => { },
+ WinPhone: () => { },
+ Default:() => defaultExecuted = true);
+ Assert.True (defaultExecuted);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestDefaultOnWinPhone ()
+ {
+ bool defaultExecuted = false;
+ Device.OS = TargetPlatform.WinPhone;
+ Device.OnPlatform (
+ iOS: () => { },
+ Android: () => { },
+ Default:() => defaultExecuted = true);
+ Assert.True (defaultExecuted);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestDefaultOnOther ()
+ {
+ bool defaultExecuted = false;
+ Device.OS = TargetPlatform.Other;
+ Device.OnPlatform (
+ iOS: () => { },
+ Android: () => { },
+ WinPhone: () => { },
+ Default:() => defaultExecuted = true);
+ Assert.True (defaultExecuted);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestNativeStateConsistent ()
+ {
+ var view = new View { IsPlatformEnabled = true };
+ Assert.True (view.IsNativeStateConsistent);
+ view.IsNativeStateConsistent = false;
+ Assert.False (view.IsNativeStateConsistent);
+ bool sizeChanged = false;
+ view.MeasureInvalidated += (sender, args) => {
+ sizeChanged = true;
+ };
+ view.IsNativeStateConsistent = true;
+ Assert.True (sizeChanged);
+ sizeChanged = false;
+ view.IsNativeStateConsistent = true;
+ Assert.False (sizeChanged);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestFadeTo ()
+ {
+ var view = new View {IsPlatformEnabled = true, Platform = new UnitPlatform ()};
+ Ticker.Default = new BlockingTicker ();
+ view.FadeTo (0.1);
+ Assert.True (Math.Abs (0.1 - view.Opacity) < 0.001);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestTranslateTo ()
+ {
+ var view = new View {IsPlatformEnabled = true, Platform = new UnitPlatform ()};
+ Ticker.Default = new BlockingTicker ();
+ view.TranslateTo (100, 50);
+ Assert.AreEqual (100, view.TranslationX);
+ Assert.AreEqual (50, view.TranslationY);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void ScaleTo ()
+ {
+ var view = new View {IsPlatformEnabled = true, Platform = new UnitPlatform ()};
+ Ticker.Default = new BlockingTicker ();
+ view.ScaleTo (2);
+ Assert.AreEqual (2, view.Scale);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestNativeSizeChanged ()
+ {
+ var view = new View ();
+ bool sizeChanged = false;
+ view.MeasureInvalidated += (sender, args) => sizeChanged = true;
+ ((IVisualElementController)view).NativeSizeChanged ();
+ Assert.True (sizeChanged);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestRotateTo ()
+ {
+ var view = new View {IsPlatformEnabled = true, Platform = new UnitPlatform ()};
+ Ticker.Default = new BlockingTicker ();
+ view.RotateTo (25);
+ Assert.That (view.Rotation, Is.EqualTo (25).Within (0.001));
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestRotateYTo ()
+ {
+ var view = new View {IsPlatformEnabled = true, Platform = new UnitPlatform ()};
+ Ticker.Default = new BlockingTicker ();
+ view.RotateYTo (25);
+ Assert.That (view.RotationY, Is.EqualTo (25).Within (0.001));
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestRotateXTo ()
+ {
+ var view = new View {IsPlatformEnabled = true, Platform = new UnitPlatform ()};
+ Ticker.Default = new BlockingTicker ();
+ view.RotateXTo (25);
+ Assert.That (view.RotationX, Is.EqualTo (25).Within (0.001));
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestRelRotateTo ()
+ {
+ var view = new View {Rotation = 30, IsPlatformEnabled = true, Platform = new UnitPlatform ()};
+ Ticker.Default = new BlockingTicker ();
+ view.RelRotateTo (20);
+ Assert.That (view.Rotation, Is.EqualTo (50).Within (0.001));
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestRelScaleTo ()
+ {
+ var view = new View {Scale = 1, IsPlatformEnabled = true, Platform = new UnitPlatform ()};
+ Ticker.Default = new BlockingTicker ();
+ view.RelScaleTo (1);
+ Assert.That (view.Scale, Is.EqualTo (2).Within (0.001));
+ }
+ class ParentSignalView : View
+ {
+ public bool ParentSet { get; set; }
+ protected override void OnParentSet ()
+ {
+ ParentSet = true;
+ base.OnParentSet ();
+ }
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestDoubleSetParent ()
+ {
+ var view = new ParentSignalView ();
+ var parent = new NaiveLayout {Children = {view}};
+ view.ParentSet = false;
+ view.Parent = parent;
+ Assert.False (view.ParentSet, "OnParentSet should not be called in the event the parent is already properly set");
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestAncestorAdded ()
+ {
+ var child = new NaiveLayout ();
+ var view = new NaiveLayout {Children = {child}};
+ bool added = false;
+ view.DescendantAdded += (sender, arg) => added = true;
+ child.Children.Add (new View ());
+ Assert.True (added, "AncestorAdded must fire when adding a child to an ancestor of a view.");
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestAncestorRemoved ()
+ {
+ var ancestor = new View ();
+ var child = new NaiveLayout {Children = {ancestor}};
+ var view = new NaiveLayout {Children = {child}};
+ bool removed = false;
+ view.DescendantRemoved += (sender, arg) => removed = true;
+ child.Children.Remove (ancestor);
+ Assert.True (removed, "AncestorRemoved must fire when removing a child from an ancestor of a view.");
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestOnPlatformGeneric ()
+ {
+ Device.OS = TargetPlatform.WinPhone;
+ Assert.AreEqual (3, Device.OnPlatform (1, 2, 3));
+ Device.OS = TargetPlatform.iOS;
+ Assert.AreEqual (1, Device.OnPlatform (1, 2, 3));
+ Device.OS = TargetPlatform.Android;
+ Assert.AreEqual (2, Device.OnPlatform (1, 2, 3));
+ Device.OS = TargetPlatform.Other;
+ Assert.AreEqual (1, Device.OnPlatform (1, 2, 3));
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestBatching ()
+ {
+ var view = new View ();
+ bool committed = false;
+ view.BatchCommitted += (sender, arg) => committed = true;
+ view.BatchBegin ();
+ Assert.True (view.Batched);
+ view.BatchBegin ();
+ Assert.True (view.Batched);
+ view.BatchCommit ();
+ Assert.True (view.Batched);
+ Assert.False (committed);
+ view.BatchCommit ();
+ Assert.False (view.Batched);
+ Assert.True (committed);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void IsPlatformEnabled ()
+ {
+ var view = new View ();
+ Assert.False (view.IsPlatformEnabled);
+ view.IsPlatformEnabled = true;
+ Assert.True (view.IsPlatformEnabled);
+ view.IsPlatformEnabled = false;
+ Assert.False (view.IsPlatformEnabled);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestBindingContextChaining ()
+ {
+ View child;
+ var group = new NaiveLayout {
+ Children = { (child = new View ()) }
+ };
+ var context = new object ();
+ group.BindingContext = context;
+ Assert.AreEqual (context, child.BindingContext);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void FocusWithoutSubscriber ()
+ {
+ var view = new View ();
+ Assert.False (view.Focus ());
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void FocusWithSubscriber ([Values(true, false)] bool result)
+ {
+ var view = new View ();
+ view.FocusChangeRequested += (sender, arg) => arg.Result = result;
+ Assert.True (view.Focus () == result);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void DoNotSignalWhenAlreadyFocused ()
+ {
+ var view = new View ();
+ view.SetValueCore (VisualElement.IsFocusedPropertyKey, true);
+ bool signaled = false;
+ view.FocusChangeRequested += (sender, args) => signaled = true;
+ Assert.True (view.Focus (), "View.Focus returned false");
+ Assert.False (signaled, "FocusRequested was raised");
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void UnFocus ()
+ {
+ var view = new View ();
+ view.SetValueCore (VisualElement.IsFocusedPropertyKey, true);
+ var requested = false;
+ view.FocusChangeRequested += (sender, args) => {
+ requested = !args.Focus;
+ };
+ view.Unfocus ();
+ Assert.True (requested);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void UnFocusDoesNotFireWhenNotFocused ()
+ {
+ var view = new View ();
+ view.SetValueCore (VisualElement.IsFocusedPropertyKey, false);
+ var requested = false;
+ view.FocusChangeRequested += (sender, args) => {
+ requested = args.Focus;
+ };
+ view.Unfocus ();
+ Assert.False (requested);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void PlatformSet ()
+ {
+ var view = new View ();
+ bool set = false;
+ view.PlatformSet += (sender, args) => set = true;
+ view.Platform = new UnitPlatform ();
+ Assert.True (set);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestFocusedEvent ()
+ {
+ var view = new View ();
+ bool fired = false;
+ view.Focused += (sender, args) => fired = true;
+ view.SetValueCore (VisualElement.IsFocusedPropertyKey, true);
+ Assert.True (fired);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestUnFocusedEvent ()
+ {
+ var view = new View ();
+ view.SetValueCore (VisualElement.IsFocusedPropertyKey, true);
+ bool fired = false;
+ view.Unfocused += (sender, args) => fired = true;
+ view.SetValueCore (VisualElement.IsFocusedPropertyKey, false);
+ Assert.True (fired);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestBeginInvokeOnMainThread ()
+ {
+ Device.PlatformServices = new MockPlatformServices (invokeOnMainThread: action => action ());
+ bool invoked = false;
+ Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread (() => invoked = true);
+ Assert.True (invoked);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void InvokeOnMainThreadThrowsWhenNull ()
+ {
+ Device.PlatformServices = null;
+ Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread (() => { }));
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestOpenUriAction ()
+ {
+ var uri = new Uri ("");
+ var invoked = false;
+ Device.PlatformServices = new MockPlatformServices (openUriAction: u => {
+ Assert.AreSame (uri, u);
+ invoked = true;
+ });
+ Device.OpenUri (uri);
+ Assert.True (invoked);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void OpenUriThrowsWhenNull ()
+ {
+ Device.PlatformServices = null;
+ var uri = new Uri ("");
+ Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException> (() => Device.OpenUri (uri));
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void MinimumWidthRequest ()
+ {
+ var view = new View ();
+ bool signaled = false;
+ view.MeasureInvalidated += (sender, args) => signaled = true;
+ view.MinimumWidthRequest = 10;
+ Assert.True (signaled);
+ Assert.AreEqual (10, view.MinimumWidthRequest);
+ signaled = false;
+ view.MinimumWidthRequest = 10;
+ Assert.False (signaled);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void MinimumHeightRequest ()
+ {
+ var view = new View ();
+ bool signaled = false;
+ view.MeasureInvalidated += (sender, args) => signaled = true;
+ view.MinimumHeightRequest = 10;
+ Assert.True (signaled);
+ Assert.AreEqual (10, view.MinimumHeightRequest);
+ signaled = false;
+ view.MinimumHeightRequest = 10;
+ Assert.False (signaled);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void MinimumWidthRequestInSizeRequest ()
+ {
+ var view = new View {
+ Platform = new UnitPlatform (),
+ IsPlatformEnabled = true
+ };
+ view.HeightRequest = 20;
+ view.WidthRequest = 200;
+ view.MinimumWidthRequest = 100;
+ var result = view.GetSizeRequest (double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity);
+ Assert.AreEqual (new Size (200, 20), result.Request);
+ Assert.AreEqual (new Size (100, 20), result.Minimum);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void MinimumHeightRequestInSizeRequest ()
+ {
+ var view = new View {
+ Platform = new UnitPlatform (),
+ IsPlatformEnabled = true
+ };
+ view.HeightRequest = 200;
+ view.WidthRequest = 20;
+ view.MinimumHeightRequest = 100;
+ var result = view.GetSizeRequest (double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity);
+ Assert.AreEqual (new Size (20, 200), result.Request);
+ Assert.AreEqual (new Size (20, 100), result.Minimum);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void StartTimerSimple ()
+ {
+ Device.PlatformServices = new MockPlatformServices ();
+ var task = new TaskCompletionSource<bool> ();
+ Task.Factory.StartNew (() => Device.StartTimer (TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (200), () => {
+ task.SetResult (false);
+ return false;
+ }));
+ task.Task.Wait ();
+ Assert.False (task.Task.Result);
+ Device.PlatformServices = null;
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void StartTimerMultiple ()
+ {
+ Device.PlatformServices = new MockPlatformServices ();
+ var task = new TaskCompletionSource<int> ();
+ int steps = 0;
+ Task.Factory.StartNew (() => Device.StartTimer (TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (200), () => {
+ steps++;
+ if (steps < 2)
+ return true;
+ task.SetResult (steps);
+ return false;
+ }));
+ task.Task.Wait ();
+ Assert.AreEqual (2, task.Task.Result);
+ Device.PlatformServices = null;
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void BindingsApplyAfterViewAddedToParentWithContextSet()
+ {
+ var parent = new NaiveLayout();
+ parent.BindingContext = new MockViewModel { Text = "test" };
+ var child = new Entry();
+ child.SetBinding (Entry.TextProperty, new Binding ("Text"));
+ parent.Children.Add (child);
+ Assert.That (child.BindingContext, Is.SameAs (parent.BindingContext));
+ Assert.That (child.Text, Is.EqualTo ("test"));
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void IdIsUnique ()
+ {
+ var view1 = new View ();
+ var view2 = new View ();
+ Assert.True (view1.Id != view2.Id);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void MockBounds ()
+ {
+ var view = new View ();
+ view.Layout (new Rectangle (10, 20, 30, 40));
+ bool changed = false;
+ view.PropertyChanged += (sender, args) => {
+ if (args.PropertyName == View.XProperty.PropertyName ||
+ args.PropertyName == View.YProperty.PropertyName ||
+ args.PropertyName == View.WidthProperty.PropertyName ||
+ args.PropertyName == View.HeightProperty.PropertyName)
+ changed = true;
+ };
+ view.SizeChanged += (sender, args) => changed = true;
+ view.MockBounds (new Rectangle (5, 10, 15, 20));
+ Assert.AreEqual (new Rectangle (5, 10, 15, 20), view.Bounds);
+ Assert.False (changed);
+ view.UnmockBounds ();
+ Assert.AreEqual (new Rectangle (10, 20, 30, 40), view.Bounds);
+ Assert.False (changed);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void AddGestureRecognizer ()
+ {
+ var view = new View ();
+ var gestureRecognizer = new TapGestureRecognizer ();
+ view.GestureRecognizers.Add (gestureRecognizer);
+ Assert.True (view.GestureRecognizers.Contains (gestureRecognizer));
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void AddGestureRecognizerSetsParent ()
+ {
+ var view = new View ();
+ var gestureRecognizer = new TapGestureRecognizer ();
+ view.GestureRecognizers.Add (gestureRecognizer);
+ Assert.AreEqual (view, gestureRecognizer.Parent);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void RemoveGestureRecognizerUnsetsParent ()
+ {
+ var view = new View ();
+ var gestureRecognizer = new TapGestureRecognizer ();
+ view.GestureRecognizers.Add (gestureRecognizer);
+ view.GestureRecognizers.Remove (gestureRecognizer);
+ Assert.Null (gestureRecognizer.Parent);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void WidthRequestEffectsGetSizeRequest ()
+ {
+ var view = new View ();
+ view.IsPlatformEnabled = true;
+ view.Platform = new UnitPlatform ((ve, widthConstraint, heightConstraint) => {
+ if (widthConstraint < 30)
+ return new SizeRequest (new Size (40, 50));
+ return new SizeRequest(new Size(20, 100));
+ });
+ view.WidthRequest = 20;
+ var request = view.GetSizeRequest (double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity);
+ Assert.AreEqual (new Size (20, 50), request.Request);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void HeightRequestEffectsGetSizeRequest ()
+ {
+ var view = new View ();
+ view.IsPlatformEnabled = true;
+ view.Platform = new UnitPlatform ((ve, widthConstraint, heightConstraint) => {
+ if (heightConstraint < 30)
+ return new SizeRequest (new Size (40, 50));
+ return new SizeRequest(new Size(20, 100));
+ });
+ view.HeightRequest = 20;
+ var request = view.GetSizeRequest (double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity);
+ Assert.AreEqual (new Size (40, 20), request.Request);
+ }
+ }